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Everything posted by straykat

  1. The last two/three hours are always the longest. I should be thinking about dinner but instead I'm reading at Morty's and thinking about BB. Is it 8pm yet?
  2. Probably because there is a guy in a tiny speedo right behind her.
  3. Could be Ragen on the end and Dan in the middle. If we are stuck with this mentor crap I'd rather see Ragen then Boogie. It really is insulting to the newbies to have mentors. Is BB saying that for 13 seasons the HG's were capable of playing their own game but now these newbs need a "successful" player to help them get through the game? They should all be pissed about it.
  4. He probably thinks he is much prettier than all the girls and figures if they can wear little bikinis then he can wear a tiny speedo. Maybe he will make things uncomfortable in the house with his itty bitty speedo, for both the guys and the girls, and we will get to watch them squirm and try not to look as he wanders nearly naked about the house.
  5. He will be annoying if he doesn't tone that video persona down.
  6. If I was a HG I'd be pissed that these past players were there to "mentor" me in how to play the game. Just let them play the game as they think they should play it and they can sink or swim on their own skills or lack there of. And just because a past HG did well (in someone's opinion) on their season doesn't mean they are great at the game and can give advice in a new season. The whole dynamic of the house is different each season. Different people, different agendas, etc. What worked for someone in one season might be totally off in another.
  7. This is from the web page for the mentors: Every day leading up to the premiere, we'll tell you which of these HouseGuests are not returning, so check back daily to watch it all unfold! UVP posted on the 5th that two had been eliminated and those are the only two so far. CBS doesn't seem to have a good grasp of the term "every day".
  8. Would that be the same as passive aggressive?
  9. It's not just Grodner bringing back previous cast. Survivor is doing it way too much, also. So it is really CBS who believes we want to see Brenchel everywhere and see every man in the Hantz family. I don't like it but CBS must judge by the ratings that people want to see past cast members again and again. I really hope that the mentor's groups aren't stuck in a forced alliance. I'd rather they made their own choices as to who they want to trust and who they want to evict.
  10. Back for the summer fun of BB and Morty's! Not going to have as much time this summer. I usually don't work the summer months but been on a job that is going all the way into fall. Working is really going to cut into my BB/Morty's time.
  11. What?? But, but surely some like network big shot saw her on like BB and will give her like her own show or something! A cooking show or like just have cameras follow her around cuz like she is the prettiest girl and, and like um....
  12. Not trying to speak for kywildcat but I think it was a compliment because you would fight to the end and all that.
  13. You're OK bigguy, even if you do have that vapid harpie for your avatar.
  14. Great post, Cali! They all were in the house for our summer fun but that's all it should be. I will always like J/J and I wish them well for the future. And while there are HG that I dislike during the game I hope all goes well with them outside the house, too. Except for Kalia. I can only hope that whoever is caring for her dog right now has heard about her mean way with him and helps the dog in some way.
  15. I didn't see that at all with Jeff so you should lose the WE in that statement.
  16. The whole sled dog situation is pretty disgusting. Many dogs are treated badly. Dogs who aren't good racers, get older, are injured or sick, etc, are killed, often in horrible ways. Breeders produce a lot of puppies but only some of them turn out to be good racers. So you know what happens to the ones who aren't.
  17. I would think that for the most part they are the same person inside the house as outside. Certain aspects of their personalities might be more magnified by the stresses of the game but are still very much part of them. Shelly is probably a ruthless businesswoman and a smooth talking saleswoman.
  18. So true. But I bet someone would get more than just a nip if they tried to taunt her with food. They would probably lose a hand.
  19. Is she still forcing herself to eat? Is she holding herself down with one hand and shoving the food down with the other? That poor girl. She will be needing a nap after that but she may not get it.
  20. 12:47PM BBT: All 4 cameras are on the kitchen on Kalia and Porsche. Kalia: "I can't even eat, I am like seriously forcing myself to eat." Quote from the update page. If she wasn't so disgusting, she'd be funny. mischiefmanaged (like that name, love HP)- Kalia sat in the BY the other night and told the HGs about kicking her dog into the wall because he nipped her, that she likes to slam on the brakes when he is in the car so he goes flying and some other stuff. It wasn't the first time she talked about doing mean stuff to him. I think he is a Yorkie.
  21. Maybe today since they all seem to be dressed up and usually aren't for POV ceremony?



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