You think they will be down until tomorrow??? that is a long time... what if something exciting happens and we don't get to see it.. what the hey!!! :x
Is anyone else having a hard time getting on to the forums... Alot of the time when I go to the board I will get a message saying something error and the site moves really slow....
I wasn't to crazy about James remark to Sarah a few days back about if she gets "fat" he is leaving her and I get sick of all the talk from some of the houseguests about disgusting out of shape people... considering the average american women is a size 14 I feel very insulted by their shallow comments. Don't most of us size 14 women wish we could be tiny and shallow like alot of them are... dripping with sarcasm....
Its 2:27 BBT and Ivette just came out and told April she has a girlfriend and that she is struggling in the house because people will say something to her about her "boyfriend" and she can't feel she can be completely honest. She especially felt that way when she found out that there was a "gay" man in the house. She is playing it off that she didn't know about Beau and didn't want to be pegged in the gay alliance.
I was listening to feeds tonight and heard Janelle saying she had been to Thailand and that peaked my interest since I went to Thailand two summers ago and had a great time... then I came across these pics and that they were pretty cool.... I spent time in Bangkok and then flew south and spent time in Krabi... my brother and sister in law live in Bangkok. Check out My sister in law is half Thai..
Janelle just told Micheal and Kaysar that she was in a movie... one of the top 35 grossing ...... FISH Before that she was talking about modelling and doing commercials