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yes it is a very unique way of playing the game, but I do not think Sharon has hrown as many comps as some may think, I do not think she is that brave or that sharp, but incrediably lucky, she reside with a house full of idiots, any other people she would be toast, and sadly if she ends up wining even 2nd place she will not get praised for it, she will go down as the lamest house guest in BB history that lived to tell about it, course if she has the 500 g's in her pocket, doubt she will care, I know Maggie sure didn't, she remained just as ugly as she ever was, I was not a fan of Maggie,lol

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ok thank you fatcat... thats who Sharon reminds me of... Maggie and she was boring too imo. I hope she doesnt win, they're all so stupid to think that they would win against her just because she didnt do anything in the game.... shes also not hated by anyone in the jury house.

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I don't like Sharon that much, but she's my pick to win now. Ryan did himself in with me when he kicked out Nat, his only chance to win. And I would rather poke my eyes out than have Adam or Sheila in the final 2, much less win! :rolleyes:

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Sharon has no grand strategy. She has said many times that her whole goal is to lay low and not call attention to herself. Thats the same strategy my cat has in life. Hopefully she will not win, but these other hg's do not have an end game strategy (even though the end is near) and they might just screw the pooch and give to her by default. That would stink!

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I don't see Sharon as a Maggie-type at all. IMO, Maggie was the leader of the herd and they were loyal to her until the end. Sharon, IMO, has not camped out continually bashing "the other" HGs, rather she has remained in the background. When "Team Christ" (God, I vomit everytime I type that) was started, she was sitting right there. However, Natalie constantly reminded TC, that Sharon was NOT part of "their" group.

IMO, Sharon not fighting for a chance to stay, says more about the "other" team. They told her week after week that she was not the target. Why cause a fuss when your enemy says you're safe. She knew she couldn't get any of them to turn on eachother with James and Josh still in the house. Why paint a target on yor back by doing that?

Last week was the only time Sharon did not feel completely safe and look what she did. she glued herself to Shelia and was able to parley that into a Natalie eviction. Now, she's not completely safe either and look what she's doing...same thing.

If the two group's positions were different, IMO, we would see Sharon's game be completely different. She may have moved to flip the house with Josh and go against James/Chelsia. I believe Sharon is much stronger than Ryanas/Adam are giving her credit for, she just never really had to do much of anything.

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I agree Francis, Sharon's never needed to "do" anything in the house. Everyone else has done the work for her. She just sits, listens, and plants little seeds. I agree that she's floated, but she's the one I despise least of the remaining HG's. :lol:

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I don't like any of them either. Unfortunately, in my opinion, Sharon has played the best game by not playing the game but by playing the personalities and egos of the other houseguests.

This group of misfits all played a personal game with no strategy whatsoever. They wanted to play "X-rated house" instead of the BB game and if anyone interfered with that then they had to go. They all thought they were the cream of the crop and no one could get the better of them and if so then they had to go. It was all a game of personal vendettas instead of strategy. They literally "meaned" people out of the house.

The less you said in the house and the more you behaved like a lackey and fully agreed with them, the better off you were. They didn't care about you one way or the other. I personally believe that Sharon picked up on this early on and worked with it. Although I'm sure her lack of personality and excitement helped her to achieve this with little or no difficulty.

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I hate them all , but if it were to go Ryan and Sharon F2 I would vote Sharon, I hate Ryan waaay more than the rest. oh and I do not think Sharon is a Maggie, I did not mean to put them together in that respect, just that I am sure with the 500 g's in her pocket Sharon would not care just as Maggie did not care what others felt about her game play. Sharon has floated, but in any other house with other types than what they had this season, sharon would be toast, she could not contend with the Janelles, the maggies, the Dr. Wills, etc. I hated Maggie more than any other houseguest ever in BB history. This whole season and house has been weak to me.

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I am home for lunch break watching the feeds and it is SHARON talking about her relationship with Jacob again.....

She was so wronged and she paid for everything and she had to be his mother and.... :lipsrsealed2:

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She'll go back to him and he'll share in her winnings. She isn't very bright when it comes to "Jacob."

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Sharon reminds me of my daughter in that she has chosen a loser and no mater what "she loves him". I just want to choke her at times, but I sit back and hope that she will come to her senses like we all did at that age. :P

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Yep with age comes wisdom. Being on my own and working 2 jobs at age 16 made me grow up fast. As far as men it took me a little longer to wise up.

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I really wanted to see Sheila make the F2, but at this point, I'm now pulling for Sharon to take home the 500gs and Adam to be 2nd.

I so want to see Ryan GO!

Me too. Can't stand Ryan..... :inquisitive:

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ANYONE but Ryan, I seriously dislike this guy, sharon is from my town, so I could give her a root or 2 but her game play has been weak, oh my, but hey if she can oust that slop of a ryan, I say ok.

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