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Feedback To Cbs?

BB Love

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When Jericho went off the air there was a place to voice your opinion to CBS... and it worked.

Millions of posts (and a few thousand pounds of peanuts sent to CBS) made our voices heard.

I am trying to find where to now complain about this season of BB9 and, in particular, their actions towards their loyal fans.

Where do we go to leave a comment about the show? I can't find a feedback link on the CBS website.

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I am trying to find where to now complain about this season of BB9 and, in particular, their actions towards their loyal fans.

what actions towards their loyal fans? what did they do to me? :fear: or did i miss something?

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After some thought...

In a way the wrong signal may have been sent to directors and producers.

In the past few years - Video clips on the Message Board Sites and You Tube are gobbled up about

verbal fights, sexual encounters and flashes of nudity.

Last year one of the HG's that pushed the envelope more than any other past HG

with verbal abuse and foul language was acclaimed the favorite by the majority of fans.

Who knows... maybe they thought they were giving BB fans what they wanted ????

(this does not get them off the hook tho for the America's Choice Fiasco)

Just a thought :animated_scratchchin:

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Here is my honest opinion *brace yourself*

If you really want to make an impact and send your feedback, turn of the show. Really, just don't watch it. I'm not saying that to be mean, I'm saying it to be logical.

The more feedback you give, the more attention, press, whatever.. is all the better for them. One person complaining out in the open draws attention to the show which may bring in 5 more viewers that wouldn't have known if you didn't say something.

Whereas, if you gave them no hype and instead stopped watching the show, didn't purchase the feeds, and you did this along with everyone else who has b*tched about how horrible of a season this is and how you're never watching BB again... it might just make a difference and cause them to see a drop in their ratings.

I can't promise that it would make a difference though since that just seems to be the stream we're going down in this millenium. I think tv, film, music, magazines, and media in general has taken a very smutty turn. Nothing seems to hold values anymore. I remember when a kiss on tv was huge, now, if they're not jumping into bed by the next date they're... well I don't know what they are because they're always jumping into bed. It's sad and pathetic. But, that's how it is nowadays.

I wish I had a better solution, but I don't. Sorry. I do think however that since CBS can only air certain things that are happening because these HGs are so outrageous, that this may change things for next season. I do think they'll try and tone it down again. They're not able to find enough footage to air, and what is being aired is dull. So, in away, they're shooting themselves in the foot. The show on tv is pretty boring, I can see ratings being down because of it. As for feeds, like I said, cancel them if you're truly unhappy about what you're seeing. Make CBS take a financial hit that way too.

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shan... I accidentally merged the wrong 2 threads. Jem can "undo" but, she's gone for the night. I'll leave a note for her in the Admin. forum.

Closing thread until fixed. Sorry all.

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