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March 5 - Live Feed Updates


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10:30am: (Ryan laying on the couch listening) Matt and Allison in a fight about who he is voting for. He says he doesn't have to tell her anything. Allison says if you want to rip me to shreds go ahead. Matt says if you have this amunition used it, if you have something to say, then say it. Allison is talking about some crap that Matt said last night at the table, where he was yelling at her. Matt says I am not mad at you. This is the reason you are going home right now, because you can't keep your mouth shut. He (ryan) isn't the reason why you are going home, it is you Allison.



10:48 am BBT - Matt and Ry in the pink frilly bedroom (Matts bedroom) and they are talking about how Alli is the reason that Ry is leaving. They are talking about how last week was a live eviction but this week they have already voted. Matt asks Ry if he wishes he didn't know that they were going home... (they have voted to evict Ry and Alli according to Matt and Adam). Foth


10:51 am BBT - Matt and Ry still in room. They say they have to be in HoH LD at 11:30. Matt says he is going to take a shower, Ry says he is tired. Ry goes to his couch/bed and lays down. Chels comes in Ry asks her is Alli is still going off out there... Chels mumbles something. Sheila going to do dishes again, Chels tells her not to, She says that she is going to soak them. She - What else is there to do but to fight? Chels - I was vaccuuming v e r y slow...


11:00AM BB Time FOTH For the last 20mins or so, we have had FOTH with a few seconds of feeds. You know longer get to figure out how is there, and what they are talking about, and we get FOTH. BB has a happy trigger finger today...

??? Why are all four cam on the same lately?


11:05am BBT The feeds are back, Matt is walking around outside the HOH looking at the wall of books. Maybe checking his and Nat math. (earlier they both were up there counting books, and checking to see what type of books)

Feeds are on HOH room, cam is showing the wall, I can hear, Josh, chels, char, james, and it sounded like Ali, (wonder if HOH LD earlier I heard ry comfirm with matt we have to be up there at 11:30 right?)

2 cams are on HOH bath- no one in there I can see... Okay everyone is in HOH... just general chit chat.. and Adam telling everyone it is Nap time... and silience....... spokey slience....

Shel asking Ryan are those skateboarding shoes.. then they talk about Nikes. and Nike dunks. and how ry and matt have a ton. shel say her son love them.. how much money she has spent ( Tell me about it.. my son has about 20 pairs of dunks! LOL) They are explaining which one they have.. and where they are sold... and secret places to go to get them... everyone else is not talking... talk has gone to other top brands of stuff.. Ice Cream (brand not what you eat) , and other stuff like that. WOW.. shel is just talking about her son.. hisname, his dj-ing plans, and on and on.. now we are on to the names they like and dislike... There is nothing going on that right now... still on names..


All four feeds are in the HoH room. But the only view we're seeing is from the bathroom camera's (ugh) and all I can hear is Sheila...



Talk about all the april bdays.. Shel is april 12, Matt is April 30, and then they go around room about bdays james is in November Sharons is in July I think..

Chels is in HOH bathroom looks like doing make up or something.

Feeds are cutting in and out...

can someone take over.. Not like a lot is going on anyways... gonna reboot..


11:17 BBT

* seems like everyone's getting along?*

FOTH for a sec

Now Sheila's saying they oughta have a big party bash to celebrate some BBHG's birthdays together.

Asking their birthdates.

*switching feeds*

Chelsia in bathroom.

Not discussing weddings. Biltmore (SP) Estates.

Alli says NC is a great state. Sheila says she lived in Charlotte. Sheila went to Wilmington for auditions. Has said that three times.

More SC talk. Sheila says world's soooo small. Alli replies yeah really *yawn*

FOTH again


Talk: Bridezilla Show

Sheila dominating conversations.

Sharon talking about her friends ranch/English home.

Sheila understands why people don't want to do their own wedding in their house because of mes and drunks.

*I'm out. Too dull. Think I'll go saw my foot off or something*


1:07 pm BBT: Not much going on right now. Just general chit chat in the kitchen and some house guests wandering around the house getting ready for tonight.


