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Saturday, July 14th


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Some of the things I saw tonight:

Danielle revealed to Nick that she is only 20. They have some sort of secret pinkie swears going on with each other... not sure what's up with that.

Zach made some kind of deal with Dustin and Amber even though Amber wasn't there. It's something about keeping them off the block if they will vote to keep Zach if/when he's on the block.

Mike caught Zach in a lie.

Danielle is campaigning by suddenly being chummy with everyone.

Dick is scrambling to firm up some of his very loose alliances.

Joe is marketing Jessica for a secret alliance.

Eric is straight up bashing Jen. (Which surprises me since they talked about an alliance just last night.)

Dustin and Amber are stressing big time and having serious game play talk... working out strategies, scenarios, etc. for the next couple weeks.

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Right now on all 4 feeds Amber and Mike are having a conversation about the wonders of salad. They started to talk about sequester and I have never been so happy to get FoTH.

Geez, even watching the hamsters sleep would be better than this inane blather.


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Nick also revealed to Danielle that he is/was a part of the Mrs. Robinson alliance with Kail, Zach, and Mike.

Really? That is pretty stupid.

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Oh I only read the live feeds in the morning. Anyway this thread says live feed discussion.

Do you think it is fair for freak out Amber to get medication to calm her down right before the POV comp? I thought these people were all supposed to be mentally sound. ha ha ha

So if the other HG are having anxiety then they don't have the advantage of a chill pill?

Just wondering.

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Amber is --AGAIN--crying...in the weight room with Dustin.

Does she know how ineffective her crying is getting, since she does it all the time...?????? Not to mention totally annoying.

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All hell is breaking loose in the house.

Dick just blew up at Jen and threatened her. He confronted her for making Amber cry and threating her about the POV.

Jameka is praying


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Now Joe stormed up to the HOH room and talked to Jen.

He said that the comp is going to be just her Dick and Daniele. He said that the people chosen to play with them are just going to throw it.

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I don't believe that Mike is going to throw it, and I barely believe Amber will either. Joe... maybe.

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I just cant believe Jen threatened Amber and Joe that she would put up someone close to them if they used the veto. What a B---!! If she was any kind of smart she would save the threatening until AFTER someone won the veto.

I used to like Amber, but now that she's done a complete 180 on Dick I dont care much for her. And she cries to darn much, get over yourself.

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