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Sunday, August 16, 2020 Big Brother 22 All-Stars Live Feed Updates

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12:33PM Ian cracks a joke when production says they want more Tom Cruise and less Ian in his performance. He responds, "so you want me to be an inch shorter?"





12:37PM BBT Coming out to the BY after his performance in the LR, still in costume, Kaysar asks Ian if he's wearing space pants.  He responds by slapping his butt and saying, "Yes, because my ass is out of this world." [Ian cracking ALL the jokes today - BBLurkerPlus]


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1:17PM BBT Cody and Day talking in the WCA talking about alliances. He says he feels that he and her are solid. He says that their group is who he needs to stay loyal to. He says if anyone mentions to him that Day has to go , he wants to see them on the block. Cams change and we have Ian and Janelle on the BY couch. Janelle says she really doesn't care about the house. Ian says he doesn't even give a damn. Janelle says F all these people and I don't care. She says she cares about the game but just wouldn't care if she got voted out. Ian says in his last game he really cared. 


 1:26PM BBT Ian is called to do scene #25. He heads to the living room and reads the script. BB reads some lines. Ian tells them they missed some dialog and do they not know their lines. He says BB told him less him and more Tom Cruise and he asked if he had to lose an inch. BB wants him to be more smoldering. He heads out to the BY to do his scene. 


1:36PM BBT HG trying to decide if they want to sit outside. It is very hot there. In the SR, Memphis and Cody talking. Memphis says that the alliance of 6 is great but really it only matters the 2 of them. Cody says he is concerned if they (not sure exactly who) get HOH who they will put up. Memphis says maybe Ian and NicF. He leaves the SR. 


1:43PM BBT Ian and David in the SR, it is very quick but Ian says he is leaning towards keeping him but it is a big if. David leaves the SR. Memphis walks over to sun on a chair. Dani says that the comp was not aimed at a girl to win. She tells him he did well.



1:49PM BBT Xmas and Bay talking in the PBR about alliances and the house. Bay says she is very observant. Ian has walked in to get his swimsuit (in his underwear). Xmas whistles and tells him that he is competing with Kaysar and Cody for the hot bod. Bay agrees. Ian heads out and they start talking about how competitive they each are.


1:54PM BBT Janelle talking to NicA. Telling her she has her, Kaysar, Bay, Ian (if things remain the same), Kevin and hopefully with Bay comes Day and if not Xmas. Janelle tells her that she knows she is worrying but they are trying to help her. NicA says she knows.



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2:04PM BBT NicF and Day talking. Day says she heard NicF had an alliance and she wants in. NicF says likes Cody, Day and Ian. The are whispering. NicF says she has heard they want to BD her. Day says that it has been going around but they want to keep her because she is attached to Cody.


2:14PM BBT NicA is talking to Kevin in the KBR. She is talking about her convo with Janelle. She says she played dumb with Janelle. Kevin says he will fact check with Bay to see if she was told to vote against NicA. NicA says if they are lying to her then she wants to blow the house up after the Veto meeting even though he isn't going to use it.  Kevin says that he feels like Kaysar and David are getting close.


2:34PM BBT In the BY, NicF, Cody and Tyler talk about Vic was a nerd in HS. She says he is a good type of nerd. Cody says he wasn't a jock in HS. NicF says he was so. He says no, that the football players would rip on him all the time. He told them they would peak in HS. He says that was his comeback. He says he was very skinny but he was tough skinned. 

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2:35 PM BBT

Cody tells NicoleF that he was 5'8" and skinny in high school.....everybody made fun of him.

Tyler says "first I was fat and then in middle school I was tiny"


2:44 PM BBT

NicoleA asks Dani if she can pick her brain in the bathroom. NicoleA realizes Memphis won't use the veto, so NicoleA asks if Dani thinks she has enough votes.

Dani- I think so. ...but, what's the freaking deal with Janelle? Don't tell anyone, but people are linking you with her

NicoleA- but I swear I'm not with her...last week we were hanging out, this week it's like 'don't talk to me'

Dani asks what Memphis said

NicoleA- he said to fight for myself

Dani- I don't know what is going on with them....don't repeat this or I'll kill you, but it might be time to sell someone out

NicoleA- a random person out?

Dani- no

NicoleA- a very specific person?

