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August 15, Live Feed Updates

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Jessica and AMber talking..

3 people came into this house with enemies, and only 1 is left.

Now Jen talking outloud with Jess, Eric and Amber about the twist.

Eric saying it could be another spool of lies all over again

the midget took jess's pillow and is walking around with it

1:25 outdoor LD

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1:27 pm BBT

Midget still repating phrases. Houseguests blantantly whispering to whoever (Dick and Danielle / Jameka and Amber / Jameka and Dustin / Jessica and Eric). Jen and Zach are just there.

This is so hard to follow there is so much stuff and so much speculation going on. Also...when the people are whispering you can't hear what they are saying.

Not sure if this was mentioned before but the bunnies have #'s on them (9, 5 and something else).

BB calls lockdown outside.

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Outside lockdown announced.

Backyard appears back to normal.

Dick says that he was attacked by a bunny rabbit, and Jameka says "workers comp"

Dick telling Jen that everytime he said that fish stunk, the mad hatter was pointing at Jen's photo, she says No way, dick has her convinced, and then Dick tells her that he was kidding.

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Houseguests go outside....the midget stays inside and bunnies and statute. I think whatever it is....it's over.

Everyone outside ....everyone agrees "it was a lot"

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Dani complained they might have the rabbits for 3 days. Jessica and Jen are saying which one they would keep if they got to keep one. Lots of whispering an gaming going on.

BB: HG's this is a LD, please go outside and close the sliding glass door. Everyone gets up to go outside, Dick is looking for his cigarettes. Dick and Dani stay inside to discuss the statue, Dick says that's right, evidently agreeing with what Dani figured out.

BB again had to tell them it was a LD, because Dani and Dick were inside. The little man was motioning for them to leave. Now everyone is outside, Zach took a huge sandwich with him. Everyone is just sitting on the couches, waiting for BB to clean up the house. Dick said he was attacked by the bunny rabbit.

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dustin sitting in a corner alone while everyone else is on the couches

Eric asks if universally they can agree that the guy couldn't get his lines right, he'd change them a little each time.

Eric: can you imagine mike o trying to explain this to this guy??

Jen: explain what?

Eric: like..


they ask who the first one awake was

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Dustin is sittling alone on a box in the BY. Everyone else is on the couches. They are going over what all happened, though not giving to much info. Dick said every time the guy said the Fish and visitors stink after 3 days, he always pointed to Jens's picture. He said people that smell like fish, and it was always her picture. she said he pointed to others, too. dick said no. She is so gullible, and believed him. He finally said he was joking.

After a short FoTH, everyone is now silent.

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Jameka keeps whispering to Jessica. No one else seems to be saying anything.

Dick asked jessica if she had a migraine, she is bent over with her head in her hands. she said no, she is just thinking. Jameka still giving thoughts every so often to Jess.

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Zach joins Dustin

Z: so let's trade facts.

Z thinking there could be someone in the game that is not on the same level playing field as the rest of them

now, (just like with the coup), there are pairs of HGs whispering around the yard


Dustin/ Zach


Eric and Jen aren't talking to anyone.

Jessica: I don't think someones leaving this week.

Jen joins in on the discussion with Jameka/Amber/jess

Eric inputs some as well.

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Zach takes a cup of water to Dustin, and said "lets trade facts". They are talking very quietly.

Dick is pacing and smoking, Jameka is still whispering to Jessica.

Dustin is asking what Zach thought of the mime statue. He said the different poses migh have been challenge, fight, etc. Zach is giving his interpretations. Dustin is saying anguish and pain, Zach doesn't think so, maybe each one represented someone who is gone. A strength or trait of each.

Dick and Dani now whispering again. she thinks someone is going to win big with this. She said something about someone not able to keep a secret, then she badmouths Jameka, saying she thinks she understands everything. Dick starts in, saying she doesn't. Something about making Amber look like a f'ing genius.

