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Guest /usr/games

Houseguests seem to think the little person is a sign of something soon to come....

[i think perhaps he may just be a torture device]

Little guy is dancing now.. Doing the Q-tip by request...

Zack: "That's awesome, good for him.."

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The little man ran upstairs and across the hallway in front of HoH. He then runs downstairs, and sits on the couch. Zach and Dustin start running behind him, acting like him. He runs around the kitchen and table, then into the workout room.

Dani and Jen are in the bathroom brushing their teeth. Jameka and Amber are whispering furiously, thrying to decipher what is the reason for what is being said. Jessica asks if he would like something to drink. she is being so hospitable to the little guy. He is sitting on the counter, and dancing sitting down. Now the little man is looking at the picture wall. Dick seems amused by his antics.

In the bathroom, Dustin said he slept in Nick's bed. They asked if it smelled like Nick, Dani said maybe the BO. Now the little man is in the bathroom. Dani told Zach he dances better than Zach. Jess and Jameka are in HoH bathroom, talking about the sayings. They are trying to figure out what they mean. Jameka is having trouble with the snitch in time one. Now he is saying "There is no little enemy". Zach and Dani are following him out of the BR.

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Seems they are waiting to go outside....waiting for everyone to get into the kitchen area. The midget keeps repeating his little sayings. The houseguests think it is a clue or a clue of something to come.

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Jess: he's drunk!!!...my kinda man.

Midget doing all sorts of dances.

bb is very anal about centering their mics, lowering their mics, getitng new batts, etc.

now eric gets up to use mouthwash while they wait for Dani

Midget: fish and visitors stink after 3 days

now the midget is pointing at eric and summoning him to the backyard.

Now Zach following the midget around.. says BOO.. the midget went AHHH

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Midget: There is no little enemy

Dick: Yeah there's only a little weiner in Zach's plats

Houseguests trying to figure what is going on. They are standing around the kitchen....they think they have to go outside.

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He is back into the bathroom again. He was sitting on the edge of the shower, and shushing Dani. She wanted him to jump out at Dustin when he came out of the loo, but then he started spouting his sayings again. Dustin left the bathroom , and was followed by the little man. He went back to the bathroom to get Daniele. All of the HG's are in the kitchen, they think they need to go outside. It looks like the steel door (for LD) is down.

BB told Daniele to exchange her microphone batteries, but the SR door was locked. she tried several times to get in. Eric is just watching and being very quiet. Jessica said he is really strong (the little man) and she said that is her kind of guy. He starts dancing again, and they really like it.

Jen said they are on LD, and have been for a while. Jess wants to know how he got in. Dick said there are several doors, including the storage room. Eric went into the bathroom, using mouthwash, and the little man went after him. He can't talk to them other than in his sayings, but he motioned for Eric to come with him. Zach followed him and yelled boo. The little guy didn't like it! Dani was in the little bedroom, and Dick went in and asked why. She had to get something (not sure what) then went to SR to change her batteries.

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The midget standing on a chair jumping up and down repeat phrases.

Midget: 3 can keep a secret, if 2 of them are dead.

Dick: that's the truth.. in this house.

theyre having a lot of problems getting all 9 of them in the kitchen at once.

Dick announcing if anyone has to leave do it now instead of 1 by 1

Dani whispering to Dick again

Amber: did someone learn to deceive, then come into this house maybe? (interesting, as we know eric is AP)

They are all 9 there!!

in the BY is a guy on stilts!.. only we can see it, not the HGs

it's a whole circus outside!! the hgs still haven't seen it

BB: houguests, it's 12 36, and 47 seconds.

the circus people are singing to the HGS!

looks like a tea party!!

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Dick said everyone was finally together, and they said Jameka was in the loo. Dick asked if anyone else had to take a poop, pee, (cleaning it up) or anything else. They told the little man that Jameka was taking a poop, and Dick said it could take a while. the little man went in to get her, and Jessica said he shouldn't if he wanted to live to see tomorrow. Jameka comes out, and tells him it will be a minute while she cleans his ears, etc.

