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Has anyone got the flames yet??????

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:rolleyes: After seeing what they have been doing to the house guests this week, I finally get the flames, and I wonder that it has taken so long to make the connection. Though I think it has been subtle until now. They call it BB All Stars but really what they are really doing is creating a BB (excuse the language) Hell. That's what all the flames are all about, that's the twist and that's the theme!! And I am afraid it is only going to get worse for the house guests from here on out. That's why when the house guests expect the star treatment it's below par. It's intentional that the the prizes are lame, the margarita party was a bust, they didn't get their food when they should have. And they are stuck eating that horrific slop. :(

BB has gotten tired of the whining and decided like a strict parent - you gonna cry - I'll give you something to cry about. It is definitely taking on more and more a punishment theme. If you'll notice last week they were complaining alot about the beds. Then this week their beds are now gone.

Personally I really don't like the direction they are going. The gas problem is just disgusting and I wouldn't wish slop on my worst enemy. I think they have expected their tactics to tear the house apart more, but I think in a way it is bringing some of them together in the respect of being against BB. After all misery loves company.

I read the article where they said the producers had tried out the slop themselves. I think they should have to eat a few weeks of it themselves. I am just not into sadism. This very well may be my last season of watching BB. If they have slop next year I won't watch. It is just too demeaning and I think takes the fun out of the show. I watch the live feeds so I probably see more of the results than just the episodic viewer.

I haven't seen anything in the feeds or the message boards that anyone has made the corelation to the flames of Hell yet. It will be interesting to see that moment of realization when they get the connection and who will be the first to express it.

I don't think they have yet because they have a tendancy to repeat any ideas or expression many times over as it goes from person to person so I expect I would have heard alot about it already.

Anyway that is my thought as to where the show is heading, what do you think?

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I love where the show is heading. Enough of this free ride garbage. These people are getting paid 3/4k a week just to sit around and live in a lap of luxury. Half these people probably don't even make 3/4k to begin with WORKING, why should they make it sitting in luxury?

I'm all for more torture! BB, please please PLEASE start the real psychological mind games. This is the only way BB will be worth it for me this year.

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Torture??? I think the twist should have been...Ok BBAS, you thought you were coming into a house of luxuries, but we decided to cast you on SURVIVOR instead. Good Luck!!!


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I have the feeds and love them and love the direction the show is taking. It is definately not turning into the summer they all expected. At least now they aren't complaining about being bored all the time like they were the first 10 days.


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