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Eric - America's Player


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Eric oh Eric, why did you have to be AP, I think you could be final four material if he wasnt Ap and had to do these things. And for what price, 5 things equals 10k, if I am not mistaken, 500k is more than 10k. I dont think he would have the oppurtunity to make more than 100k with all these tasks he is given. The only reason I could see him taking the AP thing is if he was forced by CBS and they would not let him in unless he was AP. Can anyone confirm or deny this theory? Or does anyone agree or disagree with me on that?

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ok, so that brings me back to my original statement.... he has been throwing the HOH comps so he is not in the position of having america voting for him to put someone up that he is aligned with.

There is also the point of view that he is throwing HOH comps so that he doesn't put a target on his back like Kail did week one, Jen did week two, Dick did week three, Dustin did last week... and like Daniele is doing this week (though Dick will probably eat most of the target because he's been running his mouth... as always).

In the last HOH comp, I got the feeling that Eric wasn't trying to throw it and actually wanted to win... but he physically could not handle the comp (as it was geared more towards females... females traditionally are more capable with their lower halves while men tend to have more upper body strength... probably due to those built-in child-bearing muscles! :P you'll note that the men dropped out of the competition relatively quickly.)

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Is everyone in this house playing on total emotion?

The entire basis of D&D's argument that Eric schemed and plotted to get Nick out of the house is really a moot point. The entire mission of the LNC was to be the final 7 and get Nick, Kail, Mike, Zach, and Jen out of the house. They decided early on that the order they were evicted didn't matter as long as one went every week. So, why is the house in such an uproar now that Nick is gone and Eric is the bad guy that is responsible?

The really stupid part that D&D didn't think through is that if they had gone ahead and continued the plan this week and backdoored Zach, unless Jen won HoH next week, they were guaranteed to be the final 7. Zach goes home this week, Jen and Kail go up next week and Jen goes home. Kail can't play HoH the following week due to the PoV this week so she automatically goes home and the LNC is the final 7.

Am I crazy or missing something? I know they've speculated on a lot of stuff about Eric, including being in an alliance with Kail, but everything always comes back to voting out Nick.

I almost wish that Nick hadn't gone home last week. Zach would have gone home and when Jen came off the block this week, Dani would have had to made the choice of putting up Nick or openly going against the 7.

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I think part of it is that Dick and Danielle are mad about Nick's eviction -- but rather than be mad at themselves for being manipulated into it, they have re-directed that anger onto Eric. Plus, it was bad timing with the banner and they latched onto that for Dick to go ballistic over. That egged on his fury about Eric being the "phantom" vote.Also, I think Dick always has to have someone to spew his hate at -- and Eric happened to come into focus at this time. Unfortunately, Dick (and by extension Danielle) have hurt only themselves this week.Oh, I forgot to add this. Most of Dick and Danielle's gameplay has been emotional rather than strategic. Notice how their thinking process about all this is driven by paranoia. Plus, Danielle seems to want to avenge Nick's eviction -- and she thinks getting rid of Eric will do that (kinda like the way Janelle got rid of stupidgirl right after Kaysar got evicted).

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I love Eric! But unforuantely I hope he leaves for Dick and Danielle's sake!!!! He was destroyed by the twist and the banner plane plain and simple. But unforunately I think he stays! Wish it could come down to a tie! And Danielle could send him home.

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wow! I never thought about this Eric staying may not be such a bad thing if America told him he had to put up Jen or the even better Dustin!!!

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I am wondering what the final vote was for task "choose someone to take to final 2" He hasn't seemed to be talking about it yet. Could it be that America got smart and had fun with the vote....Could it be Dani or Dick....Eric probably freaked out if he read that on the task envelope. :animated_rotfl:

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it would be great to put amber and dustin

Can you imagine his face at that and then having to explain to the other HG's why.... :animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl:

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The whole America's Player thing has pissed me off for a while now.

Personally, I don't think America has been playing fairly with Eric's tasks.

The idea was to help the guy through the game with knowlege only we know, but it seems to me America is a spiteful ally who only seems to want to screw Eric's game-play up or have him get caught doing something stupid to his allies.

He should definately have the choice to drop out of any alliance that he deems is trying to get him in trouble.

Voting to have him nominate his allies would give him no chance in the house the next week and he should have the right to betray any alliance that wants him to something that rediculous including "OUR" alliance with him.

Personally, my own feelings about Eric have changed in the sense that I don't think he's as nice a guy as I thought in the beginning and I'd rather see Jen or Jess win but I do think that with his mean attitude aside if "WE" worked together productively then "WE" would get farther in the game.

If you want Eric to lose then you want us all to lose.

Your personal feelings about him shouldn't matter. He's in "OUR" alliance and like him or not he can definately gett "OUR" alliance farther if "WE" don't 'throw him under the bus' (ugh...I can't believe I actually said that).

We don't get to decide who wins, but I'd like to be sitting in the final two and let the others decide.

I doubt anyone whould vote for Eric over most others in the house especially after all the trust issues but still, I would like to see someone from "OUR" alliance in that final two.

I can tell you one thing, CBS will never include us in another alliance after this season. Who would ever trust us?

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Who said the point of America's Player was to help him win?? That is pure unadulterated Hogwash.

The point is for him to act for America to give us a stake in the game. He agreed to be my bitch, in order to get into the game. So be it.

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I say we get everyone to boycott voting for AP so that CBS sees that it was such a lame idea that they cut it out. Of course, that's wishful thinking that they would ever admit that they have a big loser idea out there, in addition to a big loser cast. I don't dislike Eric, but I do think he needs to go soon. His haircut is almost as annoying as Jen's Jensa Member, etc. t-shirts. He looks like one of the Gremlins now. (Boy am I dating myself now)

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