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Sarah BB7


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I didn't...but now that you mention it (as my avatar would say) "Very interestinggg!"

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speaking of Reality Remix... I did not know that fox had a Fox Reality channel... so i went to see if my cable has it and.... IT DOES NOT HAVE THAT CHANNEL!!! what kinda bullcrapydooooo is that!

guess i will have to call my cable company everyday and complain... :angry:

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They have it on sat only!! It's a must get. You can see all of the old reality shows and on R-Remix they update you on the current ones (ABC,CBS,NBC,Fox, MTV, etc...) and even have eliminated guests! I love it! Howie was on there last night talking about BB7 and asked viewers for a vote.

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it would have been all over the board if they did broke up

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Even if they weren't ..it's nobody's business but theirs .. and if they choose to share it with people or not, that would be their business as well.

I understand it's a reality show ..and that people want to know.

But somethings are private.

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