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Tuesday, March 11th


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IMO I can't believe he has done all he has said he does. There cannot be that many women hard up enough to go out with that gross man, let alone have sex with him unless he was paying for it!

I don't believe it either. I've met several guys like him.. they don't stand a chance with most women. He's just so gross.

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James is trying to broker a deal with Matt for his vote... Ryan is outside while this happens. Ryan remains quiet for a long time and finally leaves without saying a word. James chimes in and says... "damn, he (Ryan) really wants me out of here doesn't he!"

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James should just give it up. I kinda feel bad for him because he thinks he's going to sequester. He's going home unless BB decides to let America have a vote this year or the HGs have to choose between three people instead of two. I doubt those things would happen.

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I know... every time someone mentions James going to sequester and getting his stipend... I wince at how clueless they all are. Oh well, only 2 days left.

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I just came here to see what TCS wrote, and I've been looking at it for the past 10 minutes and I can't figure it out. I think it must be some kind of code that only The Others understand.

:pixiedust: <--- reminds me of Family Affair. I always thought Buffy was kind of cute when I was a kid. Too bad she didn't get the role in "The Exorcist"

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Call me stupid but why isn't James going to sequester ?

How is he getting $10,000? Is that for the showmance?? I remember one of them saying that if you had a showmance, you'd get $10,000.

Last night on BBAD I was cracking up when Chelsia convinced herself that Nat and Matt were a real couple. She sure has a vivid imagination and Josh and James believed it.

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They only need 7 people in sequester......

With a houseguest returning this week,

that will make the 7 for sequester so,

James will be heading home......They are thinking

that with him going to sequester that he'll get that

10,000 as his stipend for the weeks that he would be there.

What little do they all know........lol

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Thank you snuggs. It was driving me crazy because I couldn't figure it out.

It's kinda weird that the people who went farther in the game, aren't going to sequester?!?! Maybe the will all go to sequester this season or once they let Alex (if it is him) back into the house, they let the sequesterd HQ's go home??

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Adam made me so sick to my stomach last night (as he usually does) and so did Matt. Why would anyone talk about such gross things.. ??

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Was that not one of the grossest discussions to hear? Why do these people think we want to hear all that stuff?

I heard it on the live feeds. When I was watching a little of BBAD this morning and it was on that conversation I just fast forwarded past it.

Too much gross stuff on the show. When I saw on the feeds where Chelsia pulled down her skirt and shoved her "area" up in Natalie's face that was just an all time low.

Put that with Natalie and her gross strip shows and but floss underwear chalk this season up to a sex show. The only reason Nat does not do her strip sex show anymore is because Matt told her not to.

The guys on this show and their talk and behavior make me sick.

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Echo/Marty: You reminded me of a song I heard many years ago

"Buffy, Buffy, come back to me. Why did you have to go and O.D. Whose going to take care of Mrs. Beaselllleyyyy? "

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I can't think of a better place to post this so...

I don't have the feeds or watch HouseCalls, so if someone could help me out/correct me...

did I read that the food competition was shown live on housecalls this past week? If so, was it also shown on the live feeds? You know, the feeds people pay to see the house 24/7? Surely they didn't block the feeds during the food comp but show it on Housecalls...

just wondering...

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George I was not watching the feeds at the time but I heard they showed some of it on the live feeds. They don't usually let us see any of it. As far as for how long maybe someone can tell you.

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The sad part is worse things than that go on at college dorms all over the country.

Many young people nowadays are just NASTY with a capital NASTY.

I actually JUST read in the newspaper that 1 in 4 teenage girls have an STD in the US. :blink: That's just sad. If 1 in 4 teenagers have an STD now, then you can bet that at least 1 in 5 did a few years ago. Which means at least 1 or 2 of the girls on BB9 have one. Just food for thought! :cookie:

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