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Tuesday August 29, 2017 Big Brother 19 Live Feed Updates


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2:40 AM BBT Paul is in the lounge room talking to the camera while everyone else is asleep. He’s trying to figure out if the camera is on or not. Paul has introduced us to Trejo the Toucan, Pablo’s cousin. He’s been dealing with a lot of different personalities. He begins with Cody and says in his 24 years he’s never dealt with anyone like that. He says living with Cody was a gnarley experience. He was hateful, mean, rude, crude from day 1 said he didn’t like him. Just fool is mean. Not only that, there was an arrogance, ego, cocky, he sucked and it was really throwing his game off. He needed him out of the house. Paul says Jessica was really cool but when she was with him he brought out terrible traits in her. He says it was like Bridgette and Frank last year. Bridgette was really cool on her own, but Frank made her a sour patch kid mean. Paul says Jessica and Cody were over the top, on an extreme power trip, thought they deserved to win the game more than anyone else. Really extreme personalities he’s never dealt with, they sucked, the violence, tough guy attitude. Paul says his ear is clogged and he thinks it’s because of Josh and the pots and pans. Paul says he was trying to match character traits with people from 18, but no one there was flip floppy and they knew where people stood.


2:45 AM BBT Paul says this season people were wimps because they would hide how they thought they had to be. Paul says the way this season has went is kind of gumpy. Paul says the first half of the season was a little strange because he had to deal with personalities he’s never had to deal with before. He thinks Elena was trying to make Mark jealous. Paul says a lot of the people are a lot of attention fiends. He says it didn’t seem that way on 18, but maybe he was wrong. He says it seems everyone wanted to be the center of attention or they had an ulterior motive. Paul says you seen that with Kevin a lot, where if he wasn’t the one who was telling the story he would clown on someone else or walk away. He doesn’t know one person he can say hasn’t been gumpy. Paul says Christmas came in super hot, but she got way better because she checked her ego fast. Paul says Alex came in the same way but she’s still aggressive, but a little more silly and fun and playful. Paul says Josh has slowly learned to play better and Paul molded him properly and he learned a lot. Paul thinks Mark’s game play was weak, he thinks Elena didn’t live up to her full potential, and Dominique just drove herself crazy. Paul thinks Dominique was smart and could have made it far. Paul says Cody was obsessed with taking him out. Paul says people go on the block and then all of the sudden say they’ve been watching the show since they were infants, super weird. Paul says they are all wimps, Josh doesn’t give a crap and will fight, but then he goes and cries about it.


2:50 AM BBT Paul says he’s having way more fun this season. He says it’s like a different environment and he can’t believe it’s coming to an end. He says time is flying by and he remembers this time last year and he was stressed out and it was tough. He says his previous experience prepared him for this year. He misses his guitar, his clothing company, his band, his parents, in-and-out, Pablo, and he misses cappuccino. He says the coffee in here sucks. He misses getting tattooed, he needs a new tattoo. He says maybe he’ll get the number of days in his house, he doesn’t know if he’ll ever get called back again. He doesn’t know if anyone would want to see that. He says it would be fun to get a tattoo though. He says if he makes it to the end it will be almost 200 days in the BB house. He hopes he doesn’t get clipped next week. He says coming back is tough because there are a lot of things on your mind. You have fans now and you have a lot of pressure from people watching and they have a lot of expectations of you. He says he had thoughts that he didn’t want to let people down, he didn’t want to be the vet who came back and didn’t do anything, but he didn’t want to be a douche and be cocky. He says the fact he didn’t win last time and people who were disappointed and he had friends and family who were rooting for him. He would love to, but it ain’t easy and he’s giving it his best. He doesn’t like letting people down.


