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Food Comp

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was tonight show really live . cause it seems like it was tape in advance and the food comp seem like i saw clips of it

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Well on the feeds they're acting as if they haven't even done the comp. Talking about how it's tomorrow and that they will most likely do it in the morning because it's going to be too hot in the afternoon. And I believe Danielle said they wouldn't give them alcohol because of the food comp tomorrow.

Ericka was also talking about how she could eat organs and things like that but not bugs.

So it hasn't happened yet.

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Guest jordansmom

you know i wonder if the feeds are really live and not just a tape or something. I was watching Saw 2 and it made me think about the feeds? Did anyone see Saw 2?

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Guest jordansmom

I brought it up b/c someone said they saw a commerical with the food comp already and if that is true then how could it be live all the time. I don't know was just tossing the idea out there. There was a part in the movie when they thought they were watching something live and it turned out to be taped. It just made me go Hmmm.

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Guest jordansmom

Also, if the whole season was taped, why would the producers let the houseguests give out certain secrets like Boogie did (within the past day or two, it's on morty's Big Brother front page).

I never said the whole season was taped and it was just a friendly thought.

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The commercial showed clips of previous BB comps. That was Howie spitting in a bucket after eating that Clam Sundae thing last year. Then they showed clips of houseguests talking and worrying about bugs, which they've been doing all week. So they showed us a bit of DR from the past couple of days.
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I'm positive its live because they always mention the day of the week at some point (Like it'll be Wednesday and they'll say something about 'eviction tomorrow'). And even more specifically, I can't tell you how many times one of them will ask what time it is and the time they give is always correct, to the minute. It would be impossible for CBS to match that up if it were a tape.

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Well, Cyn not impossible, but... Jeez I'v never seen so many people think CBS is pulling one over them as the people posting this year. What would they have to gain vs all they would have to lose? Thursday shows are live, the feeds are live, BUT julie is indeed a robot! <_<

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Cyn, I agree. I've also heard them talk about the exact date and get it right. I believe the feeds to be live. The food comp thing must have been some CBS doctoring past shows or feeds to get a commercial.

Hey, if they do get to eat bugs, just think about how much we can use the green, barfy icon!

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and here it is again for your reading pleasure........

The commercial showed clips of previous BB comps. That was Howie spitting in a bucket after eating that Clam Sundae thing last year. Then they showed clips of houseguests talking and worrying about bugs, which they've been doing all week. So they showed us a bit of DR from the past couple of days.

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