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Tommy Bracco discussion thread


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I didn't watch season 15 because I was burned out on BB. Watching the video I see I didn't miss anything. Those people were asses. I tried to watch 16 but only made it half way through because I couldn't stand Frankie. Then I totally skipped 17 and 18. It was just getting old. I almost gave up again during season 19, but I had to stick it out to see the bearded gnome lose. Now I'm addicted again! It never ceases to amaze me what some people say during this show, especially the young ones. They have no filters and seem to think that every thought that crosses their mind is important and that they are always correct. Most of the time they just look like stupid ass hypocrites. But I guess if your bankrupt morally it's hard to hide when you're on camera 24/7.  

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I find it rediculous that Tommy wanted Kat out because she was close to everyone.  And Nick is attacked for being good with most people.  But Tommy is by far the best with EVERYONE!  He tells EVERYONE that he is "obsessed" with them.  Plus he has his secret relationship with Christy that's being protected by production.  I'd like to believe that he is genuinely a nice guy in real life.  But why doesn't anyone attack him for "playing all sides"?

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On 8/23/2019 at 8:48 PM, Kspen said:

I find it rediculous that Tommy wanted Kat out because she was close to everyone.  And Nick is attacked for being good with most people.  But Tommy is by far the best with EVERYONE!  He tells EVERYONE that he is "obsessed" with them.  Plus he has his secret relationship with Christy that's being protected by production.  I'd like to believe that he is genuinely a nice guy in real life.  But why doesn't anyone attack him for "playing all sides"?

TOTALLY AGREE!! His over the top 'lovefest' with everyone proves he's just as manipulative, if not more due to his kinship with the scuzzy friend of his. 

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Tommy was the short, gay guy in school. His desire to be liked and extreme neediness created an over the top persona. Being involved with musicals somewhat makes other's accept his in your face clingery. 
He's not a bad kid. He would annoy the sh!t out of me in 90 seconds. His game-play is a product of how he's been his entire life. He'd literally cannot be true to ANYONE. He will throw you under the bus if the more popular kids will befriend him ahahahahaha

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On 8/31/2019 at 9:17 PM, CrazyBBFan said:

Wow.  This POV was so expected.  He's the only one that could have saved them both.  I'm done with BB for this year.  I just canceled the BB live feed because in the end it's going to be one of four awful people.  

I wouldn't be surprised if production sent someone in after Tommy hid his life preserver, took it outside the house and then put it back after the last one was found.  

Does anyone see Tommy being really stressed lately?  I'm wondering if he's regretting being with Christy as a pair since she's pretty much put his game in jeopardy.  And the way he's sucking up and cuddling with Nicole all the time trying to win her over is sickening.  Once it's confirmed that Jess is leaving, he'll be stuck to her for jury vote.

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Did you see the pic with Tommy and the doll?  He looks like chucky. I can’t stand Tommy. Ugh please get him off the TV.  He is so fake and agreed attention whore. The more he tries to get attention the more he is disliked. Him scheming to get Jess to bald face lie shows who he really is and how he is playing. Fake friend to your face and using others to do dirty work. Grrrr I wish Beth and Watermelon saw Tommy for how fake he is. Every time they sit there and say how much they like him and trust him...I start screaming at the TV you idiots!  Watermelon should have said if you take Christie down when I’m HOH and telling you she is safe then that tells me you are not working with me. This was the deal with Christie and she should understand and agree to honor the deal. 

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I wasn't a fan of his but I wanted him to stay over Holly just to split up the last showmance and get Nicole and Cliff to f3. (I have since dropped Cliff from that equation) Since Jackson used a fake DR session (production) to better his game, could Tommy have gone into the DR  to verify that Jackson was lying?  I'm waiting to see how production spins the story.  And to see how Tommy's acting skills are.

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I feel that it was DR that set up the whole thing.  Look at the facts.  Jackson just happens to ease drop at the right time.  Jackson was smart enough to come up with a plan to tell Nicole and Cliff.  Someone suggested to Nicole to call a house meeting.  The smirk on Jackson’s face shows that he was lying about everything.  After all this time in the house, they know each other quite well.  Tommy knew exactly was happening but could not do anything about it.  

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On 9/14/2019 at 4:49 PM, CrazyBBFan said:

I feel that it was DR that set up the whole thing.  Look at the facts.  Jackson just happens to ease drop at the right time.  Jackson was smart enough to come up with a plan to tell Nicole and Cliff.  Someone suggested to Nicole to call a house meeting.  The smirk on Jackson’s face shows that he was lying about everything.  After all this time in the house, they know each other quite well.  Tommy knew exactly was happening but could not do anything about it.  

LOVED IT!! Hate Tommy and do NOT feel sorry for that 'actor' one lousy bit. He 'showboated' his way in the house, like (upchuck) frankie. STILL can't stand that freak! He lied from the very beginning to everyone about his relationship with the mouth and ONLY came 'clean' when he was alone. Tommy DID make a deal with Nicole/Cliff he would throw the competition, Jackson didn't lie about that, Tommy DID connect with Jackson and make a deal with him as well to 'save' himself. No lie about that either. 

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