Dani- yes

NicoleA- that's already on my plan..if the veto is not used that's my plan...'cause I'm over it.....because I won't be disrespected...I know it's not what is expected from me

Dani- but America loves that crap....when you can like call out somebody who has done you dirty in this game, it's satisfying 



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2:40PM BBT In the WCA, Xmas and Bay are getting ready to go out to the BY in their bathing suits. Xmas gives Bay some pads to fill in her top. Day comes in and tells Bay that she loves the color (it is hot pink). Enzo is in the KT cooking. NicA and Enzo are talking about the Veto comp. NicA disappointed in her performance. Enzo says the boards were not made for the girls to lift.


 2:47PM BBT In the WCA Dani is talking to NicA. Dani tells NicA to talk to Memphis later. She says just to ask him if she can talk to him later. Dani tells her not to follow him. NicA says there are two extremes. If you are laid back then you don't care but if you are to up their a** then you are crazy. Dani heads out. David is taking a shower.




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3:02PM BBT: Dani and Da'vonne are in the KT withDavid and Memphis comes through moving all of their stuff to make room for his chips.  Enzo is sitting at the KTT and Da joins him.  The HG are moving inside the house and out in the BY, but not much talk.














Queen Janelle







3:08PM BBT: Kaysar and NicA are on the BY couch and Kaysar tells her that if she can't get a straight answer, then it's a no.  They know the POV will not be used. She asks if the odds are in her favor.  "If you can get votes from the ones that I mention, then yes".   She looks somber.


3:10PM BBT: Dani and Da are talking in the WA.  Back in the BY, Kaysar tells NicA he's working on getting her 5 or 6 solid votes and to make sure she gets 2 or 3 solid yeses and he'll do the rest and it won't be a tie.  She thanks him. "don't mention it"






3:13PM BBT: Kaysar -  "Once we get you safe, we'll form an official alliance and keep you from going anywhere."  NicA -  "I wish we could just form it now".


3:25PM BBT: NicA and Memphis were alone outside and she tells him that she's still good with him and that she won't come for him.  He tells her that he's not campagning against her and if she hears otherwise, that it's a lie.


3:32PM BBT: Ian does the avenging his father scene in the BY with Cody's assistance.

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3:23 PM BBTimage.thumb.png.044605c4e34bbe2be895634042c3c08a.png

NicoleA trying to drum up the courage to get candid with Memphis on the backyard couch

NicoleA- you know you're still good with

Memphis- huh

NicoleA- you're still get with me, and if I stay I will owe you

Memphis- I think you have a pretty good chance of staying and just so you know, I am not campaigning either way, so if someone says differently, it's a lie 

NicoleA- okay, I appreciate that


3:25 PM BBT

Ian gets called to do scene 79

Kevin- with Cody

Cody asks Ian if he needs a plus one...Ian says yes, if he needs a scene partner

Kevin- ....that's why they are calling it right now

Janelle says she will do one with him tonight



Janelle- just not in the morning

Cody- this is my time to shine guys...you never know who could be watching

Kevin says he told Ian would do it whenever he needs him "I just feel so bad for him)




In the kitchen, NicoleF, David, and Christmas are drinking pickle juice. They aren't enjoying it, but Christmas says it's full of electrolytes and they should do it once a day

Ian gets called to do scene 25 with two characters. He chooses Enzo and Christmas

The narrator begins the story.






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4:02 PM BBT

Dani is talking with Christmas in the Photo Bedroom. Dani says she is super emotional because she started her period and really misses her daughter, Tennessee. She was just reading her bible and trying not to cry. Dani says Thursday will be  a disaster because it is both her daughter's birthday and her birthday.

Christmas tells her she might win.

Janelle and Kaysar are in the upstairs loft recycling their same game talk 

Kaysar- everyone is pissed at Memphis, they aren't even focused on us (Kaysar thinks he has secured NicoleA and Christmas)

Janelle- I just don't get it, Da'Vonne is so smart. How does she not see those four are together?

Kaysar- people see what they want to see

Janelle- there is definitely a generational thing....these people are too sensitive...crying, Day 2

Kaysar- I know. We have to find a way to use that to our advantage


4:22 PM BBT

Memphis joins Janelle and Kaysar in the upstairs loft.

Kaysar- do you care which one goes?

