MamaLong Posted October 17, 2020 Share Posted October 17, 2020 6:30 PM BBT Cody and Nicole studying like crazy in the kitchen quizzing each other. Cody knows his stats. Nicole is a bit slower, but she can answer most of Cody's questions pretty quickly. Cody says Christmas' pouty attitude won't help her in the competition. 6:36 PM BBT Christmas is sobbing under a blanket in the KBR 6:51 PM BBT Cody's crab cakes are almost done and they look amazing. Christmas is now in the WA curling her hair. Cody: Christmas, you want a crab cake? From the WA, CHristmas responds, "Oh, no thank you." Nicole goes upstairs to tell Enzo they are ready. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
melmel Posted October 17, 2020 Share Posted October 17, 2020 6:54 PM BBT Cody made something like pattie some burnt on the top but looked ediable at least. Christmas is out from the bed and is now in the bahroom area with shades on and her shaker bottle. Cody enzo and Nicole all at the table eating. 7:05 PM BBT Cody Nicole Enzo in the KT area chatting. Christmas was in the KBR changing her clothes. Nicole an enzo are eating something not sure what. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted October 17, 2020 Share Posted October 17, 2020 7:05 PM BBT Christmas has gone to the DR Enzo, Nicole and Cody discuss Christmas and can't believe the way she is acting Cody: she is mad at you guys for not targeting me Enzo: I should have put you on the block Cody: what Enzo: I should have put you on the block so I don't have to deal with this shit No comment or reaction from Cody Enzo: the crab cakes are good, though. For real. Nciole: I'm glad I moved out (She moved out of the KBR and back into the Comic Bedroom)'s crazy. She was so happy to see my face up there....laughing and everything. Then hers and....I don't get it. Cody: I guess she thought it was going to be you and me Nicole: She definitely did. He must have led her to believe that. Cody: He definitely did. Enzo: You know what, I'm the asshole Cody: what? Enzo: remember I'm the asshole Cody: no, I've always been enemy number one Nicole: I have just as big a chance to go home Cody: I do not agree They begin discussing the competition. Nicole says she just hopes it's not the dice comp (Tumblin' DIce). Enzo is having a difficult time with Christmas' reaction to being nominated, "I'm going to apologize to Christmas. I apologized to Dani. I apologized to Bayleigh. I'm sorry yo. I didn't mean to do it. This fucking sucks. SHe is in there shitting on me." Cody: are there any more crab cakes? Enzo: there is one it for her Cody: I asked her.. She said no Enzo: save it Enzo goes upstairs, "I'll be hiding upstairs, and that's that." Enzo comes back downstairs with his Special K Cereal Cody: Special K for dessert? Enzo: yeah Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
melmel Posted October 17, 2020 Share Posted October 17, 2020 7:22 PM BBT Nicole is in the CBR now asleep with the covers over her. Cody Enzo still in the KT talking general chatter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted October 17, 2020 Share Posted October 17, 2020 7:30 PM BBT Enzo: whoever wins this comp tomorrow. Yo, Christmas is going to be up your ass. Cody: I need to win this comp. This is do or die for me...if I don't win... Enzo: She is angry. She is not gonna listen to shit now. Enzo: The insanity of this game...If it was me on the block right now, I'd be like I get it. But, her.....But, I do like her. Yo. Enzo: this is what happens when you are friends with everybody. This is what happens when you lie and lie and lie. 7:36 PM BBT Enzo begins talking about his father and tells a few stories about how close they were. "I miss that dude. When your father goes, half of your heart goes. It's a wound that will never heal. As time goes by, it just makes it a little easier...that's all it is." Cody: Yeah Enzo thinks quietly for a bit then whispers "See you later assholes" (This is something Christmas has said throughout the season when leaving a room, mostly to the guys, but sometimes to the girls, too.) 7:45 PM BBT Christmas is now out of the DR and reading the Bible in bed in the KBR 7:54 PM BBT Cody heads to the KBR and gets in his bed. He puts his cap over his eyes. Christmas is in her bed still reading. (Earlier, COdy said he was going to try to talk to Christmas.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
melmel Posted October 17, 2020 Share Posted October 17, 2020 7:48 PM BBT Enzo is still at the table Cody is in the KT. Christmas is in the KBR just laying in bed. Cody is now laying down. Enzo is the only one up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted October 17, 2020 Share Posted October 17, 2020 7:58 PM BBT Enzo goes to the PBR and grabs a pair of his shoes, "Everyone is studying." He heads upstairs "everyone is all upset. Everyone is studying. Everyone is nervous. ....everyone is fucked up. Enzo enters the HOHR and fills in Moo-Lawn on the house drama, "Everyone is nervous, everyone is's a mess down there Moo-Lawn...Christmas is very upset at us, still." BB: Enzo, please go to the Diary Room downstairs. Enzo: Oh,really? I got to get my hat. Oh shit. I'll be back. I just got to get my hat. 8:19 PM BBT Cody has fallen asleep on his bed in the KBR. There was no conversation with Christmas, and she has now put her Bible aside and is crying under her covers, again. Nicole is asleep in the CBR. Enzo is in the DR. 8:27 PM BBT Nothing going on...and I mean, nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted October 17, 2020 Share Posted October 17, 2020 9:00 PM BBT Enzo is now out of the DR Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
