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Feeds will be back on sometine tonight............


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Oh Thank God. I gave my boyfriend a lame excuse why I could not see him this weekend because I didn't want to miss any of the action. I told him I have a lot to do around the house. (ya like watch the feeds)

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I went out to Real.com live assistance (I know, what a nerd) and had a little chat with "Saundra Jones" who told me that CBS had blocked the shows, and I needed to contact them. I had a strange sense I was talking to a computer, but I thought I would only confuse the question if I asked, "Are you "real"?"

Edit: looks like someone DID contact CBS - see CKTB's post above!

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well, i got some things done while they have been on FOTH.. i waxed.. did some dishes... took a shower... talked on the phone... applied lotion... reapplied lotion.... picked up a little... put on more lotion.... sent my son off with the in-laws to NYC....

now i am ready for the feeds to come back on. :D

::::::tap tap tap::::::::: i said... i am ready now!

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Maybe there won't be feeds later.



Author: capgirl

Date: 08-18-06 16:36

There have been some rumors that Real.com said the feeds would be blacked out until Sunday. This is a RUMOR and based on somebody's call to Real Player customer service. However, this person seems to be very influential and word spread quickly that Harley may have been lying.

This information, at this moment, is not posted ANYWHERE on Real.com's website.

Also, the rumor of the blackout is now being squashed as people are calling Real themselves, including Harley herself.

Here's her report:


Called Real Player customer service at their posted number

Author: HarleyGrl

Date: 08-18-06 16:30

... Spoke with "Samuel"... I told him the same thing I told the producers office about the rumors online of a blackout and the BB MB wanting answers, I asked him if the feeds for BB Allstars would be pulled this weekend or would they be up and running. Samuel said feeds are not...repeat NOT being pulled this weekend. They will be up. I told Samuel I would be quoting him online and so to make sure he understood, and I understood...feeds will be up and running. Samuel said "YES they will be on!"

That's the best I can do. Again, I can't promise anything, I can only relay the information I was told. So...there ya have it! :)

aka HarleyAngel


PLEASE REMEMBER: Real Networks does NOT control the content of the feeds. They only transmit the feeds to their subcribers. This is similar to television. The networks will control the content and what goes out over the broadcast, but the transmission is handled through your cable or satellite company (or even your rabbit ears).



I dunno, I'll keep on watching flames then

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Guest StarBaby

Feeds are BACK and Howie is gone, cause I just saw the scarecrow.

And either Will or Booger got HOH. James just told janelle that CT would be sleeping together in HOH.

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