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Everything posted by kiddyhouse

  1. I am campaigning for Booger to leave first. (sign my Booger petition) He is only happy if he is winning, then the true booger comes out. POOOOR SPORT.
  2. So is he going or staying? I am so confused. *sigh* Glad to see the HG keeping us guessing. I get so bored in the early weeks when everyone does what the HOH wants because they don't want to "rock the boat".
  3. Am I missing something here? I am a few days behind in my Morty's reading. Can someone please explain?
  4. How long are we able to vote? Cause the link says to vote for the Have Not's and its closed. I wanna vote. Edit: Never mind, I figured it out <------dumb blonde lol
  5. I have to go shopping, gas up my vehicle and color my hair. Going to DVR this and wizzzzzz thru the commercials. Soooo happy summer is here. I look forward to 2 things..... sweet corn and Big Brother.
  6. I am back for like the 9th year. Looking forward to everything EXCEPT Mike Booger. Although the fact that Janelle is in the house could outweigh the bad. Oh and btw, I am such a blonde. Was looking for BB on tonight, I got all freaked out thinking that CBS here in the twin cities wasn't going to air BB. Then I noticed that the count down I was looking at was for the low price feeds *doh*. LOL I am one day ahead of myself. *sigh*
  7. Booo Hissss....I would have loved seeing him with Willie. I don't want to see Will or Boogie back. Howie is on my do not return list too, even tho I love him, just don't wanna see him again. Janelle obviously is in my top pick along with Dan, Jeff and Enzo.
  8. I am super excited...once again. I will probably be disappointed if I see Rac-HELL back in the house, but que sera sera. Love seeing a Hantz in the line up. I was disappointed by the nephew, but if Willie is his dad, then bring him on. I saw him on survivor and he is HOT. Wonder what would happen if Evel Dick and Willie go head to head....that would be some GOOOOD drama.
  9. Interesting, cause that is the way Rachel was potrayed on CBS tonight.....just sayin'
  10. Yana, you are in the know.....what is the real scoop with our beloved ED???

  11. HAHAHA...I know, right? Gonna miss him terribly. Not a Brenchel fan at all....hate her voice, hate his BS
  12. I don't get how that video would have gotten him DQ'd. He didn't do anything other than say he had been chosen to go into the house. I was so excited to see him and Jeff/Jordan last night. I really have been looking forward the the "Dick at Night" show, I wish other HG's would do that. *sigh*
  13. Missin' your wickedness this year. =P

  14. HA HA HA Her words will come back to bite her. When she said to Libra "See you soon", boy howdy, she sure will see her soon.
  15. ***quietly sneakiing back out of the Libra thread***
  16. It's dark in here...there better not be any Zombies *sigh*

  17. You know, I was wondering too. Don't all evicted house guest get interviewed on the CBS morning show????? No interviews, huh? This could get really good. {wringing hands} Kiddy
  18. I agree with the Rachel - Howie pair.....did anyone else notice that she put his key into the 11th slot after only putting in a few keys?? I told my kids to watch who the 11th key was. Why would you put a key into the 11th slot when there were so many other empty slots to fill before hand, unless you were trying to make it look like that person was a last minute decision. Anyone else agree?? :roll:
  19. I wasn't fond of Jennifer or Ashlea.....Howie definately struck a nerve. I feel bad for Kaysar...i don't agree with his religious beliefs, but he seems real and sincere. I think Rachel and Eric are the definate dominates of this year. Both have very strong leadership/personalities. Kiddy



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