Moose Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 7:00 am BBT Janelle & Howie on Balcony... left Marcy in HOH room. J: We've already pissed off the whole house. H: We shouldn't have attacked them this early. It's a crapshoot. J: Why isn't Kay telling us what to do? H: He's been sitting on fat ass all day long! They begin talking about the items on the balcony J No matter what, we cannot get rid of a floater. I thought this was an option H I didn't want to attack this early in the game. Why this early have 4 people gunning for us. J I'm still thinking to get rid of Diane. H I would be all for it. It's not a bad move because CT still here and I think floaters scared to attack us. James is going to go against what I've just told you. J And Kaysar isn't talking saying he's homesick. H I'm sick as a dog with BB keeping me up all night. J Exposing alliances.. that's what the comps have been about. H At least we know who they are. J But it's making floaters mad J Marcy is mad at me H: Yes because he thinks you're pussyfooting around. Well, we are. (Marcy thinks that they are going after allies and not their known enemy and have lots of crazy thoughts) H Start thinking about who you want to nominate right away in case BB calls you soon. Will and Boogie big threats to us. Today he (boogie) was. (Boogie winning POV). j I can't sleep. H I'm tired I'm gonna sleep the whole day away. We've been up now for 21 hours. I can hardly believe what has taken place throughout the day. Play and play hard. Just go get 'em. Janelle stressing over all those that hate her (perceived). H I'm trying to figure out where we went wrong. Difficult to hear because of whispering. J I'm so confused because we don't have a clear strategy. We don't know what we are doing. (Both laugh) It was a bad move what I did. H Let make a move to make up for it. One of those 2 HAVE to leave, and it will have to be Will and then Boogie next week. 7:20 am BBT (Thanks to all the readers that have left me messages. I appreciate you all.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WV Lady Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 7:50 BBT Howie and Janelle are in the kitchen eating breakfast. Everyone else seems to be sleeping. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nursie Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 8 AM BB time janelle: its sooo embarrassing howie:what j: i think marcellas is onto something, that will and boogie are like maggie, i feel like i was talked into things, kaysar is going to be so mad at me j:im an idiot, if kaysar would have just helped me, no one helped me with the nominations except for chilltown h:well james talked to you but they got to you last j:what am i supposed to do now H:if jase comes back , he'll be with us right j:mike boogie will seek serious revenge on me, dont you think? h:he's always been like that j:i know, i dont know why i listened to them! h:you saw what happened last year, we cant lose the numbers right now, their backs are against the wall h:here's the thing, we piss a few people off, we make amends, look at last year....we can still put up will and take him out, but people are going to still feel intimidated want to leave them in the game? they discuss what maggie told howie in the bathroom last year..... h:if diane or boogie get (HOH), we're going up H:we fell right into their trap, shoulda put them both up h:if we spare ct , that may buy one more week.....we can say that was an act of good NOT talk to them by yourself, keep one of us with you at all times (late for that !)......we need to tell james H: do NOT talk about the game to them by yourself EVER again! j: nodding h:we gotta sit down with kaysar and james, this needs to be a group effort h:send will home j:what about diane and boogie? h:talk to kaysar and james, look at who they want to get off h:they are gunning for us, we got to get rid of them j:kaysar is gonna really be pissed j:i was almost going to nominate two floaters 8:10AM BB time h:if you get rid of diane, ct says 'hey that was an act of good faith'...then maybe they get rid of two NOT talk game with those two by yourself...there's trickery involved h:you were manipulated 100% j:yeah j:well kaysar had said it would be a good idea..the floaters h:there were a lot of things said j:you just did exactly what chill town wanted, stirred up the house, made everyone mad h:what the F are we going to do here j:we're gong to tell james that i was manipulated by CT? h:yes J: he's never going to talk to me again h:we'll tell will this would not take place if he had not manipulated you H: do NOT talk to them about game by yourself ever ever never ! (howie's going to bed, 'good nite, good job janie'...j:'thanks howie") it appears every one else is asleep, janelle's gone back up to her HOH room gets in bed, marcellas is still sleeping in her HOH bed (thats all from me for now ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WV Lady Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 Around 8:20 BBT Boogie came wandering back in with his foot all bandaged up. I guess he had to go for stitches. 