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Wonder if we will every really know what happened with Neill? If he was tossed out because of the Julie thing, that is crazy to me.

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idk but i tend to agree that he either quit show for whatever reason or broke a rule

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Yeah, whatever his reason for leaving it most likely was bad enough the producers didn't want him involved after exiting the show. It might not they they were upset with him personally, but there might have been something in his background they didn't catch and that "something" would make the show/CBS look bad once it became public. I tend to think that to get on the show, a person might hide things they know beyond all doubt would keep them from getting into the house in the first place.

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Ya, If something happened to a family member they would have told everybody. and he would of been in the finale... I doubt it was cause he made fun of the chin... but he might of broke a different rule..

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I work that the Evil Empire in redmond WA, and the code "leaving to spend more time with the family" and "leaving for personal reasons" means upper management has given a person only 1 option, and that 1 option is to resign. Then.... upper mangement has nothing good or bad to say about that person other than to wish him/her the best in the future.

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stop reading cue cards :lol:

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I think it was a private manner and he didn't want to disclose his family's issues with the rest of the world.

It's not like BB has never expelled someone before so if that happened I don't think they would hesitate to reveal as such. Covering it up would be stupid.

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the rumor is...again rumor...that he was making fun of julie in a really racist way. i never saw that. i also saw the rumor that he had a relative killed in the campus shooting tragedy in illinois. it's weird we haven't heard from him. and where's natalie? i haven't heard anything from her!

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Scott from season 4 flipped out, started throwing things around for maybe an hour and BB repetitively told Scott to go into the DR and he refused. Finally he did go into the DR or they came in got him to comply. Once in the DR he never returned. He was yanked from opening video montague and the HGs spoke very little of him after that. I think the HGs were told not discuss the matter in front of the cameras.

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I don't think someone could get kicked off for being racist... I mean, if you listen to the stuff they talk about that doesn't make it on the air...jeeeezz!

I also recall on Housecalls or in one of the other interviews after the finale, one of the houseguests saying that even they had no idea where Neil went

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on 1 of the CBS.com videos the head Casting lady(4got her name lol) said she coundt talk about Neil, except that he "Walked" so he wasn't thrown off.

"Walked" can also mean he was given two options. 1) choose to leave the show for his own reasons, or 2) they "expel" his from the house and make public the reason why he was expelled. Either way he was leaving, option #1 means he leaves quietly

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lol this neil mystery has me curious

i wish someone would spilled beans

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