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Tuesday, August 22nd


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:blush::blush: Well, I don't know how Janie and Will are managing this one but, they're having phone sex while walking back and forth in BY. :blink: (Not that I would know what phone sex is... ;) )
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Couldn't the 'boyfriend back home' just be a strategy? Not necessarily a BB strategy, just a female one. One way to win a man is to let him think he's pulling an alpha male Coup d'Etat on some other guy.

In BB6 Janelle had a boyfriend back home.

In BB7 Janelle has a boyfriend back home.

Certainly both may be true.

The web caught Michael and now seems to be pulling Will in as well. Only difference I see this year is that Janie is reeling in a master spider of his own right. We may never see a moment of honesty yet will still be talking of the showmance next year.

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Geeeez it is only Tuesday. I just keep crossing my fingers that the plan for James eviction stays and Chill Town/Jedi Janie alliance sticks. I think that Erika is going to muck it up though. I think her magic hands have control over Boogie.

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QUOTE: "Well, I don't know how Janie and Will are managing this one but, they're having phone sex while walking back and forth in BY. (Not that I would know what phone sex is... )"

Hey everyone keeps mentioning this convo that they had even on other sites, but can some one please explain how it go started?

Isn't this a form of cheating on both their parts?

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The only thing I saw in the transcrips if that while playing cards Janie said if Will loses he will have to rub her back. Will said no because the internet will make more out of it. (I think that is how my cloudy memory remembers that)

I did not read anything about phone sex. But I don't know if I read all the transcrips. Between watching the feeds from the time I get home until bed. Getting up at 5 am and going to work I might miss a bit here and there.

Also I don't think flirting and talking is cheating. JMO

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I hope Erika mucks up the plans. I want CG to go so as to help Dani stay in the game longer. It would actualy help Jani to I think. Will is only using her to get farther and as soon as it suits him he is going to dumo her.

Jani and Dani need to get together and take over this eviction and then go after CT. This is the only way I see either one making it to the final 2.

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Hey everyone keeps mentioning this convo that they had even on other sites, but can some one please explain how it go started?

One of them (or another HG) told a story of two classmates who ended up as brother/sister because one of each set of parents married -- as in her mother and his father, for example. Then Will brought up the concept again and they bulit their scripted conversation around that.

The beauty of it all is that they both know how to play on the concept that anticipation can be as good as (if not better than) realization. One half of sexuality is mental attitude, and these two halves together make for one very warm interaction.

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Basically Will and Jani were walking back and forth in the BY for like 3 hours last night. I had gone to bed and put the headphones on and sorta listening and watching TV at the same time... next thing I realize these two are creating a "scenerio" in which they are in high school when their divorced parents (like Janie's mom and Wills dad) meet and eventually marry. Making Jani and Will step-brother/sister. They go into this elaborate, yet romantic version of how they fell in love... went to prom... would sneak into each others room... kissed a lot, but, would refrain because they felt it was wrong and they didn't want their parents to find out, etc.

Jani had a gay friend that she finally confides in and Jani's best-friend is totally digging on Will and at the prom tells Jani that she's going to make a move on Will. Jani gets jealous and decides it's now or never that she tell Will she's falling for him...

Well you get the picture... haha

It was totally cracking me up cause having the headphones on and listening to their story develop reminded me of two people on the phone having phone sex (well, what I imagine it would sound like...not that I have any experience with that... muwhahahaha)

Their last comments were how they both went their seperate ways after prom but, in the middle of the night each of the other decides to go to the others bedroom at the same time... the meet in the hallway... spontaneous combustion of making out... stop each other and say they just can't do this to their parents, their too young, etc... few years later their in college and... (my feeds cut out and I have not idea how they ended this love affair.)

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another clue for anyone interested... seems I remember reading in the feeds yesterday(or maybe from the weekend?), Janelle was saying her boyfriend had lots of tatoos... not sure how much that helps, but thought I'd toss that out there :)

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James, the manic depressive, is all excited about his plan to convice (i.e. bully) Erika into keeping him. Apparently, he has thrilled himself into a bit of a stir. Dork.

Edit: :lol: flagirl!

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4 some reason I think they will flip flop & vote out cg. Why the heck did boogie tell dani so early that they may vote out james....there is 2.5 days til they vote.

LMAO....they think the ratings are phenomenal....little do they know there ratings are horrible.

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Hey - are you sure that Booger told Danielle they were going to vote out James? I thought he and Will were still debating the timing, and Will was pushing for the post-vote explanation? I didn't see this on the feeds or read in updates - did I miss it?

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Its actually cute. They keep going back and forth making up a story about crusing on each other but not being able to tell the ones that would be hurt (their parents). They sneak around and such but have to stop themselves. Tell each other they are starting to fall in love and such. That is wrong but its feels right.

They are lauging when telling this story. Its too funny to watch.

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