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Psyche Exams


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GLAD BB GIVES A PSYCHE TEST TO GET ON THE SHOW. Hhmm Lets see 1) A 34 year old who cries more than my sister's 4 year old 2) a 40 year old who throws tantrums more than my neighbor's 6 year old 3) a 20 year old who deals with things like a teenager because when it goes bad she pulls the covers over head by saying "things always suck so baaad!!!"

Seems like the only winners are the ones on the block. Seriously, exactly what psyche exam was used ? The one to get INTO the psyche wards at Belleview?

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if you can breathe bb makes you pass the exam

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:::::::::raises hand::::::::::: i know what test they do

they show you a blob of ink and ask what do you see... and if you say anything but a bug or butterfly then you are nuts.

then they show you pics of say.... a boy kneeling at his bed, a girl looking out a window, a woman sitting under a tree looking up at the sky. and they ask you to tell what the person is thinking in each picture. if you say anything about depression YOUR OUT OF IT. if you say the boy is praying, they girl is waiting for her friend, and the woman is having a relaxing day at the park enjoying the sun.... YOU are OK!

and then thats it

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Umm.. let's not forget "hi my name is Nick and I lied to BB about having a history of violence"

When he said that he should have been DQ'd from BB.

Though, Amber's the worst. Gosh. This girl alone saves Kleenex from any financial woes.

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What about the religious school counselor, who thinks that God is going to help her win a contest that is based on greed and lying.... :angel_not: the wanna be actress, who is willing to give up money because she is only in the bb house for the exposure she can get for her career, (she should qualify for playboy in all theose children's size suits she wears......the married rich lady who wants even more money.....the little short guy who actually thinks america will be on his side and is getting rid of any other males who might be competition for the girl......the gay guy who imagines he is queen and the house is his kingdom.......the cheerleader looking for romance....

Seems to me the whole house was chosen because they failed the psyche exams and would provide the most entertainment and ratings to CBS.

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you forgot the gay jock in denial

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We have heard of the battery of psychological tests the HG's needed to pass in order to be considered worthy. My only question is whether these tests were administered with the hope of finding internal evidence that some semblance of adulthood had indeed been reached at this stage of their lives OR if these tests were administered simply for admittance TO a psyche ward.

(Just wanted to add the following).

I must confess I am becoming annoyed with the screening process that has allowed this clan through the Looking Glass doors, where Alice (Ameka), the Mad Hatter(Dustin), the White Rabbit (Jen), the tit mouse (Amber) the mole (Eric) and the Queen of HEarts (Dick) all into the same House with just one goal in mind, namely to be able to say " Off WITH HIS Head". I would think even Lewis Carroll would be turning over in his grave about now.

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