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Why Were They Bashing Carol?


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They have said that she was always wanting Wine and would drink everyone else's if it was given... I don't know why they are bashing her though... So what the girl liked her wine...

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They're still bashing Carol because Jessica is so insecure and just can't let it go. Carol is GONE Jess - Get over it. :crybaby:

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Hey...I'll give Jess $5.00.....Carols gone ....the horse is DEAD!!!

LOL.....JMHO :blush:

Jess doesn't like Carol....and Carols not there to defend herself.

and they have ran out of stuff to say....JMHO

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Seems the Jess and Carol thing just isn't there with Jess. Jess is over it and the only time she mentions Carol tends to be poking fun at herself as well, specifically that her "enemies" twist was pathetic compared to D&D and D&J's.

They make fun of her because she came in the house, spent a few days, and told everyone to vote her out so she wouldn't miss a BBQ party back in her home town or some crap like that. Not only was she the first one out, she all but voluntarily exited. So they treat her the same way Jeff Probst treats someone who wants to go home on Survivor.

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I also think it's out of boredom. They don't have anything else to discuss besides houseguests.

Refresh my memory, are the HG's allowed to talk about politics or world issues?

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Thanks King123, I blocked James out. I guess I'm always shocked at the lack of intellectual conversations in the house. But that's what you get with a lack of diversity in the house. For example, Dick seems like (or likes to brag) he knows a lot about the LA rock scene. I would have loved for BB to have an HG who was either Dick's counterpart in a different music genre or like a music historian type.

At this point, i would like to hear an intelligent conversation on which college football conference is the best or which baseball team should be doing what to make it to the post season. I'm just sick of the HG bashing.

Can't BB give them a couple of board games? Make it into a comp of some kind down the road. For Pete's sake, they spent a LOT of time on the visitors only to have that stupid HOH comp.

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I had out of town company the first week of BB

tried to watch but it was hard, so I missed alot of Carol week.

It seemed like all the HGs didn't like her. I also don't have live

feeds so I know I miss alot. I get alot of info here.

Hi Justin....

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First, one correction. The beer pong bet wasn't that Eric had to slap Carol. The bet was that Eric had to propose to Carol at the wrap party and then Jess would slap Carol and than Eric.

The main reason they are bashing Carol is because of the way she acted when she was in the house. She told them all that BB was beneath her, she had important BBQ's to be at in the next month, her family was very well off and her father was a state senator, and just a general snobby attitude. Everyone seemed to have a very real dislike for her from the beginning and having Jess in the house and liked just made her even more of a target.

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Thanks Vuron....I missed the fact that she was snooty...

I missed alot of the first week!

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Everyone seemed to have a very real dislike for her from the beginning and having Jess in the house and liked just made her even more of a target.

They bash her because she saw BB and the HG's and didn't like it.

No wonder Carol didn't want to be in this house. Take a look at the HG's. If she has any kind of a normal life outside the house I can't blame her for running back to it. This group woudn't have oozed fun to me.

And to call her snotty because she has a higher standard of life and perhaps morals might be a bit off track. Again look who she was in here with. The standard is set pretty low.

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Standard or not, it it a time consuming process, to get on BB. While I don't know how many times Carol tried, or what Carol did, to get on the show, we know from the other HG's, that it took a lot of time, and several attempts, to get on a show, in the hopes of winning half a mil. So, when someone makes it, takes a quick look around, and then gives up, it is kind of snooty.

I mean, what did she expect? It's not Socrates in Athens, debating on the esoterica of democracy...

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I don't know if either was asked, or not. The point I was making was, Carol had to know what she was getting into. She could have said, 'No, I don't want to be on BB, since I have this bar-b-que to go to next week'.

It wasn't until the very last day she was on the show, that she started talking about how she wanted to stay. And that was only half hearted. If anything, it was probably BB telling her not to give up. Like Jeff Probst did to that guy who quit Survivor.

Saying, 'I give up', casts a pall over the show, and makes viewers question why they themselves watch a show that a person wants to quit on.

Then there is that whole, 'I could have had that shot...' argument. It's likely that Carol took a spot that someone else could have had.

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because carol unlike the rest of them wasnt looking for bb fame

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