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Steve Moses (Week 10)


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Steve may have had a close call last week, as Vanessa was genuinely angry, and "D-U-N", with him at one point.

This week, things seem to have been patched up, and Vanessa looks to be targeting James and Meg.

But is he playing a good game?

He has, on numberous occasions, quoted BB Canada's season 1 player Peter Brown, saying "if you're in the position that you NEED to win to stay in the game, you're doing something wrong."

To me, personally, that sounds like an endorsement for BB16's Victoria's strategy of floating, even though I know that the quote really meant that Big Brother is more about the social game than about competitions.

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IF he votes out Julia tonight (and that is a big IF) he should stay in the game (IMO).  If he doesn't (and that is the easy way out - and the probable vote) hope he goes in the DE.


ITA.  If Steve's there only to play Vanessa's game (and doesn't vote out Julia), then he needs to go almost immediately which would be tonight's double eviction.

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Go get em Steve!  He may not have the best social game ... Maybe he's not going to win an athletic competition ... But he is in the Final 6 on Big Brother which is more than the people can ever say that are calling him names.  He reminds me a lot of my son and this is a major accomplishment for someone that has some of the same sort of struggles that my son has to deal with - I imagine just being on live TV is a battle in itself for Steve but voting out people he considers friends is probably a lot harder then people here think!  If my guess is right Steve is one of the most loyal friends you could ever ask for!

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Steve runs and hides in a corner after the live episode, looking all sketched out. Vanessa better write him a big fat thank you check after she wins because he just handed her the game tonight,

What a wuss.


Steve knows better (unlike the totally blank-in-the-brain John).  But he did indeed just hand someone else in that house a big fat check.  Don't yet know if it's

Vanessa, though.  It could end up being Austin.

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