2:55 AM BBT It’s tough. But he signed up for it so he can’t throw a pity party, but it’s an emotionally difficult spot. He says it will make him stronger and he never cared. Last year he came in getting over a girl and this time he came having really hard feelings for a girl. He didn’t know what that would be like and it’s super difficult because he also cares about what she thinks and feels and sees. He says it’s tough. Paul says he’s super excited and eager to see this person and be with them and they could totally not be. He could be setting himself up and being excited about something and it just being a letdown. He says you think about something for 90 days and if you find out it’s not that it's going to hurt. He says being vulnerable is difficult enough and then being vulnerable and getting hurt is very difficult. He says hopefully that’s not the case and Paul will be a happy clam. He says life is weird. He says he doesn’t like when famous people or public figures portray they have a flawless life when it’s not. No one has a flawless life. He says we all have our ups and downs and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is full of crap. He says the nitty gritty, the emotions, the real crap in life, the stuff that makes you jaded no one wants to talk about. He says we idolize people who we think have a perfect life style, but their life isn’t like that at all. He says he was always wondering what it was like for people who got 1000s of likes and comments and followers, and now it kind of has that, it really means nothing. He says a lot of people will strive towards fame, and likes, and followers, and it’s really gumpy.


3:00 AM BBT He says fame is all smoke and mirrors. He says people met him and overglorified him and every time he talks to them he’s just like them. He doesn’t like people to freak out. He says he’s just like everyone else, he was just on a TV show. He loves they have this respect for him, but they can just hang out and talk like normal people. He’s a normal dude, he’s not anything special. He realizes he might be to fans, but he’s really just a normal guy. He says he got a lot of praise for just being himself and he doesn’t understand why he was praised when he didn’t do anything. He didn’t solve a problem or find a cure, he was just being himself. He’s glad he inspired people if he did, just be yourself. He says if you’re weird, be weird, just love yourself. He says self-love is one of the most important kinds of love to have. Love everything about you, find your flaws and your plusses, your bads and goods, acknowledge all of them. Just don’t be blind to your own crap and dismiss it or act like you don’t do it. He says if something bothers you that much, fix it. The sooner you get to know yourself, and love yourself for who you are the better person you will be for everyone else. He says if you’re not fully comfortable in your own skin, then who are you?


3:05 AM BBT He says don’t do things just to fit in. He says there will always be a different crowd. He says you don’t need acceptance, just find people who accept you for who you are and love you for that. He says just love yourself and know everything about yourself so when you’re in a relationship you know exactly what you’re giving them. He says it’s 3 in the morning and he has no idea what he’s talking about. Fool just goes on a rant. Moral of the story: Just love yourself, be peaceful, don’t be angry, don’t hold on to crap, don’t hold on to grudges. Move on, get over it, learn from your mistakes, life’s too short to be gumpy. Someone put that on a shirt. Life is too short to be gumpy and make a size large for Cody so he can give it to him. He says live and let be. As long as they aren’t infringing on anyone else’s quality of life, just let them be. Do kind things for people and don’t expect things in return. He says be kind for no reason and better things will come your way. Ok, it’s 3 in the morning and he’s ranting and raving and everyone is over it. So he’s going to go to sleep, but this was fun. Something he deals with in his normal life is being shy. He’s a super shy person, but he’s F’ing shy and he’s learned being shy is kind of gumpy. He says don’t be shy, tell people how you feel and what you think. Otherwise, other people will never know. He says take risks, at least you tried it. If you what if your entire life, then you’ll never know. He’s shy with girls, and he won’t approach a girl in a bar.


3:10 AM BBT He says self-reflecting and he’s done being gumpy and talking about stupid random crap. He’s definitely going to bed now because they are going to wake him up at 10am with bullcrap music and he’s going to try and take a nap around 4 pm and they’re going to scream at him and he’s going to get agitated and he’ll punch Josh in the arm. He says good-night, love you, ciao!

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12:01 am BBT.  Kevin alone in his have not bed reading prayers.  


In the WA is Matt, Raven, Josh, Xmas & Alex.  They are talking about Kevin & what he said to Josh during their argument.


Josh leaves the WA.  BB tells Josh to stop that.  Him & Paul are horsing around.  


