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Guest ranster627

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April outside telling everyone how she fell off a horse when she was little and she has a bone that sticks out and she is getting everyone to touch it and Jenny asks can you wag it...

(LOL That was tooooooo funny...)

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Guest raceingal11

most of the house is up and going for the day - some by and in the pool, milling around the house, or sitting at the smoking table. Mike and Janelle are still asleep, while Kasar works at the safes more.

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April says her tailbone is crooked(or has a bump) because she fell off a horse... she wants Beau to feel it, but he refuses... April gets Ivette and Sarah to feel it and they squel... Beau is willing for her to show it to her, but he doesn't want to feel it....

James is in bedroom with Magge, Rachel, Howie... James says he should have said he was gay when others were questioning him about it the first few days [not sure if he's saying this because of the game strategy he would played with it, or to take advantage of the women, which of course would just be talk to bond with Howie since he wouldn't do it for that reason since Sarah is in the house with him)

Jennifer came outside and April got her to feel the crooked tailbone also...

evidently it sticks out... telling them it's not a foriegn object... it's just that it is shifted more to the right than the left because of the horse fall... Jennifer asks if she can wag it... April says she's making it sound like a little tail, like a pinkie she can wiggle...


Howie has gone back into the gold room, looking down at Jan laying in bed with Mike, starts going into Howie-mode talking to Jan/about Jan and

for Jan about himself

Howie is back in bedroom, continuing Howie-mode talking to Rachel/about Rachel now [he really never stops, does he? lol]


Sarah, Ivette, James poolside

Howie, Beau, Jennifer at patio table, April comes on in black bikini, talk turns to April's 'tail'


Rachel is doing leg exersize at the round table, Howie drops into Serious-Howie for a quick whisper of strategy with her... Jan walks in and Howie-mode is back... Jan calls him strange... thanks Jannie.. you're welcome Howie...

Kaysar is standing around in the bedroom silently looking around...

BB: Maggie, please center your microphone...

Howie: come on Maggie, do you need a refresher course?

Howie:(to Jan) ohhhhhh

Jan: you're strange... how did you get this way?

Howie: you know when you come to that point in your life, and you have to go down the right path... [lol]

she's laughing at him, so it's full speed ahead Howie-mode...

Howie: your only weakness is that you... aren't on my shoulder...

(after listing almost all her body parts as being nice) if only you were shorter and younger..


Howie and Jan seem to have a 'thing' going... Howie says 'what up Michael what up Jannie what up Kaaaysar' (and Jan joins him in saying Kaaaysar)

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James flipped Sarah off the raft in the pool and Sarah went back at him and went under the water to grab his ankles and April says Pull em down Sarah let the sanke out in the water where it belongs... Sarah ignored her....

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Rachel, Howie played the deception card for Kaysar in the kitchen, with Rachel asking Howie if he was going to put the older women on the block if he won HOH...

Howie said anyone that wouldn't put out for him... put out or shut up... skin to win... [was funnier, realizing Howie and Rachel are a team]

talk of shoes worn during workouts... Howie only wears the BB approved shoes


Howie, Kaysar in the kitchen eating

Beau, Jennifer doing a stretch/workout/or dance routine for the others outside

Kaysar asked Howie if he is good looking, and Howie starts listing Kaysar's good looking body parts [without seeing who he is talking to, Howie could just as easily be listing Jannie's qualities]


James flipped Sarah off the raft, she went underwater and pulled his legs up out of the water... Ivette was egging Sarah on to grab his trunks

Kaysar, Rachel, and Maggie are in the workout room

James, Sarah, Ivette, April poolside

Beau, Jennifer still doing aerobics on the patio[sound of Rachel on walker was matching aerobics, for a second I thought they had music playing to keep time]

[James reminds others of his POV win over Michael ?]:you want to talk about owing... 13 seconds...


[either they aren't saying anything interesting, or I'm focused on working... I'm not hearing anything other than routine conversation, and sounds of treadmill now thanks to Kaysar]

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Guest okw fan

12:47 pm BBT

Kay, Janelle and Maggie in work out room

Sara, James, Ivette, April and Rachel by pool, chatting. Talking about a deli and Ivette started to say where it was and feeds went to fish . Back quickly. Jenn into workout room saying how she and Beau just finished a dancing to the oldies set and had a ball.

In the pool talking about lap dances and Ivette goes over to James who is in the pool and does a quick dance, while Sara is watching. James is saying that no matter how erotic the dance is, its all mind over matter.

Eric coming out of HOH room, saying he was up at 6:45 am and that he took a nap. Looks like he is going to do laundry.

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Guest okw fan

Eric just yelled to BB that he has maximum sperm buildup, at a dangerous level. Jokingly asked BB to have Julie, his wife, come in for a conjugal visit. Howie says he isn't sure Julie isn't in the house as there are no pictures of her. Eric said if Julie was in the house, there would be a hole in the wall!!

Eric, James and Ivette in kitchen. James said its been a month since he last had sex. Ivette is definitely flirting with James.

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Kaysar finishes his workout, Maggie reminds him to wipe down the machine from his sweat

Jennifer comes in, says her and Beau were singing the same song in their heads, so they were staying together

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The boys are talking about baseball in the kitchen.... (Howie, James, ERic)

Kaysar and almost all of the girls in pool or tanning....

