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Guest Joey0221

James and Eric are in the HOH room talking about getting Ivette out....and now they're talking about Howie!!

you may now resume regularly scheduled whatever!!


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Guest BigSister

When the GROUP went to bed the kitchen and BY was a mess... when he and Racheal woke up it was immaculate.

They think Howie cleaned...but it was Kaysar early this morning :wink:

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Guest Tareq's No1 Fan

He wants to know how he can take credit for it.

If no one owns up to it by the time everyone is up, he'll say "Well I stepped up, guys. I'm a leader, guys. I'm short, but I stepped up like a leader, guys. "

I think that it was Kaysar that cleaned up before anyone woke up today

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They are getting very annoyed with Howie's constant sexual talk... I don't know if that's why they are saying that or not though...

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Guest metaldale

I know it is very annoying!!

From what I can tell they cannot talk about how they put in hotels and sequestered before the show and which hotel.

They are not supposed to look at planes and talk about them.

They are not supposed to sing any copyrighted songs (this is because all the ruling that have went down in the music / movie industry that MEGA restrictive)

They can only mention name brands that are CBS advertisers / sponsors and not give away free advertisement in effect to other companies.

Apparently they cannot talk about certain inner workings of the CBS staff and the house (maybe something related to how they are making these blogs etc...)

It is endless I have about 5 more things in mind they seem not to be able to talk about it is crazy! The only thing left is strategy or sex talk it almost seems like!

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Guest PrincessSchroeder

Wasnt Eric that came up with that...it was the girls. They are trying to teach howie boundries and keep him from offending them. Eric just reminds him....he didnt make the rule.

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late last night before the fell alseep ivette came up with the idea not to talk about anything sexual for the next 24 hours and since eric was asleep the sheep had to follow her, i think she sed it so jen would stop crying every 2 seconds about her boyfreind er something like that about jen and rachel and bad relations

so for the next 48 hours they sed anytime the here a sexual inuendo they will say "we don't talk about that"


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Guest tay1965

It was Kaysar he just does not have the need to grab credit for a simple task unlike Eric the Great!!! :lol:

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At one time I thought going on Big Brother would be fun but with all the restrictions on what they can and cannot say, I would pull my hair out from the boredom. Maybe that's why they "cast" people with strong personalities, to keep it lively. Even if the people they cast are jerks, like Eric, and Ivette, and April, etc...

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Guest tay1965

Did anyone just see the camera zoomed on to what looks like a gold box placed in the wall to the side of the lamp that Mike and Kaysar are disecting? It could hold the key.. Come on guys look down :?

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