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Friday, October 16, 2020 Big Brother 22 All-Stars Live Feed Updates

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If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB22-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Comic bedroom (CBR)
Photo bedroom (PBR)
Key bedroom (KBR)
Showmance room lounge (SRL)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

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Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at https://www.tvfanforums.net/chatbox/room/1-lobby/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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12:35AM BBT: The house has been silent the last hour while the HGs sit in their own rooms and think. Cody is in the WA and Christmas eventually joins him on the couch, Cody asks her "what's up," and they talk about waiting for Enzo to finally get his HoHR. Cody says Enzo was called into the DR about twenty minutes ago, so they believe he'll get his room soon. They both agree that waiting is "the worst." They discuss food. 


12:43AM BBT: BB cuts the feeds while Enzo gets his HoHR. 


1:07AM BBT: The feeds are back and the HGs are in the HoHR while Enzo pours them glasses of wine and they snack on goodies from his HoH basket. "Moo-lawn" has also joined them in the HoHR. They toast to being in the "final four," and thank Enzo for sharing his wine. Enzo talks about getting a t-shirt that says "Team Enzo" on it. They discuss his photos. 


1:12AM BBT: The HGs talk about being in the final four and how everyone in the house has been great. They talk about how everyone has played "hard and different and unique" and that it's been a great season. 


1:19AM BBT: Nicole leaves the HoHR, Christmas, Enzo, and Cody talk about traveling. 


1:28AM BBT: Nicole has gone to bed in the KBR, the three in the HoHR talk about their homes and their family and if anyone will fly out to meet them after the show. BB cuts the feeds from time to time. 


1:36AM BBT: The three up in the HoHR discuss the season and what clips they want to watch back. They try to figure out if this season had a villain. Christmas says she doesn't think there was a villain this season, unless it was her. Enzo says he doesn't think Christmas is the villain. Cody says his brother was a villain on his season. They all agree this has been a "great season." 


2:00AM BBT: Christmas, Enzo, and Cody are still chatting in the HoHR. They talked about age and their first seasons compared to this season. They then go on to talk about various DR sessions and what they said about other HGs. BB continues to cut the feeds from time to time. 


2:16AM BBT: Christmas has left the HoHR and is now unpacking, upstairs Enzo and Cody talk about a "final two" and how the two boys "from Jersey" haven't been on the block the whole season. Cody says he has to "win the VETO" or Enzo has to win the VETO, otherwise Cody says he's "going home." Enzo says what he and Cody did this season was "f***ing crazy." They talk about jury. 


2:18AM BBT: Enzo tells Cody that he's "scared" of taking Nicole to the final three because he's worried that Cody would "throw" the comp so Nicole takes Cody instead of Cody having to pick between him and Nicole. Enzo talks about what he wants for the rest of the season and they talk about the upcoming comps. Cody gets a little upset that Enzo thinks that Cody might "f**k" him "over." Enzo begins to ramble about people hating him and people liking him. Cody tries to jump in to get clarification but Enzo continues to ramble. 


2:27AM BBT: BB cuts the feeds in the middle of Enzo's rambling. When the feeds are back, Cody is in the HoHR alone. Enzo is downstairs in the SR, "there's no liquor, none!" Enzo is upset, he says he should have "yelled" at some people this season. He leaves the SR and gets his beach ball from downstairs before throwing it into the LR. He notes the time and then walks upstairs to the HoHR. "I thought I had liquor," Enzo tells Cody, but realizes it was just a bag of cheese. "Come on, yo!" "You ain't gettin' it," Cody says. Enzo drinks from the wine bottle. BB cuts the feeds. 


2:30AM BBT: When the feeds are back, Enzo says "I'm the a*****e." He says he doesn't want "meetings" tomorrow and he doesn't want Christmas up in the HoHR tomorrow. Cody asks him about his nomination season and Enzo says it will be "there's no one else in the house," and "this is it." Cody laughs. Enzo jokes around about his nomination speech. Enzo then starts to talk about "Moo-lawn" and how he's going to dress her up. Enzo says he's going to "put lipstick on her" and "UGG boots on her."