9am BBT All HG asleep at this time. I think it's gonna be a long day for the feed watchers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrishX3 Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 11:40 am BBT Houseguests still sound asleep. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WV Lady Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 12:05 BBT Boogie's up limping around. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TrishX3 Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 12:05 BBT Boogie up. Went to use the bathroom and is now fixing coffee. He's limping and keeps saying "Oh, f@ck" and "Oh" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Danielle is up, comes into the kitchen and sees Boogie. Dani: You're back. Boogie: Yeah. (Then he does some kinda pelvis thrusts.) Dani smiles and shakes her head. Dani: Sometimes, I wish you would just calm down. (Boogie laughs) Boogie:Sometimes I get excited. Dani then asks about his foot and we get flames. BB doesn't want us to know anything about. Feeds are back and now they are talking about the wake up calls. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sparklet Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 Foth now I believe that is the abbr. for Fire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katydidit Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 Dani, Boogie, and Will were out on the BY couch. Dani is telling them about reactions to Boogie's winning the Veto Comp. She also reveals that she is working closely with CT (see video). (still FOTH now) Once back, only Dani and Will on couch. She begins to say "I don't think you're going up" to Will. Then Marcellas arrives and of course the topic changes -- to the wake up calls. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
myss911 Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 Marc, Dani and James on couch discussing what Janie did and the reactions from the ppl in the house. Everyone seems quite irked. James asks, why she didn't put up Diane and marci saiys that Janie was afraid to hurt her feelings. Marc asks what Kaysars reaction was. James tells him the he was pissed off. Boogie walks out to BY. James asks how his foot is. Boogie tells him that it hurts more today than yesterday. Boogie tells James he was the master yesterday. Fire on all feeds when Boogie mentions some 'Company Name" Boogie _ erika was just a zombie zombie out James - howie wouldn't look at the screen b- that was the dagger di- did anything happen to diane? b- she just had to put the glasses on B- did you guys hear any of your F/F on the thing? J- I just heard... ivetter, dianes mom b- my roomate was on there too all- thats kewl M- I noticed they played the samethings over and over again, not much variety j- which did they play over and over m- the two sisters and the one that said wake up wake up j- and the clucker m- oh they must be so proud Erika now in BY Everyone repeating "Betcha Ya can't sleep, Betcha can't sleep" marc - I can't believe it is this uncomfortable... I would have never thought it would have been this uncomfortable. They way they did it this year they made it purposly uncomfortable FIRE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katydidit Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 1:30 BBT Will in the kitchen with George. George having a slop shake while Will asks how to make slop chips. Diane asks about Mike's foot. Seems the cut just missed one of his tendons. FOTH Back from FOTH and some out to BY. Danille and Will still in kitchen, but no talk so far. Then the feeds change to a female (Diane?) in the shower - and now Danielle in the BR too. Back Yard - Erika in pool. George, Boogie, and Marcellas listening to James sell his celebrity self -- jobs, pix on website, casting calls, etc. <no thanks> Back to the kitchen, Will is still making his chips. The beauty of it all is watching first Howie and then Kaysar walk through, stop and stare at Will, and then move on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katydidit Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 James tells Marcellas that he had a dream about him last night. They were together with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Tom was all up in Marcy's face. Marcellas wanted James to keep Nicole occupied while they continued ... They ask Marcellas what he thinks of Cruise. "I would do things for that boy that you can't even imagine." will goes to check his chips <about time!> 2:09 - Indoor Lockdown George give Will the 'Looks Good' on his chips - still in the oven. Will says everyone gets two bars. All ingredients are still on the counter. All dishes used are still in the sink. James goes to work out in the gym. Marcellas visits the bathroom. Diane and George in the Red Room. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katydidit Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 Dani joins James in the Gym. James tells her that if she wins HOH next, Janelle must go. Dani says the more that are gone the better off he would be. All of them? asks James. "Except Kaysar, cuz he's a stand-up guy." 2:19 Lockdown over Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katydidit Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 Diane complained to George that all the competitions have been boring. Minutes later she travels through the kitchen, then decides to go tweeze her eyebrows for some excitement. Yet she next shows up in the backyard couch with James, Danielle, Erika, and George loping along toward them. She asks Danielle if she thinks the internet people are watching. "Definitely" So she says "Internet, if you're watching, could you please...." FOTH Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katydidit Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 Will is calling his little treats pettifores and offers them around. Danielle (who doesn't want one) says they're probably like protein bars when they first came into the industry. Marcellas think Boogie is upstairs with Janelle now. <We haven't seen Howie or Kaysar since they passed through the kitchen> Feed switches and there's Boogie in the bathroom, whispering with Will. Boogie says "We kept our end of the bargain. We won the veto. She didn't want to win." Will back to the kitchen - he's going to cook up another batch of his treats. Boogie searching for the can opener and can't find it. "This is f'ing gay." George comes in and finds it immediately - in a logical drawer. Everybody hums lately. Nothing with a recognizable tune, just humming. Danielle, Will, Boogie. Will just got called on it by BB. All afternoon, all four feeds on the same scene. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
atlranger Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 Approximately 2:45BBT this was the convo between dani and james almost word for word Dani in workout room with James. J: if janelle puts up Diane, next week I win HOH, Janelle is gone, GONE d: got it d: the reason why i upset is that i feel that my hands are tied. If I am going to go out in this game, I've got to do something. Do you understand? j: yeah d: so, if I win hoh... I gotta do something. I am not going to be walking out that door... feeling that I do nothing. Lisa won my season riding on coattails, and that is not me.... it's not the way I play the game. I gotta win something I gotta do something. I gotta bring it. I need you to trust me, because I think honestly, the people that are with you... the sooner they are gone the better it is for you. J: Everyone? Any exceptions? D: you need to keep Kaysar because he is a stand up guy. J: Uh huh D: And Janelle is just playing the game for herself J: WTF she told Howie to take out Diane and Erika. I asked her in front of Kaysar "So did you want Will to win? Did you want Will to win?" D: And the thing is.... you and I discussed this a long, long, long time ago. We talked about this right after your season. And it seems like... when it comes to women, if she(janie) had it her way... it would be her and all men. And um, she created the enemy that wasn't there in Erika. J: same with Diane D:exactly... and that wasn't there. Diane is getting pissed wanting to know " Why are they coming after me?" And I said I don't know. She's(Diane) cool with you... you know, so... HOH next week, it's time to turn the game up. And I am going after it full tilt. J: so I know how to play D: Now, is Will gone? Is he gone if he goes up? J: That's what they said. Because I'm not voting off Erika. D: Ok, you want to keep her(Erika) in the game because she is a smart player and can win HOHes. J: um, huh(yes) D: ok Dani walks out of workout room Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moose Posted July 29, 2006 Share Posted July 29, 2006 3:55 pm BBT James and Kaysar in bathroom looking at selves in mirror. James shoes are missing--he begins to look for them. (All 4 cams showing same thing.) Kay & James in kitchen. Kay speaks cracked out arabic, english, a bit of spanish. James wants lessons in cracked out arabic. Most HGs in BY. Most commenting on how good some sort of food is that Will made. (Might be slop) Chit Chat going on. Dani likes the Vampire in Brooklyn. James asks if anyone saw Jarhead. Marcy A few Good Men. they continue naming movies. In kitchen, Kaysar gained 2 pounds. CG lost some, but cams came on too late to know how much. CG cannot stay up all night, so he goes sleep at midnight or 1 a.m. Kaysar has good dreams when he sleeps and CG jokingly says, "Stay asleep!" Dance contest on CG's season. K: Difficult for old-timers staying up late. CG: laughingly says, "Thanks Kaysar" I could be your dad 23, 19 & 13 are ages of CGs kids. He hopes all go to the wrap party. CG is putting all the dishes & utensils away. Ericka walks through in a towel over her bikini from the bathroom. She stops near Kaysar and looks at him. Kaysar goes to her and they hug. Kay says, "It's been one of those days." Ericka goes to BY turns to Kay and says "Don't be glum". Kay goes into BY also. Will enters kitchen to check on his slop he's been baking with honey and white sugar. Those in the kitchen taste=test and say they aren't bad. Kay wonders if he added coffee mate to them. (All 4 cams still focused in kitchen and CG is only one in there and he's still cleaning.) James walks into kitchen. James doesn't like the movie trivia game. He thinks it's deplorable that people don't know who President & Vice President is, but they know the names of the movies! James gripes that someone didn't put a cover on the salmon and now it's ruined. FLAMES & WTLM 4:20 pm BBT 4:25 pm BBT All cams in kitchen. CG cleaning. James looking to prepare something to eat. CG What's your specialty tonight. James wants fish. Kay seconds that. CG hopes that the ratings for this show is doing great. You have to look at the characters in here that are very unique. James begins talking about Survivor and perhaps watching it. Over Eleven hours in an endurance competition on Survivor. HGs in backyard are still doing the movie trivia game. James and CG talking about James season and some of the comps. 