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Would Dick Share With Dani?


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  1. 1. Would Dick give some to Dani?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. Would Dani gove some to Dick?

    • Yes
    • No

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Yes, I think Dick would give Dani some money. Dani will probably only give Dick back the money she already owes him. :rolleyes:

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Dick... yes

Dani... no

I could be completely wrong about Dani.....I hope I am. JMHO :pixiedust:

What, no sharing???? bummer king123

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Yeah, like BB is going to enforce a rule against the Donatos, to tell them they can't share the money! Why not let them share, as they've let them talk before coming into the house and make plans to work together. :animated_rotfl:

Dick would share with both of his kids. He's a decent guy that way, I think.

Daniele is a selfish, whiny skank, and she would say the money is hers, she earned it, and it's not her fault that her father insisted on coming along and invaded her game. So, no, she wouldn't share.

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daniele is a nice sweet girl. she would give money to her brother for sure. im not sure bout dick though.i wouldnt give a cent to dick if i were her, he treats her like crap (she treats him like crap too, i know, but he should be a bigger person)

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I agree with you on this Cat! Dick will surely share with both kids...Dan will use the money as an excuse to sever all ties to the Donato clan, claiming that all they want is her money and she's never been close to them, and winning the money was sooooooo frustrating!...soooooooo hard!...waaaahhhhhhhhh.....

Edit to add...Dick has treated Daniele like crap??? When??? She's the ONLY person in that house that can totally devastate him with one evil look...puhleeze!

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In a perfect world Dani will watch the tapes and will be ashamed of herself and grow up and forgive her dad.

If Dick is in the final two with her and comes in 2nd, he will have $50,000. He won't take her money.

If Dick does not make the final 2, I would be willing to bet he would tell her to keep the money, if she makes final 2.

I know Dick would share, I would like to think Dani would.

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She is already planning her vacation in Europe. She said so! I don't think she would give Dick or Vincent a dime and I think Dick would give some to Vincent but would tell Dani that he would now consider her debt to him paid. After all vincent said they got into it after she didn't pay back some money she borrowed from him. LOL

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It probably depends a lot on what "share" means. I dont think anyone really deserves large cash gifts. Its one thing to help people out in a jam, but giving people random money usually ends badly. I could see Dick offering to pay for college like he said he wanted to, or Dani bailing Dick out of jail. If they have any agreement to share then they should stick to it, it seems like Dick wanted to make such and agreement but Dani did not. It really makes no difference that it is against BB rules, BB cant enforce it.

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She has said more than once that it means more than we can know that her dad has her back in this game , she said that a couple of times in her dr's so I think she in fact would share, maybe not as much a ED would share, but she is not the in my opinion who you all make her out to be, it is hard to judge who any one is from actions in the game of BB, money makes people crazy.

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I just saw a glimpse of what it will be like for D/D to be in the final 2.

Dick mentioned something about splitting the money to Dani if they are both in the final 2, and Dani was just silent and didn't say a word. It is SO obvious she just used her dad the entire game to further herself, and as soon as she is crowned the winner (IF she is crowned the winner) she will snub him completely and not give him a dime.

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oh well, if she wins it is her money, to each his own.

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yeah Dawnie, we seem to think alike a lot of times,lol, I just got told I was inconsistant in the Dick thread, I don't care, I do believe in live and let live and to each his own, good grief some people want to rip everything up to shreads, I do have a cut off line, but hey Go Dick, Go Dani,lololol

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