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Everything posted by HeleneL

  1. ROFL Come on guys lighten up. BB Koolaid is leaching into this chat board. No need to get our feathers all rustled up over the leftovers in this house. I have to admit I especially lol over the menses and Mensa comment
  2. They're not and never will. They believe they're the most awesome group ever. Wish I could see their reaction when they read what people thought of them. I don't want any of the leftovers to win either but the least offensive to me would be Kevin for tolerating this house of horrors all season; I know it's a travesty and would be akin to Victoria winning over Derrick. However, there isn't one Derrick in this house. And maybe Alex because she came into the house to win but her sucking up to Paul now is turning me off. In any case, I'm glad there's only two weeks left and will look forward to BBCAN in March.
  3. Last few minutes of BBAD, Xmas in the shower and Josh back from DR and Paul started his grooming of him now. Same scenario, boohoo, woe is me, no one's gonna vote for me to win coz I'm a vet; everybody in the jury house hates me; but I made everything happen up to now, kept my promises and yadda yadda yadda. Hope somebody wakes up soon please...
  4. I can't either. He wants Josh to target Kevin's ego to mess him up before the Veto. Like his weight and his age. Rest of BBAD is devoted to a Paul bragfest to Xmas. I wonder if she realizes that Paul is outlining his whole gameplay this season and grooming her to defend his actions to the other HGs when he kicks her to Jury house. If she's as smart as she thinks she is maybe she'll take advantage of all this info. But I doubt it .....
  5. They will likely wait till Sunday after it hits and if there are casualties directly affecting his family they may let him know. I never heard of them letting HGs know anything about the outside except deaths in the family for Derrick and Franke.
  6. BTW there is a camera in the one downstairs. It's in the ceiling. Saw it when 2 HGs were in there whispering. I questioned its existence and a poster said it was there for emergency purposes.
  7. That's what I said lol. 2 showers and 1 toilet downstairs. The other in HOH they need permission to use. Paul was using the one downstairs when Alex was trying to get in the HOH room.
  8. Where? They have two showers and the one downstairs and one in the HOH room. Haven't seen any others. They need permission to use the HOH bathroom.
  9. No they are offering refunds lol. Target was $200K but they'd only gotten a little over $4K so far.
  10. That's true too although he did lock his HOH room door last night. I guess he wanted some time alone from these bozos. It took some time for Alex to rouse him coz she wanted to use the toilet. I can't believe they have 1 toilet for 18 people.
  11. I doubt very much Alex wants to throw the comp to Paul while she's sitting on the block. If she does then I have no words to describe the stupidity.
  12. Josh doesn't think that way. Those are Paul's nominations and he didn't think any further than that. If Alex wins veto he might put Paul up but then Kevin will be voted out for sure by Alex and Xmas. So Kevin has to win veto and hope for a tie if there's any chance to send Paul to Jury. Remains to be seen if he has the balls to do it.
  13. I wonder if Alex feels just as confident about being safe on the block now as she was last time. She did seem stunned with the Jason blindside so might be feeling the heat now.
  14. ITA. I'm surprised we didn't hear some of them ask if they could go for a crap. Maybe the LF updaters did. I would think the psych eval. would concentrate more on their tolerance level for isolation, living in close quarters and sharing beds with strangers, lockdowns, not being outdoors or seeing sunlight for 2-3 days and of course the have not slop they have to eat. I doubt they cared whether they had leaders or followers in there because they were sure Paul would take the reigns.
  15. She's already being called out by those sufferers in absentia. Both hers and mama's FB pages are down and GoFundMe is no longer accepting donations and offering refunds. Repercussions are already piling up and she's not even home yet.
  16. Jason was livid, stone-faced deer in the headlights look when Xmas told him he was out. I'm surprised he didn't walk on the table but was glad that he didn't go for the fake hugs and I luv yous. I doubt he will decompress anytime soon because he's being followed by Raven and once in the Jury house the anger will be fueled when Matt gets in on the action and they compare notes with Mark. Icing on the cake is if Alex lands in there on Wednesday and then Kevin or Josh on Thursday.
  17. I was surprised when he told Julie that Paul could "pitch" his bracelets. I might have been a little cruder. In LFU I read that Paul went to see Kevin and asked him for his bracelet coz he wanted to send it Raven. He was worried that she had left without a bracelet.
  18. I didn't get BBAD last night. Network didn't broadcast it. But reading the LFU I saw that Xmas again was berating Josh and told him he had to throw the HOH to Paul. Obviously he didn't but I sure hope he thinks long and hard about how he's going to use it. I wish he'd lock out Paul and Xmas from his room for a few days so he has a chance to think logically without these two constantly in his ear.
  19. Maybe people keep coming back because they are mesmerized by the stupidity and actions of these numbskulls. Then word of mouth spreads and more people tune in because a lot of them are just as attracted to idiocy as they are to a traffic accident or a homicide scene. They feel the need to check it out. So ratings are up not because it's a great season but rather the worst season ever.



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