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Why you should vote for me:

I think the viewers should vote for me because I would love to have another chance to redeem myself and win one for the

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She also said that she hoped the helicopter that Jun & Allsion were riding in (after a reward challenge) was shot down. I stopped liking her after that. And thanks for the reminder about the remarks she made about Jee.

She won't make it in. Sorry Erika fans.

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I refuse to believe that saying something in the heat of the moment that you later regretted hasn't happened to TONS of people.

I am betting we will be seeing :lol: J E D I :lol: in the house!

(Janie, Erika, Danielle and Ivette)


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Everytime I have seen a clip of Erika talking she mentions that last time she was just another 'pretty girl' and this time she won't be just another 'pretty girl' and she also says that she may just have to break out some of her bikinis. Seems she's very proud of herself or should I say conceited.

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thats true but alot of girls do that i know she apollogized to jee for calling him that as for the ali and jun i dont know if she ever apologized for that. As far as voting for her yeah ill vote for her evry couple of times but my main concern is getting janelle howie james and diane jase and will in the house evrybody else ill vote for evry once in a while except marcellous well maybe

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I like Erika. I think a lot of the former houseguests have said things that aren't very nice, some even downright mean, but we continue to like them anyways. Besides what fun would it be if they were all nice all the time?
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