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Guest ranster627

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Mike said Eric will use the others as puppets if any of them win HOH. So don't be fooled he tells Kaysar and Howie

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Guest Shockalot

Talking about the Eric incident.

April "Im surprised they let you off with a warning.. i mean.. you guys read the paperwork .."

James/Eric "There was no actual violence.. no actual punches were landed.. only Kaysar threw a bottle was the only actual thing"

April says "ya but still it..."

They reconfirm that Eric promised never to do it again and wont do it again.

[Ranster.. there are written rules its seems and April has read them]

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Mike tells Howie "you're the star of the show"

Howie "really?..thanks bro"

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Guest Shockalot

Whoooo Boy!

Kaysar, Howie and Mike in the Hottub exchanging stories of how they scored with chicks.

Howie recounts getting 17 year olds number after the girls mum gave it to him after seeing him flirt with her..

Mike counters with story of Dental receptionist setting him up with her daughter.

More chat about chicks they have 'done' and or could do etc.

Ok brace yourself....

Mike to Howie "So what are you taking.. is it Aldara?"

Howie "Oh.. well its Genital Herpes so ..."

Big Brother says something they think was 'Settle Down' or something like that. Stop talking.


Oh great.. Howie - Aldara Spokemodel LOL!

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Feeds are back Jenny April and Janelle smoking and with that I'm done for the night..night guys.

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Guest cdmon

janelle is putting some kind of food on the hg pic on the wall. well it looks like she did...i'm not sure

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Its 2:27 BBT and Ivette just came out and told April she has a girlfriend and that she is struggling in the house because people will say something to her about her "boyfriend" and she can't feel she can be completely honest. She especially felt that way when she found out that there was a "gay" man in the house. She is playing it off that she didn't know about Beau and didn't want to be pegged in the gay alliance.

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Guest cdmon

mike is in the gold room

kaysar and howie are sharing a bed

jan and mike are sharing a bed

mike...i need some more pillow

kaysar... i need them too.

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April said she feels so proud that Ivette told her. April says she will tell Ivette a story when she gets out that proves God put them there together, that Ivette felt she could come to her.

Ivette explains that she couldn't sleep tonight and has been uneasy because she's been listening to the others talk about their great relationships and she can't talk about hers.

Her girlfriend's name is Maggie and she is missing their anniversary and her birthday but she wanted to take this opportunity. Maggie has been very supportive.

April says she will keep her secret and this changes nothing about her feelings for Ivette.

Ivette has made it a point to be feminine to fight the stereotype, that not all lesbians are butch and nasty and truck drivers.

Ivette thought she would wait until it was the last six. She doesn't think Cappy would treat her different.

Ivette relates a few instances where hg Maggie said things that made her think maybe she (Maggie) saw through her.

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Ivette doesn't want the guys to think differently of her or get rid of her because of stupidity.

Ivette's Maggie is a Cuban with curly reddish gold hair and she is feminine also.

Their nickname for each other is Tushie and Tushie Pie, she is thin like April

She was her brother's "girlfriend" when they were younger. They met again when Ivette was 19 or 20 at a gay party. They got together last summer.

April says Howie would be in Howieland right now. April said she has had gay friends they are the funnest people.

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Guest Shockalot

2:20 BBT

Mike, Howie, Janelle in the kitchen.

Snacking, Mike being weird and annoying. hyperactive. acting like gorilla while Howie and Janelle just stare at it.

Giggling. Nothing being said really.

Now Mike and Janelle snogging a bit on the table. Very whispery tonight.

Janelle goes off somewhere (bed?)

Michael is primping and pruning himself, getting dressed up and then making fist pumps and 'victory' gestures at Howie and Kaysar before leaving the room.

All the while Ivette, April are outside at the smoking table having a big girl talk about men, dating etc, the game etc.

Ivette says she has a lot of straight guy friends.

She says girls end up not liking her.

Either because she is too trendy or their boyfriends make passes at her.

April tells Ivette "well you are a beautiful girl! omg"

Ok.. It seems that Ivette is coming out of the closet here as April is asking her "What is she like"

Ivette says 'Reddish hair, curly hair.. yes she is white..."

"You guys would love her.. she is thin and funny"

Ivette says they met when they were kids.. was her brothers little girlfriend and they met at figureskating.

Quite a story about how they met later after they were both gay for sometime and hooked up.

