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Everything posted by HeleneL

  1. So did I. The dog walker was hilarious and accurate but my fav. was Josh and the cymbals. Too bad there's no audio to add the circus tune.
  2. Watching BBAD...Seems 90% of the time Mark is eating something with a spoon out of that red bowl. If he's that hungry and it's that f'n delicious why doesn't he get some more instead of trying to scrape the enamel surface off that bowl. Good grief, that's all you hear in the background... that scrape, scrape scrape. He should take a cue from Matt and use his finger. Now I have to admit it's a sad state of affairs that gameplay is so boring and convos often return on bashing Jody that we (meaning I) resort to commenting on the eating habits. Hope there's a turning of the tide soon.
  3. What is it with these twits who would be "honored" to lose to Paul. What are they thinking? SMH - don't they recall that he won $50K last year. And now he's trying to convince them that he'd never win against anyone in F2. Said he wouldn't because he's a vet and played the game before. I guess now they're all lining up to make it easy for him to get F2. Bunch of idiots! Maybe Cody with the help of Elena and Mark (once he's there) can develop a smarter way of communicating to the others who end up in Jury how Paul played them all to ship them there.
  4. Not surprised. When has Paul ever done his dirty work. But this one is really low.
  5. Wow. Sure does. The girl who wrote the post is anemic and has been near starvation and here we have Raven gaining weight and acting with no care in the world except to count her scars. Heard her talk about the trip to Sweden too. Nice vacation on somebody else's dime.
  6. OMG Josh! He thinks he's part of the fold. He believes they seek his knowledge of what's going on and send him on errands to get info on what's being discussed. If he only knew that they are just using him and he will be either booted out or be as valuable as tits on a bull if they keep him to final 3.
  7. Earlier in another post I saw that Paul had the Save a Friend apple but only after seeing tonight's show did I find out that Mark had picked it and gave it to him. BB Production write your cheque to Paul right now. No need to continue this charade. Unbelievable! Can't believe I'm still watching this horrible season but of course I'll continue to the bitter end.
  8. You said it. Paul's devotion is to me, myself and I. He starts his talks with the HOHs as: "It might be a good idea if such and such happened", then goes on to list the things he wants to see happen. Following which he ends the talk with: "Oh gee but I don't want to tell you what to do, it's your decision, you're the HOH so do what you want". So having had their ear talked off with his verbal diarrhea for the better part of an hour he walks off and the HOH goes on to make what he/she thinks is a very important decision for the betterment of their game. Paul goes on his merry way knowing these idiots will all drink his koolaid.
  9. Oh you must mean the "artheritis" she was talking about last night.
  10. The Paul and Xmas curse was for 48 hours. Jason and Alex curse was for 7 days which would have ended last night at midnight.
  11. That thought crossed my mind. Mama is probably not happy with Raven. Here she is exposed on National TV for several weeks touting her illness and all the while looking rosy-cheeked, healthy, gaining weight and stuffing her face with every kind of crap HOHs get in their basket. She also took over eating ice cream where Elena left off. Did anyone see that humongous bowl of ice cream crammed with all kinds of stuff she shared with Matt last night. Meanwhile back at the ranch, Mama is fuming because Raven is supposed to look ill, pale, gaunt and almost emaciated; running to the WC to vomit because her stomach can't tolerate much food. Oh and there's another 6-7 weeks to go? Wonder how much $$ stopped trickling in to the gofundme pages. I think most HGs are on to her though.
  12. Nope didn't notice but I noted that Raven's face is starting to show she added a few ounces.
  13. Why are all these new threads being opened by new posters coming in? All they need to do is post in their least favorite HG or just the general discussion thread. Am I being too picky? Sorry.
  14. No you didn't miss much. Nothing about Maven, just showing Alex doing scare pranks and it cut off with Derrick saying he was hosting HOH. All around dud show.
  15. Spot on. See that coming a mile away. Oh and Jason deserves to go first just for saying he'd be honored to lose to Paul. GAG GAG GAG
  16. ITA. For him it was a means to win some money to better his situation. He was bashed for "leaving" his child for a whole summer to come and play this game. It wasn't a game to him. I absolutely believed he would use whatever money he made and go visit his daughter after this clusterfuck. Pardon my french! I hope he wins AFP and gets that $25K or whatever. Too bad I can't vote for him.
  17. WHAT was the point of tonight's special broadcast? I first expected it to be a special eviction to goad these idiots into action but no such luck. Then I heard it was Derrick coming for a visit. I would have wanted him to have one on ones with them to tell them how incredibly stupid and ignorant they are about their game or at least a Q&A with him giving hints about what they are doing wrong. But NO we get to re-live all the nonsense and yelling and bullying and what's been discussed and rehashed ad nauseum from the beginning that we are all trying to forget, especially Josh's circus acts!! OMG if CBS is hoping for a rise in ratings this one probably dropped them a few more notches.
  18. I might have done the same thing. I wouldn't have wanted to have fake hugs and kisses and "I love you" coming from this bunch.
  19. My thoughts exactly. On the other hand at one time I would have thought Alex might have been a bit more receptive and discrete about it and asked Jason to keep it to himself but the last eviction has shown how she likes to "wash" her hands. I think Mark might be up "S" creek without a paddle unless he wins HOH and gets some sheep on board.
  20. Umm I think you're in the wrong thread? Lol this is the Kevin thread and he's not a Baby Huey.
  21. Maybe... But I'd be willing to bet their $500K that if Alex had sat Paul next to Elena and Matt they STILL would not have voted him out. They're missing several brain cells it seems, especially the ones sending signals to the backbone.
  22. Yep, isn't that one of Pontius Pilate's statements during or after Jesus' trial? I was surprised when she said that.
  23. She has and Cody will have to watch her eat her ice cream now. I'm happy I won't have to.
  24. Carmen you're welcome. He wasn't a bad looking dude.



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