2:37AM BBT: Enzo and Cody leave the HoHR. Enzo gathers his things from various rooms while Cody is in the WA and says he's going to bed. Enzo says he's going to listen to his music and then go to sleep. They say goodnight and Enzo walks back upstairs while Cody walks to the KBR. Upstairs, Enzo listens to his music so loud it can be heard through his microphone. BB cuts the cameras away from the HoHR and all four are now on the KBR where the other three HGs are asleep. 


3:38AM BBT: Enzo is in bed and the lights are off throughout the BB house. 


4:43AM BBT: BB cuts the feeds. 


5:03AM BBT: Two of the feeds are back, showing Cody, Nicole, and Christmas asleep in the KBR. 


5:14AM BBT: The last two feeds are back, all of the HGs are sleeping in their beds. 


8:10AM BBT: All of the HGs are still sleeping. 

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1:50 PM BBT

The feeds have returned

Enzo and Nicole are in the kitchen. Nicole is snacking. Enzo begins looking for soap to wash the dishes. Christmas is shown making her bed in the KBR.


1:52 PM BBT

The feeds pop back to RCHS the quickly back to houseguests.





CHristmas enters the kitchen and asks Enzo, "Do you think we still have noms at 5?

Enzo: I don't know. Nothing came up. Nothing came up.

[It sounds like the houseguests may have had a luxury competition based on the following, but I'm unsure what she's talking about  -MamaLong]


1:55 PM BBT

Christmas has settled in the Love Lounge. She talks to the cameras and begins crying. "I'm not angry that I didn't win $10,000. I am mad that I went against my intuition and I feel like I betrayed Memphis by not picking him. It just sucks. I had so much fun in that comp, but it just made me like....miss my friend. This house just sucks. It's literally not about the cash. It's like... I feel like I just betrayed him by not even picking him. It's kinda hard to explain. I*something about Nicole and Da'Vonne that is hard to decipher*..like talking to anybody in this house is not the same. Two weeks on the block. He won $10,000 I'm happy for him. I'm happy for him. I just feel he is going to be disappointed I didn't pick him. I'm just ready to hug my own son. THis place just likes gets to you. I want to see my family. I want a real cocktail without limitations....... I'm just ready to go home."





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1:52PM BBT Feeds are back. Nic and Enzo are in their BB Comics outfits. Xmas is in the KBR putting on socks.


 1:56PM BBT Xmas in the lounge crying about not picking Memphis. She says she doesn't care about the money. She says she had fun in the comp. There may have been a comp while feeds were down. She says she misses Memphis and went against her intuition and didn't pick him in the comp. He won 10K. She says that she feels he is going to be disappointed that she didn't pick him for the comp. She says she is ready to hug Loyal. She just wants to go home.


2:00PM BBT Xmas says that she feels like a pin cushion from everyone stabbing her in the back. She says memphis won't understand why she didn't pick him for the comp. She says that she wanted to pick Memphis but she didn't want people to think anything. She says that she misses him. She is upset with Cody having an obsession with getting her out of the house.



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1:58 PM BBT

Christmas is still talking aloud in the Lounge.

"I just can't hide in here. You can't say what you really think. I know Cody has a fucking issue with me and I don't care. I think it's funny I can get under his skin. The fact that I even think that Enzo might put me on the block. The fact that he hasn't told me he's not. It just pisses me off. You know you feel like a fucking pin cushion in here and Memphis never did that to me. I didn't pick him and I feel like he is going to wonder why I didn't pick him and  it's going to hurt his feelings. I think Enzo wants to keep his relationship in tact with Cody and he is going to nominate me and NIcole. I really don't want to hang out with anybody! They have a luxury competition right before nominations. I really don't care that I didn't win the $10,000. I don't give  afuck. I am not here for $10,000. I am here for $500,000. But this one wasn't strategy, it was loyalty. I wanted to pick him and then I didn't want people to think....I don't know. He just left yesterday....your best friend is gone. The person you spent 24/7 with, literally. I couldn't get emotional yesterday because I had a fucking HOH comp. And Cody was just....Cody, what is you freaking obsession with getting me out of this game?"

