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Everything posted by straykat

  1. Watching True Blood last night and thought Cassi looked like the girl who plays Portia.
  2. I think aliens beamed down into AG's office and they forced her to call Dick into the diary room. Then they abducted him. Now they have a doppelganger doing all his online chats and tweets. They wanted ED because they watch BB and they loved him in his season. Aliens love Dick.
  3. FACT-truth or reality of something: the truth or actual existence of something, as opposed to the supposition of something or a belief about something How do the reasons you have listed prove anything? His online activity? People can be online just about anywhere at any time. No proof there. Chain smokes and has tatoos/black fingernail polish? We have seen him smoke and yes, he has tatoos and black nails. That proves what? Never washes? How would you know that? Never shaves? Well, he must shave sometimes or he'd have a ZZ top beard. He and Dani haven't talked for years? Sure, Dick said that. Doesn't mean he doesn't love and support what she is doing. The cancer and bi-sexual thing... I think that refered to someone else. And he doesn't have a current wife. As far as his health, I don't think you are a doctor. He said Dani is the best player in the house? Well, that is his belief and therefore not a lie.
  4. He went in with his big fantasy plan that he would get three women to be his puppets, one also his showmance, and they would do whatever he wanted. Even if there had been no duo twist, that plan would have crashed and burned but on day one, his dream died. His huge ego has him thinking that there is no way they would vote him out. Plus I'm sure he thinks his god wants him to win BB so he has that going for him.
  5. Poor Keith. Not only on the block but I found his thread all the way at the bottom of the page. No one even wants to talk about him.
  6. Your avatar cracks me up each time I first see it. One of the best.
  7. Brought up the quad feed and I see Keith playing with a zip lock baggie. Thought for a minute he had his weed there.
  8. Well, he is gone with the wind. And frankly, I don't give a damn.
  9. Don't see how this guy can be an HR person. From what I have seen, he doesn't interact well with people. When he talks it is just disconnented or something and I can really follow what he is trying to get across.
  10. I don't think I will believe whatever becomes the offical reason.
  11. I think I'd rather see Porsche stay than Keith. Four (at least) more weeks of that creep drooling and learing at the women would be gross. Nice role model for the kids in his church. I have to wonder if there are girls in his church youth group and how he acts toward them.
  12. I swear I looked on that page at least 10 times and then I went back after reading your post, clicked on one of the Live links there and it was suddenly on the list. You must have great BB powers, Imin!
  13. I have liked Renny since week two but even I found it a bit too much. Not that I wouldn't like to see her get the money for AC but the Housecalls love fest was a bit much.
  14. Shake'm up in the jury house, Renny. Don't take any BS from that HO April.
  15. With Renny gone, I'll have no train to ride. I'll just sit back in the shade, have a nice cuppa joe and watch the other trains chugg by.
  16. Ollie: I'll avenge you April! = played I'll avenge you Michelle = out played Ollie=hangs head and stomps out the door IMDee, there is no hope for Renny. The guys will send her packing.
  17. Right now, he has that awesome car. (And by now, April has the value of the car at 80,000 or more ) He gets the stipend for being there the full three months. Other than the winner and maybe Dan with his AP money if he is not the winner, he has made out the best. Sorrry. I know this is the Renny thread. Love you, Renny. Wish you were staying.
  18. I would like to see them have a big luxury comp and the others in the comp win some good stuff but Memphis ends up with 10 gallons of slop or something.
  19. Fatcat, I think Marty meant that he has made a F2 deal with everyone but Renny.
  20. They are afraid that by some quirk, Renny might end up in F2 and they know whoever is next to her will lose. They figure that the jury, right now all women (Ollie being April's sock puppet he will say what she wants him to say) are going to vote for vengence. Renny didn't make enemies. They just don't want to take the chance with her in F2. Just my opinion.
  21. Geeezzz! Does Renny have a lot of stuff or what? Either she really knows how to pack a bag or she has one of those old time steamer trunks.
  22. I agree, king123. They are friends and like each other.
  23. I still like Renny. I don't think she had a choice but to hang on to Keesha. First few weeks, everyone but Keesha dismissed and semi-ignored her. She wasn't welcome in the Jesse, Michelle, Memphis team. She stayed with Keesha during the split from April/Ollie because she would have been on the fringe with that group, too. And once Ollie lost his ho, it was Michelle who he hooked onto. Renny helped to evict April and Ollie woould never forget that. Better to stay with Keesha and take her chance, even tho she knew that she would probably be the first of the four to get the boot.



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