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Thursday, July 25, 2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Updates

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If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use brackets [personal commentaround the text.

Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB21-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Target Bedroom (TBR)
Camper Bedroom (CBR)
Boat Room Lounge (BRL)
Tree House Balcony (THB)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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10:00am-11:00am BBT: Cliff gets up and heads downstairs for his coffee as we get FOTH for a wake up call.  Feeds back with Christie and Kathryne talking about Nick will be a target for her now as she does not trust him now. Christie says she is mad at Jackson for pressuring her to use her power. They then talk about Bella and how no one can love her unless they are evil. Bella in the Trailer rm talking to Jessica  and tells her to be sure to watch her back and to be careful around certain people. Nicole and jessica talk and jessica tells her that belaa knows she is the one going home tonight.BB tells all the HG to change their batteries now. HG are up moving around  and changing batteries and doing ADL's and we get FOTH.

11:03am BBT: Feeds back with Kathryn crying in the Have not hall way talking to Tommy about she is tired of getting yelled at and she hates getting yelled at all the time. Tommy hugs her and walks away as Jack comes up and hugs her and tells her it will be alright.

11:10am BBT: Christie and Holly talking in STR about tonight's comp as they believe it is endurance, Christie says she is weak from slop and believes she will fall fast and then will root for Holly to stay up there she tells her to concentrate. Most Hg just sitting around talking  general talk.

11:18am BBT: We now have puppy cam.

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12:23 PM BBT  Scroll at top of puppy/kitty cam says to tune in to the BB live feeds around 10:00 PM EST, after the show has aired, to see the completion of the HOH competition.  Looks like feeds are done until then, and possible endurance comp.

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Two complementary bits about Jackson's cheating on slop.  Production knows and are helping him do it because Christie says he's having a mental breakdown from going cold turkey on his 5 XANAX a day addiction and has a "special guest" [doctor?] that is coming or came to the house.


This is from last night early morning.


2:06AM BBT

Christie: ...I dunno. And then we got a full restock of all his [Jackson's food] requests. I don't know if you know this.

Tommy: What the fuck?

Christie: And he said to me, "I can't tell you why...you'll never" - I go, are we having like a feast - are we having like a party, or like a past houseguest coming where we have to have a lot of - he said, "no, it's literally nothing like that. I'll tell you Thursday [when the feeds are down]. You won't guess why."

Christie: We got all the frozen vegetables he asked for, like 15 watermelons, he got peanut butter powder...

Tommy: But, what could [unintelligible]

Christie: (taps temple) Nervous breakdown.

Tommy: He's having a nervous breakdown?

Christie: (nodding head) yeah. - - - - Listen, he's off all his meds. He's vocalized that he has issues. W...with eat [Production cuts to Kat in the bathroom]



And THEN this morning Jackson snaps on Kat and they have an extended argument in the Kitchen over his farting.  It's only available from the WA on live feeds.


10:53AM BBT


When the feeds return at 11:03AM BBT, Kat is in the hall by the upstairs DR door crying with Tommy and then later Jack trying to console her.

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1:06 PM BBT.  Sam and Christie talking in the CBR.  Christie says Nick is digging a hole.  Sam tells Christie he thought he heard her say that Nick will leave with his girlfriend.  Christie says no I said at least u when u leave u leave with a girlfriend.  She says u can’t say that out loud in a group of people.  She is upset that Nick is not talking to her.  


1:13 PM BBT.  Christie tells Sam that Nick is only mad bcuz he tried to plot against me bad and failed and I beat him to it.  She says that’s just salty.  


1:15 PM BBT.  In the CBR, Sam tells Christie that afyer Bella leaves and if Nick storms out I will follow him bcuz he is my friend.  He says it’s not bcuz I am on his side. 


1:29 PM BBT.  Christie is still ranting to Sam about Nick.  She keeps repeating herself.  She didn’t do anything to him and he is mean, she cries for a brief minute and it just repeats and continues.   While she is talking so much and so fast she is shoveling slop into her face and banging her spoon into her bowl.  She cries again, she loves Nick... Sam says I can talk to him.  Christie tells Sam they are cool.  


1:33 PM BBT.  Christie tells Sam that Nick’s eye contact needs to stop, it’s an intimidation factor.  

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1:40PM BBT Kat has been complaining to Jessica about Jackson.  They both talked about how anytime he farts and gets called out on it, he gets really mad.  Then Kathryn said, "the way he treats me makes me feel unsafe in the house."  the feeds immediately cut and once they come back, all cameras are on Nick, Christie and Sam.

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1:36 PM BBT.  Christie still going on about Nick and she can’t wait for him to try to blow up the house tonight.  Nick comes in and says nothing.  Nick says Christie has been making comments.  Christie says nobody has their targets pre-planned.  


1:41 PM BBT.  Nick tells Christie that he hasn’t done anything personal.  She says I haven’t either.  He says ok then (sarcastically).  She leaves.  The HGs are getting ready.  Christie is now telling Nicole what Nick said.