Christmas: I'm an asshole. I'm sorry.

Christmas is crying harder now. "I miss my family. I am so ready for this game to be done."





2:05 PM BBT

Christmas: Nominations and then PoV tomorrow. That will determine everything. Everything.


2:07 PM BBT

The feeds cut back to RCHS




2:13 PM BBT

Cody and Enzo have been playing ball and thoroughly cleaning the kitchen.


2:19 PM BBT

Christmas: If Nicole gets to final two, I'm gonna vote for her. Especially if it's against Enzo. I like it in here. I don't have to worry about people coming in. I can talk freely.


2:29 PM BBT

The feeds switch back to RCHS, again.


2:33 PM BBT

The feeds return to Nicole in the Lounge with Christmas

Christmas: I am glad you won money

Nicole: yeah it was just pick of the draw...shot in the dark

Christmas tells her that she just feels bad that she didn't pick Memphis "it's like a weird betrayal"

Nicole tells her she is sorry and she'll get up with her and have coffee with her in the mornings and chat about life.

Nicole: I get it. You guys were close. I would have felt that way, too. Like with Ian. I wanted to pick him but he wasn't available. I know you miss him. I'm sure he misses you a lot, too.



2:35 PM BBT

Nicole leaves Christmas to go finish drying the dishes that Cody is washing. Nicole tells her she will check on her later. Christmas begins crying more once Nicole leaves.


When Nicole enters the kitchen the guys ask if Christmas is okay.

Nicole: She's not studying. I'm not supposed to tell you guys. She misses Memphis.

Cody: Oh shit.

Nicole: I'm not supposed to tell you guys, so don't say anything. She's crying.

Enzo: This lady, Yo. I feel bad. I feel bad, I do.


2:37 PM BBT

Nicole asks if nominations is on the screen yet. Enzo says he thinks it will be a late night nomination ceremony because they are doing DRs for the luxury comp first. Enzo says he is going to take a nap and put a special lock on the door that requires a code. Only one person will get the code to get in. 

Nicole: that's Memphis style

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2:10PM BBT Cody is putting things away in the KT. He seems upset. Enzo is cooking. It appears there was a comp with HG and jury. The HG and juror got to split 10K. It sounds like it was Nic and Memphis who won.


2:38PM BBT Xmas still in the lounge crying really hard. In the KT, Cody, Enzo and Nic cleaning. Enzo is joking about them having to have a code to get into the HOH BR.


2:44PM BBT COdy complaining about Xmas not doing dishes. He says she always leaves her dirty dishes everywhere. Nic and Cody talk about that they were not allowed to leave dishes growing up. Neither family had a dishwasher. 


2:51PM BBT Xmas is still wrapped up in the lounge. Her nose is bright red from crying. She is looking at herself in the mirror. In the KT, Nic and Cody continue doing the dishes and chatting.



2:58PM BBT Cody and Nic are in the SR. Cody is going through what food BB gave them. Nic is picking up items to put in the fridge. Xmas is napping in the lounge.

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3:00PM BBT: Nic is rearranging all of the new fruits and vegetables that were delivered while dropping some on the ground and giving some of the old veggies the sniff test and tossing.  Christmas is asleep in the love room.


3:02PM BBT: Cody is starting up some cooking in the KT.  He chopped up some garlic and threw some butter in a pan and is prepping some chicken.


