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Camera 3 8:30pm BBT

Rachel, Ashlea, Howie, Janelle and James are in the Hot tub. Micheal and Jennifer (jenny) are in chairs next to the hot tub. Someone mentioned Eric wasn't coming in because he was really tired.

Conversation was about when Veto competition would be.

Audio still isn't real good yet...a little choppy.

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At 11:30 EST Beau, Ivette, April, Eric, and Maggie were all in the Kitchen... Ivette, April and Maggie were cleaning up...

James, Howie, Janelle, Maggie, Rachel are in the hot tub talking about people snorting and how Michael has done it the most so far... Ashlea is sitting on the side talking to the rest but not in the hot tub...

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Camera 3 8:33pm BBT

Howie in the Hot-tub talking to everyone. "My choice of women is in age range from 18-23 as a rule, but if I see a fat 20 year old, and then a pretty 30 year old, then sure...I'm going with the 30 year old."

Earlier he said that he didn't pleasure himself, so hopefully someone that he is in the hottub with will hopefully address that for him.

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Howie is in the hot tub, talking about his family. He stated he had a sister named Ashley...he seemed pretty unsure of her details, like age, where she went to school...almost like he was hiding something.....hmmmm.

11:43 est

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Erin, I also heard Howie...of course if the camera is there Howie is going to be talking. Good Lord he doesn't shut up! Yes that was a big lie he was telling. He couldn't tell her age, he wasn't sure at what grade she taught. Stammered and stuttered the whole way through that.

***By the way, everybody is calling Jennifer, Jenny (Just so we don't get confused later)***

In the kitchen sitting around the bar. Is Beau, Eric, Maggie, Jenny, Ivette, and April. They are having a relly good time just laughing and talking. Eric doesn't seem anything like he did on TV.

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