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Jessica from Boise Idaho says that the allstarts are boring her.

another guy gave a poem of some sort.

Janie says she has never felt more strongly than to get a floater out this round

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Another WAke up call. They ae hating the wake-up callers

( I love it )

Jani and Howie talking Game. I have full Volume and I can't unerstand what they are saying. Janelle to Howie ear can't hear.

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Howie tells Janie the first person to attack s6 will be gone the next week

Janie: I like palying for revenge. makes the game more interesting. too bad theres nobody in here i despise. I'm waiting for someone to mess up so I can verbally attack them

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Janie and Howie were discussing how they're not telling James the plan (to get diane out-- it was danielle by kaysar talked janie out of it) until after the veto because if he is alligned with diane, then he'll tell her, and she'll play harder

they won't tell james at all if the noms are going to sta the same, so james doesn't get mad

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Janie and Howie going to split a redbull before the comp

Howie suggests that when Janie tells James the plan tomorrow (if all goes according to plan), that she say she hasn't told howie yet.

confirmed.. they do have 1 minute to get to the door when BB announces so

Howie sleeping with Marci and Janie

J: marci is sleeping in a pink palace with a cupcake and a beefcake

another wake up call... awwwwww DIANES MOM on the wake up call!!!!!!!!! at 4:45 AM EST

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dianes mom said good morning..wake up. good afternoon..wake up. good evening..wake up. this is dianes mom.. i love you diane!! (something like that)

janie saying when the 1 minute announcement comes on, her and howie will "shoot a redbull and run out the door"

Janie and Howie discuss the "byebye bitches"

neither remember Janie saying it until people reminded them.

they also discuss jenny throwing the key

"gimme the key bitch"

Janie and Howie and Marc discuss how Jase left 9-0. theyre surprised dani and di didn't give him a vote

looks like the 3 in the hoh room are turning in for the night (or attempting)

the 2AM one they comment was a short one, and close their eyes again

night all.. 5 AM here :o

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2:15 BB time

Wake up call someone in Cedar Rapids, Iowa with annoying noises and then the funniest song from Ricky from Minneappolis about slop "Slop is nice, slop is good, slops my favorite kind of food" Everyone seemed to like this one and acctually clapped and said Kudos Ricky.


Lots of chatter on the quad cam, hard to keep up

Talk about some squirrel and then Will asking Janie how much she likes him

Chicken George on one cam squirming trying to sleep

Howie and Janie eating chips (very noisy)

Danielle, Erika and Kaysar talking

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2:15 BB Time

OMG! It was the funniest thing. When this wake up call came on Will jumpped outta bed instantly and looked around before getting back into bed pissed that he was awake again. LOL

He later gets up and goes out to the kitchen with J and H in front of the wall of photos.

The whole house is awake.

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a skunk went by my air conditioniar and my whole house smells like skunk and woke me up so i came out to check the live feeds someone i didn't catch who they were but did a very funny slop song. all the house guests that i herd congradulted him saying it was good now house guests are singing it and sometimes adlibbing some words. howie janelle and will sitting in dinning room guess they thought trying to sleep wasn't gonna happen. i don't think they are gonna have comp until morning or until people are really tired and can't stay awake despite the wakeup calls.

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3:00 BBT

J, H, and W still in the Kitchen chatting about past BB's.

Wake up call comes in...It's Alison. "You thought you got rid of me? WAKE UP! I hope this haunts you all day."

Mar comes barging out of the HOH room yelling that he is going to throw himself over the banister. The wake up calls are driving him crazy. He collapses on the floor outside HOH.

J talking about something (I think some past BB experiance), I missed it, then FOTH

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3:19 bb

Will and Janelle both just went to bed.

The only ones still up are Howie & Marci.Howie said he is normally up til 5am anyway so he might as well stay up.

Marc wants to know when the 15 minute things will end.Howie tells him they won't.

Howie just asked Marc if he thinks Jase is cute(looking at memory wall pics)

Marc rolled his eyes and said Jase behaved so badly in here that I just want to talk with him when I get out and see if he is still the same person I knew before this game.

Marc now upsatirs....oops, theres Janelle on the chess room couch,Marc joins her.

Howie is roaming the house.

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3:30am BBT

"Everybody wake up now! Wake up now! Waaaaake up! Wake up now! Everybody wake up now! Itistimetowakeupnow!" Clang clang clang!

The wife and I were killing ourselves laughing through this one.

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4:13 am BBT

HOH room with Janelle, Marcy & Howie. All are laughing while talking about their past seasons and impersonating folks from that season. They laugh so hard at times, they fall over each other.

WUC: Sounds like someone from SouthPark television program ordering pizza.

Howie "shoots the moon" to camera.

Talk goes to playing games and Erika not able to play much with injured rib which all one can do is give it rest.

Marcy has to start 'butchin' it up again or he won't get any dates out of house.

J: Well, Marcy what should we do.

M: I don't know Janelle, pass the salt scrubs.

They look at each other and begin roaring with laughter and Marcy begins quoting his mother: A sissy, a faggot, a queer........... FLAMES and WTL (way too loud music)

Marcy keeps talking about what his mom has said (while he's laughing) and where she is going to have to move after saying that about him.... (more laughter)


4:35 am BBT

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4:45 am BBT HOH room

Howie, Janelle, & Marcellus appear to be more quiet and running down--getting more tired and lying on big glow-in-the dark bed pink bed. Marcy keeps naming names of folks he knows and has gone places with, causing FLAMES & WTL

Marcy talking about how he doesn't think anyone that doesn't win anything... like Dani shouldn't win. They have to take risks (Does he remember that he hasn't won anything and not taken any hits?) They need to get out there and fight. Begins to talk about Lisa in past season and how many risks she took, including breaking her toe, yet Dani didn't really do anything.

