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Jackie Ibarra {TAR} (Week 3)

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She's very boring but perhaps she is just not getting as much tv or feed time as the rest.  I rarely see her doing much, although she has been talking to Jeff a lot more and for longer periods of time, but neither has mentioned in the DR that they are secretly working together so I assume they are not.  I get the feeling she knows very little about the BB game, or really cares!

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Her plan with Jeff was for her to lay in bed and not get evicted and Jeff would take her to F2 and of course he would win. She just came to be Jeff's 2nd placecard. 

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It will be very interesting to see how she reacts if Jeff is gone this week. Has any enemies yet? Don't think so. Will be sought out by the various groups once he is gone. If she has any game in her this could be interesting.

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She'll probably get into the game more once Jeff is gone.

I'm sure she knows Jeff is out for Jeff's game.

She probably knows she'll have a better chance of getting further in the game

with him out of the way.

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She showed her fangs briefly on BBAD last night. Smug, unlikeable, bonding with Jason who needs to go back to his mama's basement. They raised Jason, Not BB. Jackie needs to go too.

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