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wont get my vote but she is the type of bb player i dislike. 2/3 of the show she ride coattails and then make it to final 5 and gets extremely powerful and gets rid of the better players who carry her through the game and did all her dirty work

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uvpnolimits: wont get my vote but she is the type of bb player i dislike. 2/3 of the show she ride coattails and then make it to final 5 and gets extremely powerful and gets rid of the better players who carry her through the game and did all her dirty work

Sounds like a good strategic move to me. :)

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probably good strategy but i just hate it . but she and lisa were the best at it imho

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i only chat on mortys

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Erika's transcript.

NDR.Erika.. I came into the house on Big Brother 4 and it was all really great and we were all having a great time. Ten minutes later, my ex-boyfriend walked in the house."

BB4 David"Robert, you go by Robert?"

BB4 Robert."Yeah."

BB4 David."all right man."

NDRErika That very moment I'll probably remember as long as I live."

BB4.Robert.." I can't F'ing believe this!"

NDR Erika."I was kinda an emotional mess.."

BB4 Erika." I just wanna apologise for any of the stuff I said in here."

Bb4 Robert." Omg that means so much to me"

NDR Erika." I was actually really thankful that Robert and I reconcilled in the house."

BB4 Robert "So what do you think? You wanna get back together?" Both laugh Robert . "I had to throw it in"

BB4 Jack." When was the last time you were negotiating with a bunch of kids?"

NDR Erika."I had an alliance with Jack pretty much from the very beginning of the game."

BB4 Erika." That's how we win it Jack, me and you to the end."

NDR Erika." Jack and I still remain very very close he's definitely a father figure to me.I actually played a perfect game in terms of who I aligned with. My worst game wove was not winning the diamond veto.I think if I had won that I would have gottten the win.

BB4 Alison.I choose to evict you Erika."

NDR Erika." But I would really love the chance to redeem myself because I can really win it!"

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I like Erika but I did also think she was boring. Don't get me wrong, she was tough. But I don't want to watch her lying around all day staring at people. I think I just want people in the house that will keep thinks lively.

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Right, it's ok for her to call Robert's 7 year old daughter a bitch, but heaven forbid Erika say something in the heat of the moment about a guy who just nominated her for eviction. Carvin just likes to hear himself talk and thinks he's smart.

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