WUC Amanda Oh my god it's a spider, it's going to bite you.... yelling and noise making. Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu (clanging on pots and pans. ) Wu Wu Wu Wu Wu Clanging WU WU WU WUW WU WU WU Clanging.

Those sleeping in the other rooms barely moved. HOH room J, H, M making fun of the Wake up, clanging message. (The 3 barely moving except for their speaking mouth)

Talk goes again to past seasons and Cowboy.

Marcy would go out and get goodie bags for the sequestered HGs during a past season. Girls got beauty products, etc. He went out late one night to pick up some forgotten items and was talking on the phone in front of store.... FLAMES & WTL

(This is a repeat story, anyway, where Marcy saw someone inside store he thought was in process of stealing something, he went out to the outside of store, then the guy came out and was too close to Marcy (who was still on the phone) and Marcy hit him in the face with his phone, phone ended up on sidewalk, Marcy calling out for peoplee to call the police, blah blah blah.)

Flames & WTL still on screens. <_<

5:00 am BBT

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marcelles janelle and howie still awake in hoh room i can't see them really being able to compete in veto comp unless it is about the wake up calls the rest of the house appears to be able to get somewhat of a sleep,

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5:05 am BBT

Jase said he was going to come after me and Marcy. Marcy doesn't think Jase will come back.

WUC LOUD LOUD Shouting.... (Janelle screams and jumps up) WU WU WU WU WU Bet ya can't sleep BYCS, BYCS, WU WU WU Get up Get up Get up. Bet you... can't sleep... (This is extraordinarily loud).

Marcy thinks this is a complete waste of time. How can they be playing the same thing over and over. This is going to be a mental competition. Janelle says, "Not me!"

(I can hear an irritating sound which I will guess is a wristwatch alarm. Thing of it is.... it doesn't go off!)

Marcy, Janelle, and Howie making fun of the WUCs. "Betcha can't sleep, betcha can't sleep." Howie begins to degradingly describe the people leaving messages and we again go to FLAMES & WTLM. WTLM (Way Too Loud Music) All screens now showing trivia. :blink:

All other HGs appear to be sleeping... even during the WUCs!

5:10 am BBT

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5:45am BBT Feeds back.

Marcellas, Janie, Erica in HOH.

Marcellas just told Janie "Mike Boogie just won a competition." Sounds like they're talking about who to put up now. Marcellas sounds like he's trying to convince her to put up Will.

Most of the others in the kitchen talking.

James says to Diane: So Boogie cut his foot? So we have glass all over the back yard now?"

Boogie limps through the bathroom and goes into the toilet, Howie helped him.

Boogie needs stitches. Pretty sure I saw him with the veto around his neck. He goes into the DR to get stitched up.

Marcellas is frustrated with Janelle -- they're in bed in the HOH and she keeps throwing out names like Diane and Chicken George to put up and he insists that she needs to put up Will.

The rest of Season 6 also thinks she needs to put up Will. Janelle seems really conflicted about that.

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6:40am BBT

Janie, Marcellas, Howie, and James talking in HOH, still rehasing nominations and who to put up now. Janelle is really stressed out.

Janie says that she didn't have enough time before she was forced to make her nominations. She said she had been talking to Will and got called to the DR. She said she wanted to talk to Kaysar first but they wouldn't let her, and everyone was already on lockdown. Howie says that BB did that on purpose.

Discussion of nominating "known enemies" vs. people who are walking the line. James reminds them that last season they had both (him vs the nerd herd) and they chose to first chase out him instead of the known enemies.

The three guys can't seem to figure out why Janelle is so conflicted over putting up Will.

James left and is whispering to Kaysar about what they just talked about in the HOH.

Kaysar: All I know is that she has to put up Will or we have a big problem.

James saying it just doesn't make any sense to go after potential threats instead of real threats.

They go to bed.

Howie, Janelle, and Marcellas still awake in the HOH room talking.

Talking about Boogie winning veto, discussion about whether or not Boogie really wants to stay.

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7am BBT Marcellas goes to sleep. Janelle and Howie talking in the hallway.

Janie: Howie I never should've won HOH. These people are not like the nerd herd, I don't know what I'm doing.

Janie: Oh Howie, what am I going to do? I really effed everything up.

Howie says she should talk to Kaysar tomorrow, Janie says he's no effing help.

Janie says she's already pissed off the entire house. Asks why isn't Kaysar telling them what to do??

Howie: He's sitting on his fat ass all day long.

Janie: I know! It's pissing me off.

Janie: So, no matter what, we can't get rid of a floater?

Howie: Why, this early, would you want to have more people gunning for us?

Janie: That's why I might be thinking it would be easier to get rid of Diane.

Howie: I'd be all for it.

Howie thinks with Chill Town still there the floaters would go after them instead of Season 6.

Janelle thinks Kaysar is homesick. Janelle asks America to send Kaysar a letter or something.

They think that James would tell her to do something different than what Howie is telling her to do.

Janelle: That was a fucking disaster.

Howie: And for the first time I had nothing to do with it. [they laugh]

Howie: I'm sick as a dog now, Big Brother kept me up all fucking night.

Janelle thinks all these competitions are set up to expose alliances, to make people think others are coming after them.

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