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Location of Big Brother House


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In reading "Big Brother Stats" it states that the Big Brother House is on CBS Stage 18 at Television City. I think this is an error. I believe that the house is in Studio City, several miles north of Hollywood. Television City is in Hollywood but is not the location of the Big Brother house. Am I correct? Thanks.

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I'm not sure how often Google Earth is updated... but anyone feel like trying to track down the BB house and posting a 'link'? Would be interesting to see if we can play 'big brother' from a satellite image lol

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yes, i have seen it on googlemaps and another satalite website.

its funny because the picture that was last taken ( as of the time i saw it) had the old house when it was the season that the back yard had the huge checkerboard on the ground. remember that??? what was that, season 3??? or 4??

here is the url to the teraserver that i saw the old house on.


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the new house is just south of the old house. if you go to the maps, its just south of it... but the last photo is from 2004 so we wouldnt see anything to know it was this years house. its the old "yes dear" sound stage.

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Fizzle and I are headed out to Death Valley to check out a possible comp location......alcatraz could be appealing for a afternoon shoot too.

Of course, a Helicopter ride over the Bermuda Triangle will be great for the final three...have to look into it more! :)

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does anyone else remember one year there was someone shouting stuff to them from over the wall outside, or maybe throwing stuff over the wall too........was that BB1? i definately remember something along those lines

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