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Monday, April 14th


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I sure as hell hope the guys pull their heads out of their nether regions and kick Sharon's ass to sequester! Hellooooooo - I've said it over and over...Sharon is continuing James' game.

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Time to get the kids ready for school.

I hate to say it MsF both from the last thing on the Update board is seems the guys figured it out and Nat is gonna geaux home.

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It just occured to me that the true sign that these people dont know how to play this game is that they havent even mentioned the fact that the next POV is way more important that the next HOH. Yeah, HOH guarantees you a place in the F3, but POV also lets you decide who the third is going to be. I dont think anyone in this house has even once thought about end game. Theyve thought about who they want to be sitting next to but not really what it is going to take to get there. I say the top two can split the $50K and the $500K should go to charity, these people arent smart enough to deal with that much money.

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Sharon may be continuing James' gang, but she has not demonstrated she is any kind of a threat. her only win was when she AND Josh won HoH. Other than that one shining moment, Sharon hasn't done diddley. Also, Sharon is pretty predictable, where as Natalie is not.

But, because i would rather have Sharon in the house, these bozos will wuss out and evict Sharon...or split the vote and Shelia will evict Sharon.

Keeping Natalie benefits no one, but Natalie.

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I think that Adam realizes how important PoV is next week but I think that he's keeping it on the down low. He eluded to the HoH and how important the PoV is yesterday when he was talking to Ryan after the big meeting. I'm not sure if Adam is going to vote out Natalie--he has been known to not want to bloody his hands--he may make Sheila do the dirty work.

I can't believe Sheila when she's talking to Natalie. Wow!! She IS an actress. I never thought that I would say this but I kind of feel bad for Natalie for believing that she was safe. She should have stayed up in the glass box. I still think that Sheila would have won but at least then there would be no question.

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I don't know what else Sheila can do but try to stay on Natalie's good side. Natalie did reveal a lot to Sheila about her F2 with Adam and her F2 with Ryan. She also told Sheila if she got HOH she was going to put the boys up for pulling that crap.

It gets so crazy you don't know what are lies and truth. This whole season has been a mystery as far as who REALLY is taking who to the end and who is aligned with who. I hate it.

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I still think that Adam has a loyalty to Natalie, no matter what is said.

Remember when Adam was last HoH? He told his group from minute ONE that he was going to put up Sharon and Sheila and maybe backdoor James so that James wouldn't be bitchy all week and wouldn't play the POV so hard - and they talked to him and got him to say he'd put James up. Then what happened? He put Sharon and Sheila up and James got backdoored, which is what he planned all along! He's a good player.

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There is no way that Shelia keeps Nat over Sharon if the vote is a tie. NO WAY

She does that then she loses J/C/J vote for sure. And the fact that Shelias true feelings about Nat have already come out and Shelias concern last night while Nat was "spilling" the "truth".

And I dont know if anyone else caught it or not but last night when Sharon and Nat where in the HOH bathroom doing Sharon's hair and Shelia was walking back to the table in the bedroom Shelia made the comment of, ( I might be alittle off on the wording so this is not a direct quote) Sharon YOU HAVE TO WIN HOH next week.

It appeared she realized what she said and changed the subject matter really quick.

Alittle slip of the tongue.........

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At this part of the game you just have to do what ya have to do. I bet it killed Sheila to be all nice with Natalie last night but she did get a lot of information from her. Natalie spilled about her Final 2 with each of the boys. Natalie also told Sheila that if she won HOH she was putting up the guys. (ya right)

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OK - so as far as that wonderful little intervention last night - took me a while but this is what I think.

I am plentifully peeved at the pitiful and poorly planned pestering of Natalie. The pathetic pissants were pandering to the other players! The pitiful perfidy of these power hungry philistines is pathetic. The psychotic pigs

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Precisely, Marty!! :)

And I find other houseguests to be irritating, immature, ignorant, ignoble, ill mannered, ineffective, insulting, irksome, insipid, ire inciting, insignificant, illigitimate wastes of human flesh.


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Alliteration aside out of the 3 seasons of BB I have watched this has got to be the most boring and whining collection of people that I have ever seen.

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"Alliteration aside"...hehehehe Very cute CTK. I hate this cast as a whole. I think they put way too many of the same age range in the house and that's only the beginning.

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I think next season they need to go get a Christian, Islamic, Buddist, Hinduist, Pagan, Atheist, and a Scientist and throw them in there together.

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I don't think Adam and Ryan believe they were "pandering to the other hgs." In their mind (yes, it is singular), they "put that bitch in her place". Even though, from what I've seen they have only managed to make themselves even bigger targets with Shelia and Sharon (and Natalie, if she stays).

If natalie gets the boot this week, will her throwing of the HoH go down as a true Marcellas move? Too cocky for her own game?

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Francis - Sure they were..in a roundabout way. They were letting Sheila and Sharon believe they are safer than Natalie and if nothing else, pandering to one another.

As far as Nat being cocky - I don't think so. Too trusting maybe.

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Erin - No lie! They kicked it off as a love match show though, so the producers set it up to be trashy and dramatic. BORING.

I wish they'd put a bunch of MENSA nerds in there!

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