IVette: that was a good lunch

Maggie: JEnn are you getting a towel?

Ivette: the boys are ranting and raving about baseball and money...

Ivette: okay, I'm a little off schedule here.

Sarah: what time is it?

Ivette: do you think i'll get as good of a tan as on the hammock?


Sarah: I don't think I'm going to nap today.

Ivette: What? What? What?

Sarah: I only slept...

IVette: What? What? What?

What is this timer they are talking about?

All want to "cook" and tan....

Um... side note.... this is kind of hard to do.

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Ivette: We should live by that motto here: "don't hate the player, hate the game"

Don't player hate girls, don't player hate.

April: God I can't remember what kind I have.... (talking about sorority secrets)

Jenn: I technically couldn't allow you to wear my sorority shirt

April: Jennifer and I haven't talked about it, but how they initiated her might be different from how they

initiated me.... it's different at different schools

(I guess it came out that they were in the same sorority!)

Ivette: (talking about friend) she would get drunk and tell her sorority secrets

enter HOwie: Thank you America, God, BB... look at my life.

Ivette: how did you spend the summer of 2006... oh sorrry, 20oo5 HOwie?

Howie: It has risen to all kinds of levels.. uh..

Ivette/April: YOu choked AGAIN! How are you going to be a meteorologist?

HOwie: As long as I get the weather right....

Now he's talking about boobies... and the sun...

"I can see boobies as far as the eye can see... and now I"m happy again. It's angelic. It's great"

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Sarah: Why are we going inside? Especially when the sun's so pretty. I'm very unhappy with you

guys right now.

James, Bo, Eric, Janelle, Howie in workout room

Mike's still sleeping....

Eric: You didn't wear him out in there, did you Janey? Did you Janey?

Janelle: No~ we had a barrier!

James: Stop! Bo's touching me in a way that make me feel.... ew, gay sweat. (said jokingly)

Bo: shut the f**k up, bitch.

James: Bo, you're my favorite person in the whole world

Bo: SUre

James: Okay, second.

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Guest somniac_mommy

Camera kept zooming in on Kaysar and then back to the right side of the map on the wall. Did it three (maybe four) times. Think its a hint??

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James thinks that chicken of the sea tastes too fishy.

Sarah: I don't know about you, but i won't be eating poi for a while

Someone (maybe april) you didn't eat it before

Rachel thinks they are locked in because they are fixing a door.... lots of people

in the HOH room. I see James, Eric, Rachel, Sarah, April... I think that's it.

Talking about dinner... Eric is going to make pork chops

Eric: I wish we had some wine... even some cooking wine would be good.

talking about wierd dreams...

James: I had a dream that I was on the shitter and there were four camera eyes on me

Sarah: No, that was this morning.

James: then my ex girlfriend showed up

Eric: asking about longest relationship James has been in, James says 2 1/2 years when he was (19?)

(Hard to keep up...)

Sarah looks sad.... or in deep thought

looking down and not responding to anything anyone is saying.

BB is fixing the sliding door/handle to the outside door.

Sarah is annoyed that they didn't lock them outside. Everyone is saying "no, no.. they couldn't

do that."

James is making fun of Sarah for a noise she makes in response to Eric and others saying no

(Either a sound or some kind of rude gesture she made)

Eric: Nice. I see how you respect your elders.

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Still indoor lockdown

Gold Room: Maggie, Janelle, Mike, Howie, Bo, Jenn

Talking about colors of something.... clothing I think and how it looks.

Screaming: Ow.. Let us out of here.

Kaysar: they want 13 people in one room for a while

to fix a sliding door they need access to both sides.

HOwie: Jenn, do you have artificial devices for pleasuring yourself?

He then goes on to ask Janelle the same questions... both say no.

Maggie and Bo are talking about how long their parents have been together.

Howie: Janey, do you pleasure yourself with your panties on or off.



Janelle: Leave me alone.

He asks Jenn the same... Maggie just raises her eyebrows.

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James and Eric talk about the fight again and how it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't put Mike up and how Eric stuck his neck out on that one and how Kaysar is next and then they will get Janelle...

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Eric & James talking to female HG (Jenny?) about her hives. Eric tells her she might want the medic to take a look because they could get worse.

James telling story about how when he was little he twisted his ankle and his parents wouldn't let him use crutches and he had to use a cane and he never forgot how embarrassing that was for him. Talking about how his dad liked macadamia nuts but they wouldn't buy them because they were too expensive. How his parents would take him to the toy store to look at toys, but they couldn't afford to buy anything. Talking about how he wants to set up investment accounts for his nieces so they can afford to go to college. Talking about how you need a "real" degree now, non-real degrees = communications, criminal justice, psychology, sociology, etc.

They're talking about the movie "Good Will Hunting." Idle chit chat.. James goes to the bathroom, Eric says he wants to "tend the sheep".

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Guest BigSister

Interesting...in the Gold Room now are: Mike, Jan, K, H, Jen, Mag and B...It apears that Mike moved one of the benches from the end of the bed in front of the safes.

They are talking about searching the house for clues to the safes...

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