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still throwing comps

3 hg up for 3 hours + = 180minutesx3=540

yet she put 186

send her azz home

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She knows Sheila will leave this week.. no need to win HOh.

sheila isnt leaving this week

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bb has officially become a fox reality show

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Guest nerorowan

I thought I wanted Sharon to win HOH but when she almost did I was panicking. Please go this week Sharon!! Off with your head!! :giljotiini:

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sheila is final three locked

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Once again, Sharon threw an HOH comp. I cannot believe she would think that 164 minutes would be correct for the number of minutes the hgs stayed in the glass box. Let me see 3 hgs stayed up for a minimum of 3 hours, which is 180 minutes each. If she did not throw it, I would not want her helping me buy or sell a house, because her figures would not add up.

I think is she going to take her chances with the hope that she or Sheila will win POV. If she won HOH all three of them would want to cash in on "saving" her this week, and since she has a final two alliance with Sheila, Ryan, and Adam she would not know what to do. She would not be able to handle the pressure. IMO

I cannot stand Sheila or Sharon, but I would want either of them to win over Adam and Ryan.

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I can't believe she would come up with that answer either, but was wondering why she didn't try to throw it earlier in the comp. Maybe she started off wanting it then decided at the end that it would look better to be "the easy one to beat," not believeing everyone's claims tonight that they'd rather be in F2 with someone most deserving than with someone who's easy to beat.

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So Shiela can't really write a book. She can't even get a ghost writer to write more than 20 pages. Yeah...I can't wait to read this book and OH...better yet see the movie. BORING!!! BB* was bad enough with ED and his most interesting daughter. Now this. I'm outta here. Ya'll be good. I don't think eith of these women know they are being worked over. No she didn't hear the question...she didn't get it.

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You could tell by Sharon's face she didnt understand each person's time was supposed to be considered seperate.

My girl Sharon always comes so close but never close enough =(

And if its the obvious Veto competition where they have to fit HGs faces in between 2 clues I can only see Adam winning it, blerg.

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me too...I don't think she threw it. She knew she needed to win hoh to stay in the house. The jury house has 3 people from her side for votes, if she were to make it to the end. All the hg's know she has the votes too...so she is now the prime target. Sharon is a goner if she doesn't win pov.

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I dont feel she threw the tiebreaker.. she either didnt hear the whole question or just misunderstood the question.. Also there wouldnt of been a tie breaker if they wouldnt of asked the lame question with the relationships :animated_scratchchin:

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