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Everything posted by straykat

  1. In the first days of the season I thought it was great that she wasn't a size 2 yet seemed to be happy with herself as she was and not hiding in baggy clothes. But then getting to see/hear (and hear and hear) who she was as a person made her become very unattractive. I don't think poster's would be commenting on her weight as much if it wasn't for how she acts and the things she says. Her abuse of her dog was pretty much the capper on weeks of her nasty ways on the feeds.
  2. She does really well at the endurace where she doesn't have to move and there have been that kind for the final comp. Plus she is good at questions.
  3. There will be nothing but crying, begging and eating until she goes out the door.
  4. When she doesn't come off the block, someone should say, Awwww... feels like someone kicked you into a wall, huh? But you'll live.
  5. She does well in the ones where she doesn't have to move. Happy to see her 'nervousing' about losing the POV and being sent to the jury.
  6. It would have been great if Porsche responded to Kalia by laughing and then saying, What, wait. You are serious? J/R wouldn't tell her all week who they were keeping, she kept bitching about them not talking to her about the vote. I'm not really sure but I think they did tell her they were going to keep Shelly because Jordan said she changed her mind at the last minute.
  7. Shelly can really slipinto the fake nice persona with ease, can't she? Talking with Julie you'd think she was just Mrs. Carebear. And what is it with CBS and their rerun people? Coach? Poor tribe that gets him to deal with.
  8. Cracks me up whenever she says she has class. I think she must mean she is crass.
  9. Why do you always have to insult the person you are responding to? Yes, I know what game that was. And Jordan didn't say to Shelly, I am taking the veto you have to take the confinment. She ASKED Shelly, do you want the call.
  10. Shelly knew that the 24 hours was part of it. Jordan didn't sneak it in on her. Shelly could have said no, but thanks for the offer. And since they were first and second out, having the veto was useless since those coming down after them were going to take it away. Jordan had no motive to give the phone call to her. Just being nice.
  11. That is just insane. How frightning for her husband having to worry about some crazy trying to hurt them.
  12. It was also Dani's way of throwing Shelly under the bus by saying thanks for your vote to keep me here.
  13. When it was posted here that Shelly's name was taken off the employee page for her company, no one here at Morty's said she should lose her job. Most wrote that it would be crazy for that to happen. But there are a lot of people who do get crazy about these HGs. It has happened before like with Maggie. The thing is, Shelly (and others like Adam) were fans, knew about the fan pages and just how nasty they can get and yet they come on the show. Do they think that they are such fantastic people that they will not be seen in any kind of negative way and then bashed on multiple sites?
  14. Shelly spent the last seven weeks gushing out her admiration for J/J and also for Brendon (and to a lesser degree Rachel until she started hating her). She could sit with them for hours telling them they are great people, how they are awesome couples, how funny Jeff and Brendon are and on and on. And she would give her ancient wisdom to them like gifts from the kindest mom ever. Even when she was playing both sides she didn't gush over the other side until she made the change to keep Dani. Then she started the same thing with her. Telling her that she was so beautiful, inside and out, and played such a great game in her season and in this one. Now that Dani is gone, she does it with Porsche but not to the extent that she did it with the vets, especially J/J. This is the whole of Shelly's game play.
  15. I think the poster knew that and was turning it around because Jordan is crying now. Trying to be clever, I guess.
  16. Ohhh, that's why Brendon said he was told he wouldn't get anymore money if he went back into the house and/if he went to jury. I was wondering how they could not pay him the extra weeks in jury house.
  17. The thing that really makes me crazy is they give all kinds of reasons why they should stay in the house but when they sit there as a couple (J/J do it too) tag teaming who ever they are talking to, they are showing the biggest reason why one of them needs to go. They are a couple! They will always have each others backs. There is no possibility of ever talking one into getting rid of the other like you might have if two strangers teamed up from the first week. It is pretty much standard procedure that when two people are seen as a couple, one has to go.
  18. LOL! I want some of what he's on.
  19. The guy is on holiday. From what I have read he doesn't cook or clean. It would seem that he rarely talks game and when he does he just agrees with whoever is talking. When I have watched the feeds, he is not on them much and when he is he is usually just sitting there like a lump. Haven't seen him be funny. A paid holiday for him. Meals cooked, Mom cleans up after him and he justs floats along.
  20. Rachel would go into melt down if Cassi came back, crying (maybe even wiyh real tears), whining that America hates her and she has to fight every day to stay in the house and now that horrible mean girl is back. Whaaaaaa!



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