4:30 pm BBT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moose Posted July 30, 2006 Share Posted July 30, 2006 505 pm BBT James & Kaysar on balcony whispering. Talking about how Will must leave, and that the Sov4) MUST win HOH again. Figuring what days are free and the days competitions are. Tired cuz BB kept them awake every 15 minutes with the WUCs. Both staring at ceiling, lying on sofas. Janelle walks out of HOH. Just come in Janie says. James and Kay goes into HOH and begin eating all the snacks Janie got. Strategizing beginning. Di is scared. Janelle still scared Di will put her up next week. Howie says that Janie was totally manipulated by CT yesterday and she is not allowed to talk with them by herself ever again. James tells Janie to tell CT... if you don't get the F out of my room, then you'll find your keys in that bag. Janie tells all of them what Will & Mike tried to tell Janie yesterday... all lies which she began to believe. James give her questions which she should've asked CT when they were steamrolling her. It's Janie's HOH, so Will doesn't say who is going! Boogie & Will mad at you Janie, you put the floaters up and then they are all mad at you. James asks Janie when does she care who is mad at her. Marcy is scared to death of Dani. We can convince Marcy to go after Boogie... now Will. Marcy said Will and Boogie is like Maggie. They are billion times stronger than Maggie. You need to go after the potential threat. Janie is getting scared of the floaters. Howie says it was a major mistake, but we still have the power to turn it around. If you don't do Will, everyone will be dumbstruck. The only way to rectify this situation is to make sure Will is put up and going home. We cannot afford to do anything else. If Will doesn't go home, eveyrone left will make it look like Erika was the real target. It's been a long time we didn't take them out. We got rid of Jase. if Will doesn't go up, we are dead. (Janie is munching and munching nervously on her snacks) If we get rid of a floater this week, it will be 3 against 8. We didn't even nominate the real brains.. Maggie (Will). James says to Howie that he is assigned to Janelle to watch over her. (lol) Howie tells her to look on screen who is at her door, and she can open it not open it depending on who it is. We HAVE to make the right decision. Howie laying in pink blanket...(making fun of it) Talk of Janie's mom calling in. BB calls Howie to change his batteries. Howie laughingly says okay what's the plan? James: No one gunning for you howie except for me. Joking about Howie or Janie staying. Janie says she's the worst player and Kay says she isn't. they both laugh and Kay lays in bed next to Janelle. James tells Janie that if you don't kick CT then it will be perceived that you are with them. Howie kisses Janelle's cheek and says, Janie I love you... you're the confused little blonde. Janelle turns to Kay who is beside her and he whispers that she HAS to go after Will. Howie leaves to get batteries. James leaves. Kaysar stays to reiterate everything that they said moments earlier. Janie still looks fearful. BB calls for Howie again, but this time to DR. Janie gets out of bed and tells Kaysar that her dream was about a big, black bear killing her dog (named Bear). Janie is putting on makeup and hiding out in HOH room. Kaysar invites her to go downstairs with him and she declines. 5:30 PM BBT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moose Posted July 30, 2006 Share Posted July 30, 2006 5:35 pm BBT Janie asks Kaysar why he is sleeping so much and his reply was that he is more happy in his dreams than being here. He wants to be with the people he left behind--close friends. He was making chances in his life --growing. Kaysar doesn't want to be like a caged animal. Not enough time between last season and now to be back into doing this again. kaysar appears very sad. Janie wants Kaysar to tell her who he really misses, but Kaysar wont talk to her about it. K This room is very damn pink J Don't you love it K NO! It's blinding. Would you really live like this. J Mine now is white. This pink is really fun. It's like Anna Nichol Smith K It terrible J Stop it. It's not that bad Kaysar Kaysar says its like a princess, janie likes it, kay hates it. K Why do you need makeup if you're going to stay in your room. J Cuz I have DR soon. Do you really think Erika hates me now? K Yes. You made some people