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Tuesday, March 11th


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Ok....I just went and got my throwing up smilie! sick017.gif I'm gonna be real pi$$ed if James stays!


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I just read on the feeds that Matt and Natalie are having the conversation about Natalie flipping. Darn I wish I was home watching the feeds.

flip flop

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haha i really hope james stays i think he has more game then the rest of the house at this point and if he stays it could only make for better tv plus sharon brings no entertainment to the show imho

Matt will find out and take care of business with Natalie tonight....

and by that you mean he will let her orally pleasure him tonight to secure that she'll vote whatever way he tells her :animated_rotfl:

i hope Alexs comes back into the house and James stays in the house because james seems to have the want brains to lie and cheat his way to the end and alex is just a likeable guy, unfortunatly alex has about as much game as kaysar (being that he didn't want to campaign against matt when he was on the block even after he found out mat was campaigning hardcore against him) but hopefully Alex won't pull a kaysar and be voted off next week (but something tells me he will lol)

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At this point who are they sending home? The writing at the bottom of the screen when BBAD came on said that Matt and James shook on it today that James has Matt's vote and then Natalie and Sheila are talking to Sharron and acting like she's staying and telling her that Josh intends to vote her out and that when the vote is 4-2 that she'll know it was them who kept her and Josh and Chelsia who voted her out.

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There's been so much flip-flopping the past 24 hours......I sure don't know who's going! James I hope and pray is going! :pray2: James makes me sick just to look at! sick017.gif


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What happened?

I tried reading the boards but I could not find what happened... Just curious about what happened

9:26 BBT

back from flames

cams on BR

nat doing hair

ryan shaving,

nat says that jen is probably flippin out after seeing last nights show

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