Memphis whispers then approaches the platform bed and climbs up next to Janelle to game talk

Janelle- he is going to put us up if he stays

Memphis- then we need to get him out

Janelle- I don't even think we have Da'Vonne

Kaysar- I'm trying to rally the troops  

Memphis laughs then heads out

Kaysar- I like Memphis

Janelle- oh yeah

Kaysar- the guys are scared of Memphis

Janelle- they should be

Kaysar- he carries himself differently so they don't know what to do with that

Janelle- it's like the perfect opportunity...he said I don't believe in backdooring week 2.....it's so frustrating

Kaysar- we have to win HoH

Janelle- if we don't, we're f*ed


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4:31 PM BBT

Janelle says he wants to play the old way and it's not like that anymore. He wants respect. Kaysar says it's parents vs. vegans

Janelle repeats "It's Parents vs. Vegans"

Janelle says that NicoleF is a much more dangerous person in this game...than David

Kaysar- it's kind of working out in a strange way

Janelle- if he leaves it's not terrible. We have NicoleA, but 

Kaysar- she asked me if she had my vote

Janelle- seriously?  [Janelle and Kaysar are counting on working with NicoleA. NicoleA is feeling used by them lately. Dani has been working hard to get NicoleA to out Janelle's game to the house in hopes of a Janelle backdoor. Janelle has been hoping for a NicoleF backdoor.  David is the target right now. -MamaLong]

4:45 PM BBT

NicoleA, Memphis, Christmas and Janelle are on the couch in the backyard. NicoleA and Janelle are eating and NicoleA offers Memphis some of her toast. He declines saying he feels like "all we ever do in here is eat"

NicoleA agrees.

They begin talking about how Halloween will be cancelled because of COVID

Janelle- can't people put stuff on the porch and just let kids pick it up

Memphis- no, they will not allow it

Janelle- I love Halloween

They then discuss how they likely won't have any end of season events for BB22



Bay is talking about being a flight attendant before Big Brother and how great it was for a young, single person.

Bay says a lot of flight attendants got COVID. It's terrifying. She says she was a flight attendant for 5 years from age 21 to 25 then she came on BB.




4:56 PM BBT

NicoleA and Janelle are going over votes in the backyard. 

NicoleA counts Kevin, "that's 1"

Janelle- I think you'd have enough

NicoleA- you're 2, Kaysar 3

Janelle says she talked to Ian

NicoleA- so that's 4...

Janelle- and Bayleigh

NicoleA- so that's 5, and if Memphis gets Enzo that would be 6...it could be a tie...I just don't want you to lose another one of your gals

Memphis comes back to the couch and they begin talking about cooking

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5:00PM BBT: Memphis, Janelle, and NicA are on the BY couch talking about food.  Janelle says "they didn't even give us shallots!".  NicA replies "if the calls for shallots and I don't have any, I just leave them out".  Janelle looks at her like she's got 2 heads.


5:09PM BBT: Dani and Codi talk in the love room.  They don't understand all of the alliances.  She shares that Da'vonne told Dani that Tyler asked to work together and start a new alliance.  Dani said that she playfully asked Tyler about it and Tyler got "super defensive" about it and kept asking her who told her that.  He approached Dani later and said that someone was trying to sabotage him.


5:28PM BBT: Cody and Dani continue talking about who they think is working with whom.  They are talking in circles and it appears as no conclusions are made - just speculations.  Da'vonne and David are chatting about the POV comp in the CBR.  She asked what he kept repeating - he says "I was saying 'you're my b*tch' over and over".  She says "TO THE BALL?", and laughs.


5:35PM BBT: In the KT, Kevin and David talk about Kevin's vote.  He basically answers that he's going to vote with the house.  He thinks David would be a great person to have in the house to distract people away from him.    Also, Memphis will always be focused on David and leave the others alone.


5:38PM BBT: Tyler comes into the KT and announces that Christmas is about to lead a workout if they want to join.  Kevins wants to, David says he'll just watch this time.


5:42PM BBT: The attendees of Christmas' workout are Bay, Memphis, and Tyler.  Janelle is also in the BY walking up and down the yard.   Christmas explains that sometimes women pee during workouts because they're working their pelvic floor, and it just happens.  Christmas calls Da'vonne and NicF to come out, so they're waiting to start.  Janelle and Kevin also join in the workout.






5:51PM BBT: Cody and Nicole are still in the love room discussing how to take out Janelle.  They're going to tell NicA that if you really want to stay, that you may have to make up a lie.



5:53PM BBT: Dani says that if NicA leaves, that they'll need to pull in Kevin and keep him close.  



5:59PM BBT: David and Nicole are on the BY couch quietly watching the workout.  Then they start reminiscing about Ovi.

