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Everything posted by HeleneL

  1. Well another episode of cringe-worthy asinine behavior from Raven on last night's BBAD. Good thing they don't have sharp knives in there since she is so prone to throwing stuff around. Somebody could get seriously hurt. Another thing I noticed is I don't think she's discovered that water proof mascara was invented decades ago or she prefers to use this stuff coz she thinks it makes her look more pitiful.
  2. Yes they do about 2, 3 months after the tapings but before they reveal the newly engaged couple. It's called the Women/Men Tell All and they also have After the Final Rose with the new couple IF they're still together. Quit watching that about 3 seasons ago. But I'm still watching BB and always hoping that something is bound to happen. Hard to believe that out of all of them not even one wakes up long enough to realize what's happening and the ones who did are gone.
  3. I so wish they would have them all back 3 months following the final and after they watched their season to see how incredibly ignorant they were.
  4. From your mouth to my ears lol. Matt is definitely not the sharpest pencil in the box. But Paul is a parasite. He works 3 rooms every night and insinuates himself in their perceived plan to the end and they (the couples) think they are all working exclusively with him! He tells them just enough about the other's plans or thoughts to make them trust him even more. They've all said at one time or another how much they trust Paul. Oh to be a fly on the wall when they playback their season. Probably be a lot of no-shows at his blow out Hallowe'en party again this year. It's difficult to believe they are that stupid.
  5. Watching the show tonight was surreal. Coupled with the diary sessions and the comments it was unbelievable how completely intertwined Paul is with these three final couples. He's almost guaranteed an F3 with one of them when Kevin is gone. And I agree that his next target is definitely Jason. Too bad Jason is not savvy enough to realize this and how he and Alex are being played. Although I think Alex is being a little cagey with Jason because she thinks she's in cahoots with Paul for the final. Incredible that they all think Paul is the all-time guru of BB.
  6. I know he won't go after Alex but too soon for Paul and Xmas? When will it be the right time? Soon it will be too late. Who's left? Are the HOH's noms going to be wasted to send Kevin, Josh and Matt home all of whom are non-threatening? Next will be Jason so here we are left with the PAX trio as F3 and Paul doesn't want Alex in F3 he wants Xmas and Josh so he can beat them in final comps. He'll probably want to sit next to Josh in F2 thinking that HGs will remember he did almost SFA the whole time in there except cause chaos and antagonize as often as he could the first 60 days in there.
  7. They didn't because they weren't thinking with the head sitting between their shoulders?
  8. You're kidding right? Josh went off like a keg of dynamite on Matt and Cody for the least little thing. Yet he lets Paul treat him worse than a dog. He curses at him constantly, tells him to F out of a room when he's colluding with Alex or Xmas and then uses him or plans to use him for all the dirty work. Paul has been stomping all over Josh since the beginning and laughing at him behind his back and Josh lets it happen. That's why he hoping to get the next HOH thrown to Josh so he can control another week of dirty work without getting blood on his hands. I haven't liked Josh since the beginning of this season with his circus act and still don't seeing what a wimp he is around Paul.
  9. Yeah still on the fence for him too. Waiting to see what he does with the veto. If he's really smart and calculating he'll use it and backdoor one of the conniving trio (PAX). I hope he doesn't use it just to put up Kevin; that would be a total waste. Otherwise he should leave well enough alone and I hope Raven goes before Matt.
  10. Well being in Canada I can't vote for that one but I wouldn't mind seeing Cody or Mark get the vote (just as a sympathy vote). I definitely don't want to see Paul, Alex, Josh, Xmas, Matt, Raven get it. Kevin well I'm still on the fence for him. I don't think I'd vote for Jessica or Elena on this one.
  11. I watch Netflix from time to time but Canada can't get CBS Access. But I can also get a lot of U.S. shows bought and broadcast by Canadian networks just by login in with my satellite TV creds. No additional cost.
  12. Yeah these people have it smooth. One year on BBCan the HGs came in to an empty house, not a stick of furniture and they slept on the floor that night. They had to earn everything back. In BBCan there are no perks. No pool table no toys to play with at all. They invented stuff to do with empty soda cans and laundry baskets. Or they used pots and pans as targets with balls made out of aluminum foil and assigned points to the pots depending on the size and how far they were. And the prize is half of what BBUS is giving out.
  13. Didn't Julie say there's no BBOT this year? Can't be too many people who want to pay to watch BB online. Bad enough you guys have to pay for live feeds. Feeds are free here and I sure wouldn't pay to watch BB especially if they're like this season's twits.
  14. Jason won HOH. Wonder if that will change the dynamics in this house. Probably not. He'll put up Raven and Matt. Doubt very much he'd consider a back door for Paul.
  15. OMG yes I did see that quite a while ago. I'd totally forgotten about it. I see it's on again in a couple of weeks and I'll take another look at it.
  16. Well then I'd be terrified to meet the quack doctor who actually inserted that pacemaker in her stomach. How do you convince someone to do that?
  17. Thanks for the info. I guess 4 out of 18 isn't a total failure. He just might score a few more this year unless they watch their season at home and see how well they've been duped.
  18. Well at this point I'm kind of looking forward to BB CAN coming in March where the twists are real and have real consequences and punishments on the HGs. No one gets a free pass. And while I know this is wishing months out of my life away (scary at my age) it's still wishing a lot of winter and shovelling snow away too lol.
  19. No matter what she does she is constantly checking that the camera is on her and she even talks to them. She also is consciously checking if other HGs are watching her moves. How vain can you be?
  20. I recall last year Paul inviting all the HG for his over the top Hallowe'en party. But if I'm not mistaken there was a rumor that no one showed or no one really wanted to have anything to do with him after BB. Anybody have details on this?
  21. I like Zingbot. His zings are quite accurate and sometimes outright nasty. You're right though about the over-the-top reactions. However these HGs have been having those throughout the season. The forced laughs are the worst. And now being locked in that loony bin for more than 2 months they are bound to have crazed reactions. Raven's was the worst tonight. It's time to see her go.
  22. Yep, what a joke! Too bad Zingbot couldn't let slip a few more zings about the way Paul is playing the game and using these numbskulls. At one time when Paul was dispensing his wisdom on the "Dr. Paul show" and telling them they should never ever go read the commentaries in chat rooms or other media about themselves when they get out or if they do they shouldn't react. Well of course they will all go see what was said about them and how I would love if there was a way to see their reaction when they all think they might be AFP when they've been labelled ADP - America's Dumbest Players.



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