Eric went over to sit next to Jess. Jen started to decipher something, but said it wrong, a switch in time instead of a snitch. (possibly to throw people off?) Overheard Dustin saying something about codes and trying to break them. No one knows anything, just a lot of theories......like always!

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daniele is "really frustrated" (as usual)

Dani telling Dick that there was 6 of them: angry, quiet, angry, surprised.

both dick and dani and dustin and zach have complained that BB needs to let them know what to do.. like go to the DR and say the phrase or something like that. both groups of 2 spec there willbe more clues.

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It's very quiet in the BY. No one's talking unless it's whispering.

Dick and Dani have been talking and comparing notes.

Dani keeps getting upset at Dick. Dick's trying to calm her down, saying the slop is making her impatient.

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Dick left Danielle alone...she is by herself now sitting off to the side.

Mostly everyone is quiet now. Now just Zach and Dustin still talking. Jen joins them. Now they are asking her things she saw and counted, etc.

Dick goes back to Danielle.....back to discussing things. Danielle has that frustrating voice again. Dick trying to talk to her but she is being her normal self. Dick saying "i'm trying to be as nice as I can". He leaves her again.

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Zach gets up and says "I'm not going to think about it anymore"Dustin says "yeah right"Zach says "until I get more information fuck it"Jen and Dustin continue to talk about the numbers. (I think they think the numbers are the key to whatever it is, they keep talking about how many stripes, how may vetos)Zach goes and sits next to Danielle.Lockdown over.....everyone going inside.....everything appears to be back to normal again.Danielle called to DR

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Dont know if Danielle didn't go to DR or what but almost immediately BB calls Jessica into the DR.

Everyone is getting something to eat, going to the bathroom, etc. Pretty quiet right now.

Dick just asks Danielle if she wants slop, she says "no thank you" and walks away down to the bathroom. Dick says "Danielle, please." She continues walking. He is very upset by this whispering to himself and slamming pots around as he makes slop. Danielle is in the bathroom doing her make-up. (Earlier a bit ago in the bathroom Zach asked her something and Danielle didn't respond and he said "no response, interesting" and walked away from her....I thought nothing of it until now).

Dick goes into the bathroom whispers to Danielle (it was hard to understand)...consoling her

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2:09 pm BBT

2 feeds on Jessica. The computer is set up for her to do her blog. The feeds don't stay on her long and switch to outside with Amber and Jameka. Amber saying that she still thinks something is up between Eric and Jen, she says that "I think they know each other" Jameka says "if that is true "why did she spill so much about him". Amber going through the quotes saying 1 person in this house is keeping a secret, or she says it could mean 1 person is gone....it could mean so many things. Jameka says a "snitch in 9 can save time" Amber says "not can, will". Amber saying "a snitch is someone that tells the truth" Jameka agrees. Jameka says "someone who tells the truth can save 9". Jameka says 6 vetos was in that bunny thing so they all get to play for veto, and 3 bunnies mean 3 people so she says it has to be double eviction. They continue to speculate. Amber saying 1, 5, and 9 and relates them to the pictures on the wall of Carol, Kail and Jen. Jameka now speculating about those 3.....

Other 2 feeds still on Dick making slop.

(this speculation stuff can go on and on)

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2:16 pm BBT

Jameka and Amber discuss the events. "There is no little enemy" Amber thinks it is just relating to the little midget not being an enemy that he was there for a reason to tell them these things.

Eric joins them. Jameka asks where everyone is. Eric tells them Jessica is in her room, Dustin looks serious and alone, Jen is somehwerhe changing, etc.

Dick joins them to smoke.

Eric saying it's hot as hell outside (tell me about it....and it's cooler where you are to where I am in CA LOL)

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2:19 pm BBT

Dick saying that "if anything at least it was a break from the norm in this house"...everyone agrees

Jameka goes inside.

Dick and eRic talk about how the midget looked familiar.

Dick is going to go swimming later since "it might be my last day here" Dick says that he's going to do slop and "take a shit" then eat his slop.

