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Clothes the HG's wear - Dislike/Like


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Guest janey_doll

are you kidding me???


let me get this right!! Janey is bashed if she wears something more revealing and she is bashed for wearing something less revealing. I can't believe it!!!

I actually said out loud tonight that NOONE would be able to bash her outfit and call her slutty or whatever you all say (i don't read it half the time), and you all proved me wrong yet again!

what could she wear that you all would not bash her? jeans? no too low! short skirt? no too short! Dress? no underwear! what can this girl wear that would make you happy????? really i'm not trying to get something ugly started here, but really what can she wear that would be alright?? I really don't think you would be happy with anything she wears, really i don't!

I really had hope that noone would bash her, and even had hopes of people saying how nice she looked. she is capable of looking slutty, but she doesn't. she chooses to wear nice clothes that makes her even more of a JaneyDoll than she already is.

Hansel and gretel? come on, that is just pointless to really truly start the bashing this early on something so stupid!!! If you are mad that kaysar won or ali is gone, then just say that , don't take it out on janey who has done nothing wrong.

I know you all will still bash her & really won't even read what i have said, but really there is no reason to take it out on her "UGLY" dress.

If i am honest i thought alison's dress was rather ugly and distracting with that odd lengh and dianes dress last week looked like something lucielle (sp) ball would wear, but i never once posted anything about it, because it was pointless, and rather childish.

I am not saying that we all cant express our own feelings here but i wouldlike if we all could slow the bashing down and remain civil atleast until sequester, i know that is asking for alot but really i think we can do it.

so please lets try to keep it nice and please hold off on the bashing, it really can get out of hand fast!

now lets not get anything bad started and focus on what they are going to be eating this week!?!?!? I am wondering if they even play a challenge, i think maybe they are just handed the "certain food" they have to eat and not even compete. we will see tomorrow or saturday.

have a good night!

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I thought it looked like a waitress outfit.

are you kidding me???


let me get this right!! Janey is bashed if she wears something more revealing and she is bashed for wearing something less revealing. I can't believe it!!!

I actually said out loud tonight that NOONE would be able to bash her outfit and call her slutty or whatever you all say (i don't read it half the time), and you all proved me wrong yet again!

what could she wear that you all would not bash her? jeans? no too low! short skirt? no too short! Dress? no underwear! what can this girl wear that would make you happy????? really i'm not trying to get something ugly started here, but really what can she wear that would be alright?? I really don't think you would be happy with anything she wears, really i don't!

I really had hope that noone would bash her, and even had hopes of people saying how nice she looked. she is capable of looking slutty, but she doesn't. she chooses to wear nice clothes that makes her even more of a JaneyDoll than she already is.

Hansel and gretel? come on, that is just pointless to really truly start the bashing this early on something so stupid!!! If you are mad that kaysar won or ali is gone, then just say that , don't take it out on janey who has done nothing wrong.

I know you all will still bash her & really won't even read what i have said, but really there is no reason to take it out on her "UGLY" dress.

If i am honest i thought alison's dress was rather ugly and distracting with that odd lengh and dianes dress last week looked like something lucielle (sp) ball would wear, but i never once posted anything about it, because it was pointless, and rather childish.

I am not saying that we all cant express our own feelings here but i wouldlike if we all could slow the bashing down and remain civil atleast until sequester, i know that is asking for alot but really i think we can do it.

so please lets try to keep it nice and please hold off on the bashing, it really can get out of hand fast!

now lets not get anything bad started and focus on what they are going to be eating this week!?!?!? I am wondering if they even play a challenge, i think maybe they are just handed the "certain food" they have to eat and not even compete. we will see tomorrow or saturday.

have a good night!


Someone needs a Xanax. Hello, snark is what we do here and that dress was fugly with a capital F.

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Well, I'm a Janie fan but if she was wearing something ugly, then she's wearing something ugly. Simple as that. I'm not bashing anyone. And I don't think anyone in this thread was either. Commenting on someone's attire isn't bashing to me. It's not like anyone said she was ugly. Calm down. :blink:

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I thought it looked great on camera when she was sitting and during her HOH interview but, then she stood up and it looked like a waitress, imho.

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yeah she did say that NoLife I caught that too.....

I wasnt to turned off by the dress as I was the SHOES elllchhhh IMO they were ugly....

Betsy's clothes arent that main stream anyway so most nofashion people would consider that an ugly dress ....which it probably was but I bet it cost like 600 dollars or more just for the namesake

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Chill, JaneyB, chill...it's ok, really. If we can't trash someone's outfit here amongst friends, where can we? No one said anything about Janey, just her choice of clothing.

Don't worry, be happy... :)

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Guest janey_doll

I am not mad, just annoyed that everyone bashes her for dressing revealing and tonight they couldnt say revealing so instead they said ugly, i just don't get it.

you all don't have to see it like i do but i sure thought that if anything people would just say that they didnt like the dress, not that is was a "waitress outfit or hansel and gretel"! that is bashing.

It just hit me the wrong way.

NOONE has said anything about that ridiculous outfit that george had on tonight???? what is that about??? why didn't anyone say that it was embarrasing and down right stupid?? see now that was bashing too!

i don't care, you all can bash away i just think it's pointless. and of course i am the one that has to "chill out" and of course noone will even see my point of view.

I really don't want to be the bad guy and even though i thought she looked beautiful tonight (kinda like an old hollywood look) i really didn't like the dress i just thought that she pulled it off and looked beautiful and classy, maybe she was going for a classy look, she likes to dress up for the live shows in stuff she normally wouldn't wear, last night she and jase worked on their outfits so they could go together just for fun, she even told him what to wear.

just because i have the "other" opinion doesn't mean i am the one that has to "chill out".

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JaneyD, you have a point- point accepted.

Now on to the others... what about what George was wearing? I thought it was embarassing and down right stupid! ;)

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Guest janey_doll

FINE! I give in

bashers - 1 non bashers - 0

There are not enough of us to win this fight!

the first bash of the season and we lose. oh well i can be a gracious loser (this time <_< ) we'll just have to see how the rest of the bashing goes, i'm sure we will win one eventually. the bad always wins over the good, there are always more of the bashers than the non bashers it seems.

Ok so now that I give in, we can stop. but please don't bash people just because they are not on the bashing side. that is where it gets really annoying.

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Once again, no one is bashing just critiquing an outfit...relax.

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Guest janey_doll

thanks, i guess why can't you say what the b is for? is it for B**ch? i don't care what it means i just wanted to know, i figured it was on purpose :huh:

thanks anyway

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