nervous. It's week 4. J Still you told me it wouldn't be a bad idea. K yeah..... but now I think about it it's not a good idea. Let's salvage the plan now and not go there anymore. Let's just send Will home. J All right. Rest of the day, I'm just going to lie around and read. Kaysar read something Janelle was given, and he and Janie began laughing. J Kaysar lighten up a bit. K I'm funner than last year. J You laughed more last year K Perhaps I did. I'll try to laugh a little more this year. J You know laughter is good for you K I'm just sad. J You miss a girl K I'm not talking about this J Awwwwwwwwww That's sweet You should miss her. I miss my friend too. Howie thinks I'm nuts. K (laughs) J You think I should talk to Danielle? K You should talk to everyone you can since they are nervous. J Will you ask Danielle to come up? K Aren't you leaving. J I'm not leaving this room. 5:45 pm BBT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bella Posted July 30, 2006 Share Posted July 30, 2006 Will is in the pool and Mike is talking game with him but I can't really hear what they are saying. Mike repeating Betcha can't sleep, betcha can't sleep as he walks by Janie in the kitchen. Mike goes back outside. He talks to Will who's now in the spa with Erika. CG is laying next to them. The feeds just switched to Dani and James in the bug room. She asks if CT ever offered S6 anything. James says "Nothing." James & Dani decide they will keep Erika over Diane - if another floater is put up. James says this is the 2nd or 3rd or 5th time I've caught them saying to me (meaning S6). He sounds like he may be deciding to switch sides. Howie repeating night messages - Mommy, mommy I want my Janie doll, betcha can't sleep, Rick from Minneapolis . . . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dayzeestarr Posted July 30, 2006 Share Posted July 30, 2006 dani and james in bug room james says...its time to charge and janey goes home first then will then howie dani says, yes, oh yeah, ok.. and then james says, we are about to turn this game around.... boog and will in hot tub area talking about if janey is going to keep their deal dani comes out and tells them that janey is threatened by the other women Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bella Posted July 30, 2006 Share Posted July 30, 2006 All feeds on Mike & Will talking game again. Will says he isn't clear on the specifics of the deal they made. [i think with S6.) Will says he thinks Janie will put "me or CG up." Dani comes out and says "no, it's between you (Will) and Diane. She feels threatened by the women." Will & Mike find that interesting. Will seems suprised to find out that when Jase and Janie nominated Nak & Diane it was based on Janie's recommendation. Mike & Will tell Dani they haven't talked to them all day. She says she hasn't talked to them either. Dani, "Actions speak louder than words." It sounds like they are talking about the PoV comp. Dani says in season 2 she wondered if Will threw competitions. He says sometimes he did, sometimes he didn't. Brief discussion of yeast infections and thrush. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dayzeestarr Posted July 30, 2006 Share Posted July 30, 2006 dani in by acting like she is reading some kind of label, i think off of boogs meds or something she says to will and boog that they are probably watching them out the window and it will look like she is just reading but really she is talking strategy with willboogie dani asks if they have talked to THEM yet, willboogie says no, they have been sleeping all day will says that it is useless talking game to howie cuz he never knows anything anyways now dani really starts reading the label and we see why...marcy has walked out (for those without feeds, yes he is still in his robe and has been, by my calculations, for about 2 weeks now, except for live shows and comps) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bella Posted July 30, 2006 Share Posted July 30, 2006 Marcellas comes out and they start talking about movies. For some reason all four cameras today are on the same people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BigSis7 Posted July 30, 2006 Share Posted July 30, 2006 BBT 6:20 pm Dani and James in ant rm. James says jan is next to go and its time to break this house up. Dani says its about time because Dani from s3 is here. James says I told Julie James from S6 is here. Feeds switch to BY where Dani has joined B and Will. She tells them that Jan is going to put up either Will or Diane. Dani, Have you guys talked to them at all? B, No. W, Not a word. There is no point in discussing the game with H because he doesn't know anything. Did you hear me? Dani, Oh, I hear you, Im just looking like Im reading this in case someone is looking out the window at me. B., I didn't think she had a beef with Di. Dani, The thing with H is he does whatever Jan tells him to. Marc joins them so convo chgs. Dani asks W "I know you said you throw comps. did you? " W, No. (?) They begin talking of ShawShank Redemption. Now more movies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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