1:15 pm BBT: Allison reveals to Ryan that she is/was a professional gambler/poker player. Sheila comes into sauna room where they are and Allison tells him that Sheila already knows. Sheila tries to guess what Allison's secret is, regarding the puzzle. Now the three of them are talking about Matt and Natalie promising both the couples on the block that they were going to vote for them to stay. Sheila is so happy that James called Matt out the other day. Sheila just caught on to what all this was about. She knew she had one vote but, she didn't know it was James/Chelsia... she thought it was Matt/Natalie.


1:50 PM BBT: Allison is trying to get Ryan to digure out the twist that is going to happen, she thinks she has it. The power starts to flicker. As soon as she is about to help Ryan figure it out with her little cheat sheet....

1:55 PM BBT: FOTH!!!!


1:50 pm BBT: Allison starts to reveal the puzzle that's she's figured out. She tells him there are 30 blocks in the house. (mulitple colors) Then she points out that each room has 4 different colors. Coincide with the blocks. There are 8 pictures in every room. Also, there are 8 letters in case... 2 of each of those letters. (Making 16 letters.) Then she says there is a divide, multiply, and equal sign.

The lights start flickering off and on... Allison doesn't finish... she runs off to get something. The lights flicker some more.

She comes back to Ryan and starts to show him the napkin she has (thought Natalie was only one with napkin???) and we get foth :angry2:


2:00...I just tuned in and just before the foth, Allyson came running back into the room with a piece of paper. It looked like the ttwo of them were finally communicating to each other since he said, "Why didn't you tell me all this earlier?" She responded with, "you wouldn't believe/trust me." Not sure of all that went on but now we continue to have FOTH.

Allyson is at the pig cage and is studying the blocks in the cage.


2:00 pm BBT: Allison admits that the whole thing was figured out by Neil (well she helps she says.)

When the feeds come back. Ryan is mentioning the letters and the names of the house guests (like beginning of their last names) they also mention something about "cracking the nut." But, it's the middle of convo. and I have no idea what this is all in reference to.


1:52BBT The lights have gone to complete black for a second or two 3 times in the last 5 minutes.

(Allison and Ryan believe "it"-the siren mystery- may be starting soon)

1:53 FoTH

1:57 We're back

Ryan and Allison in sauna room discussing Allison's theory about the puzzle and how there are 8 of so many things in the house.


1:50 pm BBT - Weird stuff happening in the house, the entire house went black, only Sheila, Alli and Ry were awake, Alli went running to their bedroom to grab something (she and Ry had been discussing what the 'secret' of this season is... blocks, colors, pictures, starts talking about dividing and multiplying and she doesn't want to tell Ry in case they do get split up. She makes him promise that he will have her back no matter what) while Alli was in her room all the lights went out again. She starts screaming and yells "Oh My God!" She then runs back to the spa where Ry is waiting to finish the convo. As she is running to the spa, she yells "I have to go get Ryan! I am scared!" She gets in the spa and starts pulling something that looks like tussie paper out and looks like she i going to read it. We get a quick glimpse of Adam walking down the hall towards the spa and he yells something then we get FotH.


2:00 PM BBT: Allison is explaining the twist to Ryan in the Spa, something to with 8's. She said all of their initials are in the hamstercage with the 8s. there is something about when you divide ryan and jen and you add allison and parker... She isnt making any sense... She is saying a lot of jibberish. (Might be able to understand it if we didnt get FotH...) She said no one else is going to figure it out. the puzzle will go with the order of who left and in that order. Allison and Neil found EVERYONES last name in the hamster cage. Allison leaves and goes to the cage and looks around in there. (She really isnt making sense, She is talking Math and letters and HGs, not making any sense, I think BB May have cracked her!! lol) She takes something from the cage and runs back to the spa. Green 6 or 9 and a Blue "P" for Parker. She runs and gets a new paper towel. She grabs another block from the cage and is heading to the spa and Ryan walks up to her instead. The find a "D" for Denato. Someones last name. Allison writes it and Ryan is looking in the cage. the find a "F". (This is a little far fetched for me... I dont know about it.) She is convinced all the initials are in there.

2:05 PM BBT: FotH


2:45 pm BBT - We have trivia but mine is coming in all jacked up. Giving a bunch of answers and not showing any questions.


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