April says she wishes everyone knows about this because April has gay friends and they are the funnest people!

Quite a lot of details about every single step in every convo and meeting leading up to the time they hooked up and had 'amazzzzing sex'.

April is just so delighted and cant praise Ivette enough about how wonderful it is!

April says "If someone is gonna judge me.. i dont need you.. "

April just cant stop emphasiing how WONDdderful this is.. there are so many gay people and its wonderful .. April doesnt care!

Ivette is asking if April suspected.. No.. April never knew.

(but she thinks is wonderful)

April explains that men like women who take the backseat and dont like strong women.

(( How.. Howies Herpes and Ivettes Lezbo Outing tonight.. what a night!)

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Ivette is talking a mile a minute, telling April about how she and her girlfriend hooked up (She sounds relieved to talk about it).

April says everyone deserves to be happy.

Ivette has many, many plans

April saying the only one who should judge anyone is God, she is so happy for Ivette.

Ivette saying you would never would have assumed it though.

April: Well maybe no never

Ivette wanted to share because she wanted April and Cappy to share in her happiness at also having a great relationship.

(Ivette beams as she speaks about Maggie)

April thinks she should let everyone know.

Ivette felt bad because if she had won HOH she told the producers to not put a picture of Maggie in her basket.

Ivette feels because of Michael she cannot come out totally yet, though she doesn't want to hide Maggie, they have a beautiful relationship.

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April asks her would you rather leave the game being true to yourself and to your girlfriend.

Ivette says of course, but Maggie might prefer her to keep the secret so she won't be targeted. Ivette wishes she could get Maggie's advice.

Ivette is worried that the important people that she cares about in the game may hold it against her that she held the secret for so long.

Earlier today when others were making fun of Sarah's camel toe, Ivette had told her "Don't worry Sarah Beth I love your camel toe" (Doh!)

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Guest Shockalot

btw... as near as I can tell Michael is sleeping with Janelle (I think that is her under the covers??).. but sorry to report it appears they are sleeping sleeping.

To confuse us - Ivettes girlfriend is named 'Maggie'. Ivette calls her 'Tush'.

[For clarity purposes.. I will now refer to her GF as 'Tush' even if Ivette says Maggie...er... if that makes sense]

April assures Ivette that if the guys know about it - then Beau will be fine with it - "He will probably eat your ass out even more!"

Ivette was saying its wonderful and her Mum is so happy and loves Tush.. and Tush's Mum loves Ivette.. and everyone is SO happy about them being together.

April looks like she just got a major second-wind and is very animated into this convo (at 3:00 am BBT!)

April is reassuring Ivette that she can tell everyone and it wont bother anyone but if it does.. April will be right there and tell them "this is not right I wont be part of it"

April is telling her "You cant take this game or money to Heaven.. be true to yourself .. tell them! Be true.. dont betray yourself"

April assure Ivette she will 'have her back'.

(Sorry haha.. I cant type because Aprils INTENSE overexcited face is making me laugh and shake LOL!! She is SO delighted with this Juicy juicy secret she has with Ivette!! )

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April advising Ivette to come out, consequences be damned.

Ivette concerned about what hg Maggie will do with this information, neither April or Ivette trust her because she won't divulge any information and plays dumb.

They are mad that Maggie isn't shitting on Janelle like they are, won't talk about what she learns from Jennifer, Janelle, or Kaysar during their conversations. They feel hg Maggie is only in the group half way, selectively sharing information while asking them what is going on what happened.

April saying they should wait to approach this until three weeks later after they get rid of Kaysar and Janelle.

Ivette feels Cappy has earned the right to get information but what has hg Maggie brought to the group, that she is trying to hard to play it safe.

(April slipped in that Cappy is gloating a little too much!)

She tells Ivette to bring it up to Cappy, but not the whole group yet.

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Guest Shockalot

Ivette jokes about Julie (chen) and April wonders if Julie knows.. Ivette says that BB already knows she is lesbo.

April cant get over it and thinks her husband was watching her and Ivette showering together and was probably laughing.

-Ivette appears unimpressed

April backs off with basically a 'I mean.. not that there is anything wrong with that' and explains not sexual.. but just that everyone watching knew but April didnt and that was maybe funny.

Whats fascinating here is listening to Ivette just trashing Jennifer and seeing April trying to defuse defuse defuse.. making excuses and trying to 'Soften' any critisism of Jennifer.

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