Camera outside shows someone on stilts and a barbershop quartet. It is a pirate on stilts.

BB says HG's, it is 12:34 and 47 seconds. A few minutes later they open the door so they can go outside and the barbershop quartet serenades them.

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Hearing voices in the background...."the cowboy hat is a good idea"I think they are in the BY (luxury comp)Shot of outside..... with the door downI can see the BY But not the whole thing....I think this is luxury comp....the door is going up. More poeple in the BY, a pirate they start singing liike a barber shot quartet and a really tall guy...everyone is outside now.Singing ends....everyone claps.Stilts guy (pirate) says "it is not enough to succeed...." (sorry I couldnt get it all)Singing resumesHouseguests look thrilled (not)....they look like they just want to get to the point already.12:40 pm TRIVIA!!!!!!

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Pirate on stilts: it is not enough to succeed, others must fail first..

he sasy a little more but I didn't catch it. Then he asks the quartet to do another number

3/4 throught he song...TRIVIA

Pirate's full speech: it is not enough to succeed, others must fail, and after all, what is a lie but the truth in masqurade. Always drink up stream from the herd.. gentlemen please, another one (song)

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After the quartet sings the first song, the pirate on stilts says in quick succession, "It is not enough to succeed, but others must fail", "And after all, what is a lie but the truth in masquerade", and "always drink upstream from the herd". He then asked the quartet for another song. They sang "I'm just wild about Harry" then we got Trivia.

Possibly that is all we will get to see....Trivia for a while now.

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feeds back!the pirate repeats his speech,there is a bunny in the middle of the kitchen table.

there's a white statue in the middle of the room also!!

oh.. the white man is a person not a statue!!

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yes.. they are saying a SNITCH

Jameka saying there's 6 vetos in a cluster

BB: hgs.. please don't stand on the table.

dani/jess are infactuated with the bunnies.. others looking around for other things

Eric looks like hes reeling with thought...

the statue is a white mime who is doing many positions then holding them for awhile, then changing

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Once the houseguests are allowed back into the house, they see the white rabbits in a hutch, a human statue that is like a mime, a welcome friends sign over a fake window....

Dani is playing with the rabbit, Jess says she hasn't seen one so big before. Eric is being very quiet, studying everything. Jessica is still trying to talk to the little man. She asked if he wanted a drink, or if he was allowed. Jameka said maybe he isn't supposed to. Jess asked if he was staying for a long time. Jen siad if so, to say the fish stink saying. He said another one. They just laughed. Dick is asking questions about football, if Al Gore is running for president, but he gets no response.

Zach said something about Dick starting a fight with the statue. dick said there are plenty of people in the house to fight with, why would he fight a statue. Dick is trying to get Jen to give "him" a hug. Not sure if it is the statue or the little man.

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there are different color veots in the cage with the rabits..

Eric Jess and Jameka wished they had seen alice in wonderland before they left. They wish they got a memo

Jameka and Dustin continuing to whisper back and forth, bouncing ideas off each other

Jessica intently watching the bunny

Dustin and Dani also whispering back and forth

Eric and Jess also whispering back and forth

(this is a lot like when the coup d'tat clues were given.. people off in pairs whispering obviously in front of everyone else)

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Zach keeps sneezing during the little man's sayings. The rabbits are hopping around. Dick occassionally whispering to Dani, but seems to be enjoying everything. Now Dick and Dani are off from everyone else, whispering. Dustin does not seem to be amused. He finished his protein shake, and goes to whisper to Jameka. As Dustin walks away, something occurs to her, and she calls him back. they are whispering and my feeds keep going in and out, so it is hard to hear what they are saying. They went to the bathroom to whisper. Dani and Dick now whispering in the LR. Zach comes over. Jess and Eric are whispering. it is fun to see who is paired up.

(Sorry I am going to need to re-boot.)

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