3:10PM BBT: Nic is helping Cody cook the meal by cutting up the lettuce. She asks him where he and Christy want to go on vacation when they get out.  He says an island and he's trying to be get a trip.  She says "me and Vic went to Barbados one time and we weren't even relevant yet".  Feeds cut to animals.


3:14PM BBT: Feeds come back.  Christmas is still under covers in the love room and Cody is cleaning the pots.  Nic went off to get some fresh mushrooms for him.


3:25PM BBT: The feeds have been cutting off and and it's tough to follow the conversation that they're having about the comp earlier today.  Nic says she thinks she'll be nominated.  Nic said it's nice that Memphis won $10k so he can pay his medical bills for what he enduring during the comp.  [or something along those lines]  

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4:51 PM BBT

The Feeds have returned

Enzo nominated Christmas and Nicole for eviction.

Nicole (to Christmas): this nomination journey....alls I do is just laugh. It's my defense mechanism

Christmas does not reply

Enzo: I knew CHristmas was going to get upset. We are gonna have a fight. She is gonna snap on me this season.



4:59 PM BBT

Nicole is alone in the CBR studying aloud

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4:51 PM BBT.  Nicole and Christmas are in the WA.  Nicole says this nomination journey, I just laugh, it's my defense mechanism.  Christmas gets in the shower & Nicole leaves.  Cody is doing dishes.  Enzo says Christmas is going to snap on me.  Enzo and Cody discuss having dinner at 6 and what to have.  There is rice and...  Enzo says I have that soppressata from my basket and that crab meat, we can do crabcakes if you guys can make that.  He goes upstairs to get them both.  Nicole has left to go rest.  

5:06 PM BBT.  Enzo and Cody are getting things prepared for dinner.  Nicole is laying in bed in the CBR.  

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5:11 PM BBT.  Nicole is still laying in bed in the CBR.  Enzo is in the HOHR trying to listen to his music.  He says it is still broke.  Soon after we can clearly hear the music play & Enzo starts singing, so the feeds go to stars.  When the feeds return, we can still hear Enzo's music, it's less loud than before but still easy to hear.  

5:14 PM BBT.  Cody is called to the DR.  Cody says that’s messed up I am trying to do this (prep dinner).  The feeds go to stars.  

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5:25 PM BBT.  Christmas is in the KT.  She is standing at the refrigerator with both doors wide open just staring into it.  She puts a couple of things in and takes out a couple of things.  She finally shuts the doors.  Nicole is still in the CBR.  She is saying out loud some things she could make to eat.  

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5:29 PM BBT.  Nicole and Christmas are in the KT preparing food.  Enzo is in the HOHR listening to music and flipping through the stack of pictures from the PBR.  

5:36 PM BBT.  Christmas and Nicole are still making food in the KT.  There has been no talking at all. 

5:38 PM BBT.  Christmas takes her grilled cheese sandwich out of the pan and puts it on a plate.  She then puts it in the microwave.  Then, she takes it to the table to eat.  

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5:44 PM BBT.  Christmas has finished eating but is still sitting at the table.  Nicole

is still making food.  There still has not been any talking.  


5:48 PM BBT.  In the KT, Cody asks Nicole if Christmas is livid. She says she asked if she was ok and she said yes but that was it, she wouldn’t talk. She says she ate her sandwich and said nothing.  Nicole says Christmas is going to pretend to be doing things but she’ll really be studying.  Nicole asks if Christmas was blindsided.  Cody said she kept asking Enzo if she was going up.    

5:55 PM BBT.  Enzo is still in the HOHR.  Cody is in the KT prepping food.  Christmas is in the KBR reading the bible.  

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6:16 PM BBT Nicole and Cody are in the kitchen fixing food to eat. Nicole is mainly talking. Christmas is all snuggled up in her bed in the KBR just laying there  Stars come on in between random chats. 

6:34 PM BBT Cody and Nicole by the photo wall going over important dates and information,  Enzo is up in the HOHR. Christmas still in bed. 

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