roachie Posted October 17, 2020 Share Posted October 17, 2020 9:08PM BBT: Christmas is in the KT by herself eating Wheat Chex in her robe with her sunglasses on. Enzo is up in the HOHR talking to himself "it is what it is". 9:26PM BBT: Cody is studying the memory wall. Enzo is up out of bed getting water and says he's tired as he heads to his WC. Christmas is back in bed. 9:29PM BBT: Christmas talks to the camera saying that she is not giving up and will be resting to night and will fight tomorrow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
roachie Posted October 17, 2020 Share Posted October 17, 2020 9:39PM BBT: After cleaning the dishes in the sink, Cody plays basketball in the KT. 9:41PM BBT: Christmas asks production if she can please be called to the DR next so that she can go to sleep. 9:59PM BBT: Cody returns to studying the faces on the wall, covering up some of their features so he can pick them out in a comp if needed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted October 17, 2020 Share Posted October 17, 2020 10:20 PM BBT Christmas begs Big Brother to turn out the lights in the KBR, "I just want this day to end." The lights are turned off, "Oh my God. Thank you!" Christmas begins crying, again. [Christmas has been crying all day since the luxury competition. This is beyond disappointment and feeling betrayed. It's an emotional breakdown. -MamaLong] 10:38 PM BBT Christmas was called to the DR, but she went in and came right back out. Cody asked if she was done already, and Christmas said they are going to call him first. Christmas goes back to bed. Cody goes in to check on her. He says he can't help notice she is having a hard time, and he wanted to check on her. She tells him that she has had a really bad 48 hours, and she is just trying to process everything. She claims she is not mad at anyone, just trying to deal with her emotions. She thanks him and he leaves. Christmas breaks down crying, again, as soon as he is out the door. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goldylucks Posted October 17, 2020 Share Posted October 17, 2020 10:45 PM BBT Feeds 1 and 2 show Nicole getting out of the shower. Feeds 3 and 4 show Christmas laying up in bed. The lights are out and she is crying in the dark. 10:50 PM BBT Enzo is pacing downstairs. He goes to the WA and talks to Nicole who is brushing her teeth. Enzo says that Christmas is emotional right now. So, he isn't going to talk to her tomorrow. He is probably just going to be making it worse. He and Nicole say that this is her 3rd week on the block in a row and this is the first time she knows that she is the target. Enzo says that they are down to final 4 and she knows that he has a relationship with Cody. She has to know that he wasn't putting Cody on the block. 11:10 PM BBT Enzo continues to pace. He is upstairs pacing back and forth from the upstairs DR door to the end of the railing. He talks over the railing to Nicole briefly and says that he is just bored and everyone is anxious about the POV tomorrow. He tells her that Cody is up there saying that he is locked in because he won the F4 POV on his season. 11:30 PM BBT Enzo is still pacing upstairs. Cody comes out of the DR. He stops in and talks to Nicole in the BR. They discuss how Christmas has been in the bedroom crying. Cody tells Nicole that it is time to lock in and study. Cody leaves and throws the ball around down in the LR. Enzo looks over the railing and they briefly discuss how the girls are in bed. Cody says that he is good at hitting the basket from one side, but not from the other. So, he practices. Enzo resumes pacing. 11:39 PM BBT Cody is studying in front of the memory wall. He is looking at the photos while he mumbles the order of events to himself. Enzo is now downstairs. He watches him quietly from the sofa. 11:42 PM BBT Cody continues to study while Enzo talks about music. Enzo misses Eminem and Taylor Swift. 11:44 PM BBT Cody has stopped studying and is now kicking the beach ball around downstairs. Enzo says he wants wine. Maybe they will get wine and the back yard tomorrow. Enzo mentions playing chess but he will be dumb and silly if he does. Cody says he is serious right now. He can't afford to be silly. He will be silly tomorrow after the veto. 11:47 PM BBT Cody says he has to win the veto. Enzo says he wants to sweep the week. Cody says that he hopes that he does. He has to be on to do that. Enzo says that he is on. Enzo is debating on what to say to Christmas. Cody says tells her a bunch of sh*t so she panics in the veto. 11:54 PM BBT Cody is in the dining room studying the memory wall. "Players that were evicted that never won a veto". He repeats the names Janelle, David Keisha, Ian over and over again. He then repeats Dani, Kaysar, Nicole, Bayleigh over and over again. Enzo "I miss Taylor Swift". 11:59 PM BBT Cody and Enzo are in the KT. Enzo says that he is cold and his throat feels like he is getting sick. He is making some tea. Cody tells him that tea has a lot of caffeine in it. Enzo says that tea is good for you and it's the weak caffeine. He teases Cody, who has his shirt off, and tells him to put his tiny nipples away. Cody responds jokingly, rubbing his hands over his nipples and asking Enzo "Do you like this?" Cody then heads to bed, leaving Enzo alone in the KT waiting on his tea. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MamaLong Posted October 17, 2020 Share Posted October 17, 2020 Moo-Lawn Boujee has taken residency in the HoHR. Thanks to her host, Enzo, she is receiving VIB treatment. (Very Important Bovine) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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