Matt & Raven alone in the WA now.  


Xmas is scooting around the kitchen.  You can hear Paul & Josh playing around.  


12:10 am BBT.  PmXmas & Alex eating in the kitchen.  Josh running around yelling.  Now Paul yelling too.  BB says stop that.  Josh is banging a 2 liter plastic bottle with alittle soda in it on the counter.  We get we'll be right back.


12:15 am BBT.  Matt, Raven, Alex, Josh, Alex, Xmas in the kitchen eating.  Paul still wearing Trejo.  


12:22 am BBT.  Kevin wanders through the kitchen & doesn't say anything to anyone.  


Josh is dancing in the kitchen


Jason still in the DR.  


Matt & Raven say goodnight.  


12:25 am BB says have nots must sleep in the have not bedroom.  


12:30 am BBT.  Alex has been hiding in the cabinet in the WA for a bit.  She is waiting to scare Jason when he comes out of the DR.  


In the kitchen Josh is telling the group about an ex girlfriend.  


12:36 am BBT.  Kevin in his have not bed appears to be in deep thought. 


12:43 am BBT.  Kevin shuts off the lights in the have not room & goes back to bed.  


12:54 am BBT.  Jason finally is out of the DR.  Paul lures Jason into the WA.  Alex jumps out of the cabinet & scares Jason really good!  He falls backwards onto the couch.  Jason says he nearly shit his pants.  Paul is laughing so hard he says he's gonna puke.  Jason doesn't understand how Alex got into the cabinet.  Everyone (except Kevin, Matt & Raven who are sleeping) are laughing & they are all in the WA.  


1:15 am BBT.  Xmas is brushing her teeth at the kitchen sink. 


Alex, Josh, Jason & Paul talking in WA.  Paul wants to be in a barrel & have a bull kick jim around & film it for a promotion for his company.  


1:25 am BBT.  Xmas & Josh whispering.  Xmas says she won't ever campaign against Josh or Paul.  


Alex, Jason & Paul talking in the kitchen about how the final 3 works & the comps & speeches.  


1:30 am BBT.  Xmas & Josh whispering still in the WA rehashing the strategy.  Xmas says they can't doubt each other.  


1:45 am BBT.  Xmas, Josh & Alex looking at the memory wall.  They are talking about Jessica's make-up & how she puts on too much white & puts on too much brown.  They are talking about the houseguests & their pictures.  


1:50 am BBT.  Paul has now joined the group looking at the memory wall.  They are still talking about everyone's make-up & personalities.  Josh gets called to the DR.  Alex says she's going to sleep so she doesn't get called.  Everyone says goodnight.  


1:54 am BBT.  I think everyone is in bed except Paul (and Josh, he's in the DR).  He is in the wave room talking to the camera.  He is doing a strategy update.  He introduces Trejo.  He says he has positioned himself between the couples.  Paul says he convinced Jason to not use the veto.  Now he is forced to vote someone out & it's not his fault.  Paul says he promised Kevin he'd take him to the end but that's not happening.  He says Matt is telling Raven to stick by Paul.  He says he made it to day 72 without being on the block.  Paul says if he gets to final 5 he'll get to play in every veto.  He says if he can get Jason & Alex out then he doesn't think the rest could beat him.  He says what he has been doing all summer is working.  He says he has had a hand in everyrhing that has happened.  He says if he can make it to 5 he knows he can make it to 3.  And if he makes it to 3 he knows he can make it to final 2. He says nkw he can be more silly & non-threatening. He says Jason & Alex are way more threatening. Paul says he'll lose his mind if he can make it through the season without being on the block.  He says the next 2 weeks will be the hardest of the season. He says he has permission from everyone to make promises to people.  Josh pops in & then leaves.  Paul thinks he'll be called to the DR because BB told him to stay up.   Paul complains that they are zooming in on Trejo & don't care about him.  Josh pops back in & says goodnight. Paul thinks it's cool he completely changes his gameplay from last season.  He says he's pretty sure he's a psychopath.  


