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Sunday, August 20th


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Janie has won POV... James is contesting it. Guess we'll see what happens.

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Guest StarBaby

I love how Erika and Danielle are figuring out how to vote now that they know James is staying up. They both just said James has to go. They want to force a tie, and make Boogie break it so he is the bad guy and they look good (it's all about the jury votes from here on out). And of course, Danielle has to sum it all up with the stupidest expression of the BB house "it is what it is".

PS - sounds like Danielle was the one person who didn't play POV.

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:lol: I loved that quote too StarBaby! I spent awhile looking for the favorite quote threads and added it there b4 I read yours. The way Will imitated James waving his arms around was too funny!
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Janelle is sitting outside with Will and CG telling negative things about Danielle, saying Dani told her and the Sov ways to get rid of Will and/or CT back in week 3 and week 4. I think her strategy is to get Will against Dani, but she doesn't know about the WillBoogie / Dani alliance. CG is eating it up, but I don't know if Will believes her or not. We'll see if he confronts Dani about it or takes it to Boogie.

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Will is smart enough to know he can't trust anyone, including Danielle. So it is very plausible that he will take to heart what Janelle is telling him. Honestly, I don't think Will cares about trusting anyone. He is just doing this for fun. He doesn't need the money. This truly is a game to him.

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Maybe, but he's been working pretty hard on getting Janelle to go in with him and Boogie and share the winnings from this show. Its like he's there as an investment opportunity. It may be a good investment but I think he is there for the money. Thats why he has hooked up with Janelle, she has a very good shot at winning this game.

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Jani is an exceptional player! She deserves her due. Will is going to do this, don't you think? Get to the final two. Not sure if Boogie will be with him....but it would be right that the two best players - Will and Jani - are sitting together before the jury. Think of the jury's arguments! More drama!

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Danielle did play Veto it was George who didn't. So Janelle beat them all on her own.

I thought I read that James was mad at George for something he did in the competion on the updates page. I think someone posted that Danielle was playing, but then changed it and said it was George. :unsure:

I think CT has figured out it wasn't smart to get Janelle into the jury, that would be Janelle, Howie and Marcellas probably all voting the same way. I heard Will say yesterday that best case is Janelle/Boogie in the final two, with Will being on the jury.

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Sorry...I'm behind on all this.

Who is HOH and who is nominated?

I think I lost a day or two here... :)

Just checked the website.....I dont think they changed the info and of course they wouldnt because they post live feed info.

Help me out people...who is HOH and who is nom'd? Muchas gracias! :)

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Thank you Lynnmurr!

Yes, I knew Boogie was HOH, but for some reason started reading threads and got confused.

So now we're up to the point where Boogs has to nom someone in Janelle's place, right?

Okay....got it all and again, Thank you.

Janelle rocks in comps....good for her!

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Yep is James leaving this week. From everything we know Boggie cannot use his coup power. It was taken away from him. Besides they want James to leave and things are set in place for that.

Adios James.

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James needs to suck it up, quit his whining and act like a man. He got beat, deal with it.

I am no Janelle fan but he has been in the house with her for 2 seasons, he knows she plays hard in the comps. Always has. I think more than anything, this has bruised the ego of the "veto king". Coupled with the fact that he's probably the next one headed to sequester. :lol:

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I guess we really won't know until Thursday

I agree. In thinking back to previous seasons watching the feeds, I think this season has been the toughest to try and predict what is going to happen. It just changes so much this year.

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For sure. I really do love that we don't know who's going for sure. The waiting sucks since we're all ahead of the shows, but I love not knowing. My husband asks me every week if I know and he thinks I'm just lying when I tell him no. :P

And Methos you are dead on about James' ego. His ego is so crushed right now. He's completely intimidated by Janelle and that's why he has been gunning for her from week 1. He can't take that she is the better player. :P

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James is being pretty stupid... He said last night that it doesnt really matter that he lost because he's not going anywhere... Seriously dude... u are in an alliance (LOD) with 3 of the most untrustworthy people in the entire game ... He is acting so brash with Janie and he could very well need her vote... What a stupid boy!! I can't believe Janie took his dolly!!!

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Erika/Dani in BR...they both agree that the fair thing on the POV comp is "REDO", here we go........

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There are so many alliances, secret alliances and cross alliances I question whether people are saying what they really feel or if they are telling others what they think they want to hear. Each person who goes will be on the jury now, so perception is everything. If I was in this game, I think I would develop migraines trying to keep everything straight.

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