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6:15PM BBT: David and NicA are on the BY couch talking about what they look forward to when they leave the house.  He wants to get a cat that will love him forever.  NicA says "I'll love you forever".  She then says that she'll go home and play with GA Peach, her black lab mix.  The HG are asked to put up the shades, so they all get moving.  




6:18PM BBT: David tells NicA that he'll get therapy for sure.  She says "same".  They need to process certain scenarios that they've experienced in the house.  NicA says that she realizes also that she didn't process some things from last season prior to going into the house that she thought she had.


6:19PM BBT: David and NicA know that the camera is on them, so they give shout outs to everyone watching from Season 21.  They say that the emotions are different this year because they're having to listen to BB stories over and over.




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6:27 PM BBT

David and Nicole bring up Sam from BB21 and yell "Send it"...they say that last season his were the only kid stories but this season there are a lot of parents.

David- If you aren't a Parent or a Vegan, you're on the block  (Kaysar and Janelle were naming the game Parents vs. Vegans just a few hours ago)

David shouts out love to NicA's sisters and her "pop"

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6:32PM BBT: They talk about Chima's mic going into the pool and how she got kicked out and how Kevin swears it just bounced and she didn't throw it in.  They all laugh.


6:33PM BBT: The workout crew in the BY does their cool down yoga stretches, led by Bay.  Namaste.



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6:30 PM BBT

Bayleigh is leading a yoga class in the backyard now. Many are participating: NicoleF, Tyler, Da'Vonne, Kevin, Christmas, and Memphis



6:33 PM BBT 


Janelle, Cody, Ian and Dani are talking in the lounge. They are teasing Ian that he doesn't help in the kitchen

Ian- are you insinuating that I'm an eater but not a cleaner upper

Dani- yes

Cody- yes

Dani- you're a moocher


NicoleA is talking about her "humble pie" speech with David. "If I go out, I am saying it on Thursday, and if I don't, I'm saying it during noms. This is a journey and you can say what you mean but you don't have to be mean. There's just certain people in this world need a piece of humble pie"

David- you know, humble pie doesn't taste good. Sometimes people need a shame pie.

NicoleA- yeah, some people keep getting served the same pie...here's the shit pie, here's the shit pie...and some people don't experience that

David- if you did that people would love it....just BOOM

She says she plans to talk to the DR to see if she can say it if she gets evicted on Thursday. "see will they give me a second to say it"

David- oh, if you say that....ooooh


6:51 PM BBT

David is snoring on the backyard couch. He is wearing shades. Nicole is in deep, painful thought.




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 6:36PM BBT: Janelle, Cody, Ian and Dani are in the love room reminiscing about their seasons, and NicA and David are in the BY doing the same.


6:54PM BBT: While Bay continues leading her yoga class, Kaysar is leading his own class while passed out on the BY couch.



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7:00PM BBT: Janelle clears all of the dishes out of the KT sink so that she can start prepping for dinner.  There was talk of tacos.




7:02PM BBT: Ian and Christmas are in the BY hammock as Christmas coaches Memphis' workout as they swing.  She says coaches are never really off the clock


7:05PM BBT: Da' and Dani whisper in the WA.  Dani wants to find out why Janelle hates NicF so much.  Dani has on her workout gear and leaves the WA to go through her routine out back.  Someone asks why she didn't join Christmas' workout and she answers that she wasn't invited.


7:19 AM BBT:  Da'Vonne and Janelle talk in the lounge. Day admits to Janelle that she doesn't think NicA will stay this week "to be completely transparent...I can't vote out David"


7:38PM BBT: Janelle, Memphis are in the KT working on dinner.  Dani, Da' and Kevin are in the BY.  They are talking back to the day that Kobi died.  Dani said she cried for 2 weeks straight.




7:48PM BBT: Dani, Kevin and Cody are talking about their guilty pleasures.  Cody said he loves junk food.  Kevin's is cinnamon rolls.


7:52PM BBT: Dani and Kevin are left alone on the BY couch.  Dani whispers asking if Kevin was going to get NikA to throw Janelle under the bus so she can stay.  Kevin doesn't believe she has the votes to stay.




7:54PM BBT: Kevin tells Dani that Janelle hates him and that they don't talk at all.  Dani says it's the same with her.  Kevin doesn't know what he did.  They try to figure out why Janelle doesn't like NicF.    


7:56PM BBT: Enzo is shaving his body in the WA. 



