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Which one are you?


Which best describes you...  

64 members have voted

  1. 1. I decided to...

    • Get the live feeds AND watch the shows(are you kidding, I'm addicted!)
    • Get the live feeds but NOT watch the shows(I know everything already)
    • Not get the live feeds but watch the show(the feeds reveal too much, I want to be surprised)
    • Not get the live feeds OR watch the show(where is the Survivor message board?)

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Without giving away the reason for my poll... oh shoot, I'm curious to find out if there is anyone who doesn't get the feeds because they feel if they did they wouldn't watch the show. An afternoon of FOTH has me wondering if there is any validity to BB blocking the feeds to keep viewers interested in the show.

My thinking is that people are going to watch the show regardless. If they are addicted enough to want the feeds, they aren't going to turn around and not watch the show because they know too much of what is happening...

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I started watching BB during Season 4, got the live feeds the night they had the endurance HOH comp in the cages(that was in that season, right? lol) They had me hooked that night, and I love the feeds.

Guess that's my point... if you like the show, you watch the show... if you love the show and get the feeds, you don't then decide NOT to watch the show... it bugs me anytime someone suggests that BB puts the feeds on FOTH so that 'people will still watch the show'... that may be the reason/excuse, but it's crazy! We WILL watch the show anyway! lol Even if it's just to find out how much CBS/BB is willing to edit the show to create their own version of reality lol

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I didn't get the feeds until Season 5 because I got sick of the huge difference between what was shown on the show and what was reported in the feed transcripts. I wanted to see what was actually going on and not what CBS wanted me to see. I still watch the show so I agree with your point that having the feeds doesn't diminish my need/desire/addiction to watch the show too. :)

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:blink: i actually signed up for the live feeds late last season, and loved it except i spent too much time watching BB6, my family life suffered, dinner never got cooked, house was unkept, laundry piling up for days, no food, bills not paid, electricity off for days...uhhh, never mind. :P
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I've only been watching BB since season 5. My friends had the feeds then, but I didn't and I was jealous that they knew so much of what was going on. So last year I got the feeds. I don't think I could watch BB any other way. Its interesting to see how CBS edits the shows. And I like to see the DR sessions.

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i've been a BB fan since season 1, i remember watching season 1 in slo mo when the feeds were free....but later seasons i never bothered to get the feeds until this year, season 2 and 3 i just watched the show, season 4,5,6 i read updates online, and this year of course i watch the feeds and the show too!

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I too am a BB-aholic. In fact, I added the feeds to my work computer this week so now I watch during the day at work and as soon as I get home. Everyone in my life knows that during the BB season they are NOT to bug me (talk, ask for food, rides or laundry) for three hours a week so I can watch the shows. If they do, they know punishment is swift and severe! lol Is there a support group yet for addicted BBers???? :)

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I get the feeds and watch the show. I want to know all the scoop and everything CBS doesn't want or choose to show. I watch the show as well because I want to see the comps that they don't show on feeds and I also want to see how they are putting the pieces together(editing) and plus sometimes you look or see things differently when you watch the show.

But another reason is that I'm addicted. CBS has me wrapped around their finger, lol. :blink:

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I would get live feeds but first I dont really care much for paying the money. I also really dont see how I would even have time to sit there and watch the things. Thats the only reason I dont get feeds. Love the show and have watched every season. It is my favorite reality TV series!!!!!

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I need a "I don't get the live feeds because I am a cheap bastard" option. That, and I would get fired from my job for being on the feeds all day.

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count me in the cheap bastard option too, even so I scrounge up all the info I can, I should be just coughing up the bucks and get the feeds. As a matter of fact hubby asked me today if I wanted to get them, he would be more than happy to pay for it :blink:

I am so torn I love the show, but I know myself, I would be sitting here and just watch the feeds and all my other work would suffer. I spend about 3 hours a day reading updates and the boards, with the feeds I would prolly spend around at least 8 hours on the feeds. What to do????? to get or not to get??? HELP

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