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Have We Built Up Bb Too Big?


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Last year, after spending so much time here at Morty's before the show, I was so pumped up that once the All-Stars started, I was let down. Last season was OK but I wonder if all the hype we shared in here just built me up so much that the actual show was a let down. Have we done that again?

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twin.. thats why i stayed away from it all until last week. yup.. i did. i put it out of my head.. and on the back burner. i didnt go searching for any news.. nothing.

so i only got all excited since last week really. hopefully that wont hurt my excitement for when the show comes on. hopefully i wont be let down. i have only dug a into a few of the players.. so the rest will be a SUPRISE!!!!

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hopefully, having all new players will help. I to just briefly looked over the players, especially Jen's cause she is a part of a yahoo chat group I am in. She did not think she had made it at first, then she disappeared.

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i have to get geared up for BB....trying to, but i was oblivious to the start of it until last friday.....don't know what world i've been living in!!

also, BB means the temporary death of Off Topic, and that makes me kinda sad, so i have to get past that too. but i'm ready for some good tv this summer! bring on the b*tching!!

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yep it happens each year. usually after the first episode you can tell if the season will be dull

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yep the boards the real party :animated_bouncy::animated_bouncy::animated_bouncy:

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with friends like that who needs friends :animated_bouncy::animated_bouncy::animated_bouncy:

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I have kept quiet in the boards for that reason TwinCity... just hanging low, I am pumped on the inside but trying to not get too excited. I announce the countdown outloud everyday and then try to not think about it. I must save energy for when the show actually starts! hehe :)

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Sadly that's how the world works, and they know it. We think about it, and think about it, and build hype. So we watch it no matter what because we were expecting so much, we just lie too ourselves hoping it'll get better! Hype kills..

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I think many people do build it up so much, that nothing will ever please them. I try to go in with an open mind about all of the HG's and wait to see how they come across late at night on the live feeds. You definately get more insight to their personalities on the feeds. I also try to start each new week off with a new perspective and try to find someone new to root for if the person I was rooting for gets voted off. Just like the HG's, you can't just throw in the towel and say this sucks when things don;t go your way. You bitch about it and then move on and hope that smomeone else will step up and make things interesting again.


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i do think they have tried very hard to fix the show ... many comps were... let's say... geared toward particular people.


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