2:10 am BBT.  Paul gets called to the DR.  He says he'll be back.  


2:40 am BBT.  Paul is back in the wave room.  He doesn't know if the camera is on.  He sees it move & says that's boys.  He says he's dealt with a lot of personalities.  He says he doesn't think he's ever had ro deal with a personality like Cody before.  He says Cody had to go because it was ruining his game.  He says Cody brought out bad traits in Jessica & without him Jessica was cool.  He says they sucked.  He says very gumpy.  Paul says Mark's behavior with the flip flopping was something he never dealt with in the game before.  He says this season people were wimps.  He says the way this season went was kind of gumpy.  He says the dirst half was strange.  He says at times he thought Elena tried to make Mark jealous.  He says there were a lot of attention fiends.  He says if Kevin was not the center of attention he would get mad or sad.  He said Xmas came in super hot but checked her ego & she's cool now.  He says maybe it's because she broke her foot.  He says Alex came in aggressive too.  He says he's proud of how Josh developed.  

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9:30AM BBT There's movement in the BB House.  Matt and Paul are up and head to the WC (in turn, not together).  Matt goes first and washes his hands and face after.  He returns to bed as Xmas gets up an wheels her way towards the WC, passing a returning Paul.  Raven is also up, waiting in the WA for her turn in the WC.  The two exchange batteries in the SR and returns to bed.  Alex is up and does her WC thing.  She washes her hands and returns to bed. 

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10:42AM Jason heads downstairs to SR, drops off some trash and picks up a fresh battery.  Kevin is in the BY beginning his morning constitutional.  The BR lights must remain on, BB says. Jason pops into the GBR to say morning to Alex, then heads outside to join Kevin for their morning walk. They talk about how late they were up last night.  BB asks them to lower the shades.

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10:50AM BBT Matt is trimming his beard in the WA while Kevin and Jason lower the shades, no evidence of animosity from the prev night. Xmas also in WA. As they begin their walks, Kevin apologizes for exploding last night.  Jason says any time someone says they heard someone else saying something, he's not going to listen. He says he trusts Kevin and Alex only. Kevin says he only trusts Jason.

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10:54AM Kevin says he has nothing to hide. They decide it's really hot. Kevin starts out on the bench press.  They are discussing various scenarios to the Final 4. Jason starts pumping iron. They resume walking. The name of the game is to win, Jason says, but you can't do it with 2. Kevin says he hasn't deviated from the plan so why is he being turned on? They stop for some Gatorade in the BY fridge.

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11:00AM There's a bird on an awning that captures Jason & Kevin's attention, then they start walking again. In the WA, Matt & Xmas talk cereal. Matt gets into a (hot) shower.  Kevin gets some pants out of the dryer. Jason works some hand weights. Jason tells Kevin Alex thinks only game, you can't talk about anything else with her. It doesn't matter who wants to be boss - the boss is who people turn to and listen to. If you go against them you're going against everyone.  They're pushing on me to bail on you. What do I do, who do I talk to in the morning? We talk game but we also talk not game.

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11:02AM Kevin says there are only a couple people he likes left in the game, Jason, Paul and Josh.  Kevin says if there was something he did, he'd understand but he's only done what everyone wanted. Kevin says he trusts Jason and Paul. Jason says he won't lie to Alex but she doesn't always tell him the truth, doesn't trust him to not slip up. Paul doesn't want to be tied to anyone, he floats and has convos with everyone, they volunteer info.

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11:05AM BBT Jason says the team works because people tell some stuff to Paul, some to Kevin, some to him. It's what the game dictates, Jason says, and you have to undictate it. Sulking has never worked to anyone's favor, Jason says, talking broadly. They stop walking for a moment and Jason is called to the DR.  Matt still in shower and Xmas doing makeup.  Kevin now sitting alone in BY.