Eric asks Amber what is wrong with Dustin. Amber says she doesn't know. Eric explains what he's noticed. Amber is going to go find out.

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Dick proposing to Eric that Dick, Dani, Eric & Jessica take it to the end.

Eric and Dick going back and forth.

Dick guarentees him and daniele will not put eric and jessica up, nor vote against them.

Eric saying ANYTHING he does, Jessica HAS to go with him. He won't do anything against Jessica and will save her and take her anywhere with him, including to the end.

Dick says same goes for him with Daniele.

Dustin joins them.

They chit chat, then Dick leaves.

Eric fills Dustin in that Dick is making a last ditch effort.

E saying he told Dick "in what regard would your um, being here help me? you tried to bury me, lie to me, you made a deal with kail and sold her out, basically I said, seriously, what is the benefit of you to me?"

E says Dick didn't rebuttle the arguments at all.

Dustin: my theory is that there are going to be 2 people that go home on the same day- tomorrow- just cuz secret is safe with 3 if two of them are dead. and, I think that somebody... umm.. depending on who is the last person to figure it out, the riddle, they will go up. that 1 person, along with me and dick, 2 of them will go home.

E: i suppose that's concivable, i don't really know.

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2:22 pm BBT

Amber checks on Dustin. Whispering it was hard to hear them....plus I had it on quad and I was listening to Dick and Eric outside.

Dick and Eric outside. Dick says "I haven't talked about this with Danielle" (my feed crapped out dang it) missed some of this......Eric saying that next week if you were to go, one person if they win HOH that will be targeted. Dick says "minimum maybe 3 or 4" Dick says "I'm not lying to you, I'm telling you the truth, there is a plan to get you out next week or the week after that." Eric "are you alleging..." Dick says everyone on your side isn't on your side. Dick says that Dustin is out for himself. Dick saying that there is a plan. Eric says is there evidence. Dick says he isn't giving him any details because it would be to his detriment. Eric says "why" and Dick says you know it would. Dick says that he knows it and he (Eric) can believe it or not. Dick talking about Zach and Jen being floaters. Dick saying that Jameka is no threat because she can't play HOH, and even if she could she wouldn't win because she isn't in shape.

Eric wants qustions, one why would going at this point to the end with the two of you why would that be good because if you win HOH at the end it you both will take each other. Dick responds. Eric saying that you guys came after him and discredied him....


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2:28 pm BBT

Dick saying about the thing today that enemies need to become friends to get to the end. Dick says who do you have a better chance with Amber and Dustin or me and Danielle. Eric says that Kail went home when Danielle promised her that she wouldn't go home. Dick says that the things that involved him changed everything. Eric says if he were to consider this, and he says he will but he has to talk to Jessica, Eric says it needs to be ... Eric says that he has not accepted a single deal with anyone, Eric says that he needs a lot offered to him. Dick says "like what". Eric says it will require some guarantees. Eric says he needs to think about it. Dick says that he will guarantee that he won't be put on the block....(plane cannot hear) Dick says he is ready to go to sequester but does he want to go...no he wants to stay. Eric saying that in the immediate sense he doesn't have a problem but says that if they were to do this they ahve an immediate problem with Amber. Dick agrees. Eric says that there has to be assurances from Zach and Jen. Dick understands. Dick says that Zach and Jen hate Dustin. Dick telling Eric the things that Zach told him during his date with Jessica last night.

Talk turns to the votes.

Eric says that you know this by the way you are speaking. Eric says that anything he does Jessica comes with him and he means it to the end. Dick understands. Dick wants to go after Jen next week because she is on both sides and messing things up with everyone.

Dustin comes out and talk ends.

Dick asks about his slop. Talk turns to Dustin and his missing clothes.....Dick says that he can get his stuff back when he leaves. Dustin asks what they were talking about and Dick says "bullshit...what we talk about every day in this fucking place."

Talk turns to just general stuff now.

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