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7:19 AM BBT

Da'Vonne and Janelle talk in the lounge. Day admits to Janelle that she doesn't think NicA will stay this week "to be completely transparent...I can't vote out David"

Janelle tells Day that she and Dani have bad blood. "Look, I'm not gonna be after Daniele. There's definitely bigger fish to fry"

Day tells Janelle that people are telling her Janelle is working with Cody...she wouldn't say who told her but said it wasn't Dani

Janelle- I promise you I'm not working with Cody. I'm not working with Tyler. They asked me to work with them but it would have put you and Bayleigh in jeopardy and I don't want to be in the bottom of their alliance.


Janelle asks Day how she feels about NicF. Day says that Franzel is trying to right her wrongs and they are just okay (she won't trust her). Janelle tells the story of how Franzel backstabbed Rachel Reilly in the Amazing Race. Day said she saw that on Twitter. Janelle explains that NicF and Dani are like best friends...have been for awhile. "They are like...I think it's them and Tyler and Cody" Day says she appreciates the information.

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 8:07 PM BBT Ian and Christmas are on the hammock talking about different workouts there are. Kaysar and Cody playing pool.  outside. Cams 1 and 2 change to where Memphis is in the PBR on one of the beds laying down. Memphis requested the hottub to be heated up some more so Cody is planning on going in later.

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8:12 PM BBT

There's not a lot going on. Janelle and Memphis made fish, carrots and potatoes for dinner. Kaysar finally woke up from his nap. Enzo shaved his chest and stomach. Christmas talks workout philosophy with Ian. Cody playing pool with Tyler then Kaysar. Dani had a chat with Kevin using her sly fox ways by telling him that NicoleA doesn't have the votes and they need to get Nicole to blow up Janelle. Da'Vonne is filling in bayleigh on her talk with Janelle.


*I'm out for the night  -MamaLong

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 8:18 PM BBT Bayleigh and Da'Vonne are in the CBR talking. Memphis and Tyler are outside in the lounge area talking, Da"vonne tells Bayleigh that she had to come inside because Cody is acting sketchy around her and Bayleigh. She says that Cody said he hasn't asked about Bayleigh at all today. Bayleigh and Da'Vonne start reading the bible. General chit chat going on. 

8:31 PM BBT Christmas, Memphis, Tyler, and David are in the KT now. Christmas is making BBQ tofu. David says day 3 now of being on slop. Bay and Day are in the CBR talking about Kaysar. They also don't think Tyler is in it either. They go back to reading to the bible.

8:35 PM BBT Bay and Day are talking and Day tells her they think the path is so clear for them. Bay says she had a pleasant with Dani and saying that she has a great personality she never knew Bay could be so bubbly. They both agree that let everyone else have big personalities. Janelle says the salmon is almost ready and Bay says, Woo! Janelle tells Bay and Day that it lemon salmon, glazed carrots and rosemary potatoes. They then go into talk about how Hayleiigh commented on Janelle's pants and how they like her. Nicole F and Christmas are munching an talking. They talk about Rockstar and what all she taught them in the house. 

8:46 PM BBT Janelle Bay and Day are talking about her season that she was on and how there was 2 side going at each other.  Nicole F and Christmas are talking and Christmas says she been avoiding them. She doesn't want to align with them. Nicole F says she needs to talk to Cody she hasn't talked Cody in a while. Christmas then calls over Memphis about slop cooking she wants to make it taste like meatloaf. 

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8:53 PM BBT Cody and Nicole F are talking. They are talking about Janelle and Kaysar. Cody is telling her Bay and Day been throwing out her name. Cody also says he heard threw the grape vine his name being thrown around. Cody says they are smiling and so many things about him. Cody also says that now Bay and Day are hanging around Memphis now that he is HOH. Nicole F says that Day went to get about being in the alliance they are in together with her Cody and dani. Nicole F whisper she saw Janelle pulls David and Day in a room to talk. Nicole is asking advice about that. The cameras then change to Enzo and Christmas talking The Challenge. 

9:05 PM BBT Nicole F is talking to Dani about. She is trying to figure who has David. Dani says that they are going to try and get Nicole to go against Janelle. She says both Kaysar and Janelle have been lying. They are trying to get Janelle up on the block and Nicole F agrees. 

9:11 PM BBT Ian and Bayleigh talk about his bug bites and then the ants and how bad they are. They then talk about the plant and vines and how beatuiful it is outside today. Ian says he has spent 87 days in the house and he is hoping to hit 100 days in the house it is his goal. 