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11:18AM BBT BB reminds the HG it's time to get up for the day.  This appears to be directed to Alex, Josh, Raven and Paul, as Matt and Xmas are in the WA, Jason is in the DR and Kevin is getting his morning exercise in the BY. Raven wanders into the WA.

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11:30AM Jason out of DR, goes to Alex in bed in the GBR. There's no way they are honoring a Jason/Alex/Kevin/Paul Final 4. Someone was yelling unintelligibly at Kevin in the BY so Kevin returns inside. Raven doing makeup in the WA.

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11:45AM Alex tells Jason they are going to light into Kevin again after Thursday to get him to break down.  Jason says after nominations.  Alex says he can still be friends with Kevin, just not talk game.  Raven still in the WA. 

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11:50AM BBT Alex says Jason lies. Jason agrees that Kevin is dropped from the F4 deal. Alex says that if she makes F3 or F2, she can cash in on the notoriety of being on the show.  FotH.

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12:00pm BBT Alex continues to lecture Jason on how to play the game, and he agrees with everything she says. She compares Kevin to a child molester, based on what she's seen on TV, for finding Josh's weaknesses and softening Jason's defenses. Alex is convinced Kevin is going to break.  The two of them just need to have each other's back.

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12:10 PM BBT Alex wonders why Kevin is always asking questions. Jason can't wait to find out what he really does outside the house. Alex thinks he's an actor, he's built a base with everyone. Jason tells Alex she's amazing.  I'm really nice outside this house, she says, but I worry I'll be hated afterwards.  Matt and Raven go into the BY and Raven lays down on the lounges. Kevin in the DR.

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12:15PM BBT Jason called to DR, so Alex goes to wake Paul and Xmas to tell them she's OK since Matt & Raven are outside. Kevin heads outside. Xmas gets out of bed, then jumps on top of a sleeping Josh.  She and Alex both slap his rear, eliciting barely a moan. They leave and he finally looks out from his sleeping mask, then heads back to sleep along with Paul. 


12:25PM Xmas and Alex now talking in the KT. Matt is in the pool, Raven on the lounge, Kevin walking in circles, Jason in DR, Josh and Paul still sleeping. Jason out of DR and joins Alex and Xmas in the KT bashing Kevin. Raven dips her feet in the pool. Matt grabs some coffee and joins her by the water's edge.  Raven pets the floating unicorn in front of them.

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12:50AM Everyone has migrated into the KT for lunch. Paul is up and wearing his air bird. Raven and Xmas were chatting in the SR. Kevin is eating cereal.  Only Josh and Jason are missing.  Kevin is silent and contemplative, while Maven are flirting and Paul uses his bird to push everyone out of his way.  Xmas grabs some food and heads outside where Alex is already laying down by the patio.

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1:10PM BBT Matt gets repeated "Stop That"s as he eats his eggs with Raven. Josh finally gets up and pokes his head into the BY and is told to go put on his microphone. Paul tells Maven, Xmas and Alex that this season will be a Final 4 before the jury instead of a Final 3. They've done it before, he says. Alex doesn't understand how that works.  She thinks Kevin is staring at them (he's by the edge of the pool).

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1:15PM BBT Xmas doesn't get how Matt eats eggs with ketchup. Paul wants Matt to clown on Cody in JH. Matt takes his plate inside where Josh is in the KT. Matt jokes he got a lot of sleep. Josh can't believe he missed all the morning DRs.  YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT YOUR DIARY ROOM SESSIONS.  Josh starts to hum.  PLEASE STOP SINGING.  All right, Josh says. Outside, Paul is talking about Cody's blind cockiness and arrogance battling back, and how he couldn't possibly win AFP.

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1:20pm BBT Outside the HG are trying to figure out when the season will end, when Survivor begins, when Football begins. We can't compete with Thursday Night Football, Alex says, we'd get zero ratings. Josh goes outside to the laundry area. The BY crew discuss how quickly Cody fell for Jess. They think he's inexperienced and was ready to fall for anyone.  Josh takes clothes inside.

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