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John "Johnny Mac" McGuire (Week 9) - Nominated


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He told Steve right after the comp that he didn't try to win. Steve said he didn't either. They both just want to ride to the end on the backs of others. Not very smart of Jmac

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He told Steve right after the comp that he didn't try to win. Steve said he didn't either. They both just want to ride to the end on the backs of others. Not very smart of Jmac

If you are still throwing comps at this point in the game, you deserve to go home. If you prefer riding someone else's coattails because you are afraid of getting blood on your hands, then you shouldn't be surprised to find out that all the blood is your own. 


Jmac should realize that the people who are generally asked to be pawns, are the players that are expendable. 

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JMac is getting on my nerves.  Why throw the HOH?  He supposedly wanted Vanessa gone so badly, I thought he wanted HOH.  Then to find out he threw it makes me sick.  No one should be throwing comps at the halfway mark.  If he goes up and goes home, he deserves to.  You don't have that many chances tempting fate.

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He told Steve right after the comp that he didn't try to win. Steve said he didn't either. They both just want to ride to the end on the backs of others. Not very smart of Jmac

I think the reason that Johnny Mac agreed so willingly to go on the block was because in this specific instance he really didn't have a choice. He sensed that he was going up and realized that being a good sport about it was better than putting up a fight.

If Johnny Mac is evicted this week, he still has another shot by winning the re-entry comp. And if he makes it to F2 with anybody, he'd have a compelling resume detailing his fight to stay in the game.

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God I hope you win the veto comp. this week. Maybe them Austin will grow a pair and put Vanessa up. That would be PRICELESS.

If Johnny Mac wins the veto Austin will put up Meg or James. Austin "cleared the air" with Vanessa so he doesn't have a reason to backdoor her.

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God I hope you win the veto comp. this week. Maybe them Austin will grow a pair and put Vanessa up. That would be PRICELESS.

He won't have anybody else left but Vanessa unless he puts up Meg....lol...

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If J-Mac wins POV and takes himself off the block Austin pretty much has to put up Vanessa. He's already told James and Meg he would not put them up. If he goes back on his word one or the other would be gunning for him next week. Possibly both would go after him if Steve gets evicted. 

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James is gonna go after Austin ASAP because Austin beat him in last HOH. James got out Jace, Clay because they were taller than him.

Everyone is taller then him...

If J-Mac wins POV and takes himself off the block Austin pretty much has to put up Vanessa. He's already told James and Meg he would not put them up. If he goes back on his word one or the other would be gunning for him next week. Possibly both would go after him if Steve gets evicted. 

If JMac wins the veto and he puts up James after he gave his word not to

tell James well you know about giving your word and going back on it don't you ....

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I wish Austin had the balls to backdoor James or Vanessa.

All Vanessa has to do is tell Austin that he would stupid to backdoor her, and how smart he is for backdooring James instead. The twins would back him up because Vanessa has already been planting her little seeds of doubt about James to the twins.

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If Johnny Mac gets evicted this week, I really want him the win the re-entry comp. Austin would freak out and Vanessa would be extra busy ratting out her co-conspirators.

I wonder if Johnny's gonna campaign to stay, or continue to lay low? Austin & the twins are so skittish that anything could set them off. Why did Johnny Mac never have a serious game conversation with James?

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After last night I had given Johnny Mac up as a dead fish floating in the water. But this morning his last ditch efforts to save himself just might give him a chance to stay in the game.

I always wondered why Johnny Mac never approached James to talk game much sooner. I don't know if he was mad at James for Clay & Shelli's eviction or if it was something else. But I'm glad that he finally did, I just hope it's not too late.

James & Meg were feeling safe & comfortable thinking their Brass Tacks alliance with Austin & the twins was exclusive. Now they have information that Austin & the twins are playing both sides. Johnny Mac exposing the other 5 person alliance was eye opening to James & Meg. Now Vanessa is the "swing vote" to flip the house.

Johnny Mac needs to work on getting Vanessa all riled up about the plan to backdoor her during Liz's HOH. And since Vanessa is convinced that Steve was the mastermind behind the plan Johnny Mac should have no problem laying the blame on Steve. I really want Johnny Mac to play on Vanessa's emotions like she's been doing to the others.

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The show was good last night.  I'm really impressed with Johnny Mac's survivor skills.  I like how he turned on the Austwins and how they were fumbling when questioned about it.  Ugh Liz so entitled to say, "what's he doing?".  Like no one is supposed expose your game even when you put them on the block after just making an alliance with them.  WTH??

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