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1:47PM BBT:  Jack and Nick are talking in the Boat room.  Nick's complaining about comments people are making making it obvious that Bella's going home.  Nick said he already knows who he would put up if he wins HOH.  He said Jack's going to be upset about who Nick will put up but says it's not Jack. 

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1:47 PM BBT.   Nick and Jack in the BL.  Nick says he heard Jack tried to get him and Bella up.  Nick says he knows who he’d put up, u won’t like it but it’s not u.  Nick says he only made game moves and he doesn’t deserve this personal stuff.  They continue to talk and repeat themselves.  We keep getting WBRB on and off.  


1:52 PM BBT.  Christie and Jackson are talking.  Jackson says he hates self centered people.  He says someone has the same prescription he wasn’t allowed to bring or his sleep medication and we get WBRB.  Back to the BL, Nick and Jack are still going over the same stuff.


1:57 PM BBT.  In the BL, Nick says he only said Holly’s name and Jack’s.  Jack says I have said yours.  Nick says he was socially trying to get info to bring to them

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2:04PM BBT Nicole is cleaning in the KT. You can also hear the vacuum cleaner going. Bella is packing. jackson sitting in the KT looking like someone stole his toys.


2:05PM BBT We have kitty reels (this is early for a Thursday - not sure if they will be back)

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7:03 PM BBT The feeds returned


Sam fell



It looks like Nicole fell, too. 

Nick is struggling.

The HGs got pelted with pink foam/slime.


Christie fell.


Kat looks solid.

Nick fell.

Kat's mic is falling off

Tommy says he is losing his grip.

Christie tells Jack he looks so hot

Holly said she is shaking

Tommy has lost one of his hand holds.

Tommy got his hold back.

Tommy starts singing and we get a feeds cut

7:15 PM BBT

Feeds return

Kat, Holly, Sis, Michie, Tommy, Jack are all still up

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7:05PM BBT - The feeds are back! Sam, Michie, Sis, Kat, Tommy, Jack, Holly, and Christie are still up. Sam lost his footing and dropped. (as did Jess and Nicole as seen on the show)


7:09PM BBT - The remaining hanging HG were sprayed with pink paint-like substance.  Christie dropped.  Jack appears to be struggling.


7:10PM BBT - Nick got very shaky and dropped.


7:11PM BBT - Nick cracked a joke after being slimed "On Thursdays we wear pink!".


7:12PM BBT - Remaining are Holly, Michie, Jack, Kat, Tommy and Sis.  They are now being blown in leaves.



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They just got pelted again with pink goop

Jack is struggling


7:19 PM BBT

Jack fell

Cliff shouts out "SKD143"

Holly shouts out "I love you mom"

Jackson shouts out "Friday Night Lights"

Holly's leg is twitching. SHe says it won't stop

Kat and Tommy are both just holding one hand rope.




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7:05PM BBT - The feeds are back! Sam, Michie, Sis, Kat, Tommy, Jack, Holly, and Christie are still up. Sam lost his footing and dropped. (as did Jess and Nicole as seen on the show)


7:09PM BBT - The remaining hanging HG were sprayed with pink paint-like substance.  Christie dropped.  Jack appears to be struggling.


7:10PM BBT - Nick got very shaky and dropped.


7:11PM BBT - Nick cracked a joke after being slimed "On Thursdays we wear pink!".


7:12PM BBT - Remaining are Holly, Michie, Jack, Kat, Tommy and Sis.  They are now being blown in leaves.


7:20PM BBT - More pink slime! Christie, Jess, Cliff, Nick, Nicole and Sam cheer on the others. Jack falls, leaving Holly, Sis, Michie, Kat and Tommy.


7:29PM BBT - The last 4 hanging HG are going strong as they adjust to stretch, etc.  Tommy looks like a member of Cirque de Soleil...


7:32PM BBT - Tommy dropped, leaving Holly, Michie, Sis and Kat.


7:45PM BBT - The fallen look on.


7:51PM BBT - Jackson (Michie) pees from his hanging stance and the other HG cheer!


7:59PM BBT - The last 4 are still going strong as the pulleys are continuously raised and lowered.  

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8:05PM BBT We keep hearing the motion of the motors for movement. Jackson hasn't moved. They girls continue to stretch their legs.


8:09PM BBT Kat has lost one of her footholds. Jackson is squatting down.


8:18PM BBTAll four are still standing. We get animals reels really quick every once in a while. Hgs that are out of the comp cheer them on.


8:22PM BBT Tommy is talking about how well Analyse is doin. Christie tells her that she is a dream, like her teenage fantasy. Jackson falls. 

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8:23PM BBT Kat falls.


8:29PM BBT Holly and Analyse joke about making a deal. Offerign food, a spare room and a massage. Analyse says she cant stay here all night. Holly says she has ridden a horse for 16 hours.


8:37PM BBT Holly and Analyse still hanging in there.


8:53PM BBT The two are still battling it out. Nothing has changed.



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