9:13 PM BBT Dani approaches Ian and tells him that she caught Janelle in a lie ealier and that they want to twist it and make it sound like there os some 3 person deal with her. Ian thanks her for using his brain. 

9:19 PM BBT Janelle Christmas and Enzo are talking about being married and dating life. Janelle says she know her husband since college. Enzo says that he has 1 boy and 1 girl, he said he got rid of his twitter an Facebook but kept his Instagram. Janelle says his dms is going to be blowing up. Janelle says she has someone handleing her emails and what not but sometime they hit her personal email. Nicole F ask ian if he is okay she says his brain is always thinking. Ian brings up the ant situation says the place is infested like a hole colony under there. 

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8:35pm Big Brother Time


Memphis, Nicole F and Janelle are sitting on the outdoor sofa.


They are discussing how long it is likely to have the back yard open.


Other house guests are working out, playing billiards, or lounging around the yard.


Baleigh and Davonne are in the Comic bedroom talking.


Janelle leaves the sofa and Christmas joins Nicole F.


Christmas tells Nicole F that Janelle seems to be working David. Nicole F leaves to get the slop patties Christmas made her earlier, then comes back to sit. Kaysar had sampled the slop patties, he is making more.


Nicole resumes the conversation, says “That makes sense.”


Christmas mumbles a little, says she isn't saying yes to “them” right now, she plans to make them show it. She plans to ask them to throw the HOH to her if it is close.


Nicole tells Christmas that Janelle pulled David aside to talk to her today.


Christmas thinks people may possibly move toward Janelle and Kaysar, and thinks Baleigh and Davonne may go that way as well. Christmas says she is not sharing info with David, she is waiting to see what happens with the veto. Christmas also tells Nicole F that Nicole A wants to stay and could be a source of information. Christmas says she would like David to stay, but it is not locked.


Nicole F says Nicole A seems sure she is leaving. Nicole F mumbles, then says she is more worried that Nicole A is more dangerous than David. Nicole F says she saw Nicole A in the washroom dancing with Janelle and Kaysar the other day.


Christmas says she has been avoiding Janelle to avoid giving an answer to working with her. Nicole tells her to say she aligned with Janelle to get information.


When Nicole F says she wants to talk to Cody, Christmas tells her everything is okay, she isn't wanting to talk to anyone else much.


Christmas calls Memphis over, saying she needs slop cooking advice. He tells her how to make slop taste like meatloaf. He tells her to use ketchup, but to make a small batch to try it.


Christmas asks him if he is going to answer her, but he blows her off by telling her they have no A1 sauce. It sounds like she is asking him about an alliance name, he gives her stupid answers. Christmas tells him they need an answer before the veto ceremony. Christmas mentions “Incinerators”, Memphis asks her what the machine is that they cremate people in. Christmas tells him it is an incinerator.

Christmas says “The Fluffers.”, Memphis says no. Christmas says “The unusuals” he tells her he can go off that and leaves for the kitchen.


Janelle is making roasted carrots, but they are so hard she has to put them back. Looks like fish is dinner.


Enzo has joined Christmas on the sofa in the back yard.


They are talking about whether they would do other reality shows, and how certain ones would affect their reputations.


Danielle has come to the hammock to talk to Nicole F. Nicole F tells Danielle that she believes that Janelle was the one to approach her (Nicole F) about forming an alliance. Danielle says she has approached Tyler. Christmas tells Danielle that Janelle has said she (Janelle) has David, but Danielle says no, she does not. Danielle says Janelle and Kaysar are lying about everything, she hopes Nicole A will throw Janelle under the bus to Memphis. She (Danielle) says she is going to encourage that to happen.


Memphis and Janelle are in the storage room refrigerator trying to decide what is still left that has not expired. Janelle says it seems there is not as much food for this week. She complains that there are no tomatoes.


Camera moves to back yard


Tyler, Ian and Baleigh are sitting around the pool. Tyler leaves to go inside as soon as the camera changes. Ian and Baleigh are complaining about the ants.


Tyler goes to the hammock, he is followed by Danielle. Danielle tells him to go to Janelle and tell her that he wants to work with her. Danielle says they need to “catch” her and use that to make her feel like the three of them can work together. Danielle leaves fo another part of the yard.


Enzo, Christmas and Janelle are on the sofa outside.


Just general chat about family and children.


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